Ups And Downs For The Day #4

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Down: I was devastated by someone I deeply care for. When you believe so much in someone, and you need them to be there for you, and then they just walk away -- that hurts.

Up: I have a crush? Maybe?
Up: Im feeling much better!
Up: I was with my family tonight.
Up: I watched sesame street today ( i havent watched it in a while...i'm usuaally in class) :)

Down: I think my poor little doggy (actually my parents but i love her to death) might be sick...i hope shes ok.
Down: I've been feeling like !@#$ the past few days and I still do not feel that great.
Down: Work tomorrow
Down: A lot to do for school.

*hugs Roos* I hope you'll feel better soon. :)

Down: I have to remove all of the soda cans from my desk. *snaps* They were a lot of fun to look at. Kind of like decoration. :p

Up: Long weekend! :D
Hope you'll be better soon, Roos!

Up: I spent the day at my grandparents' place and it was fun.
Down: We're leaving for school camp on Monday and I don't want to go.
Up: Might be getting two gerbils with Allie
Down: Might not be getting them :lol:
Up: Had fun last night
Up: Will probably most likley have fun tonight
Up: My one roommates out and the other ones are sleeping...buwahahah!
Down: The dishwashers really loud so it's hard to hear my music
Up/down: I skipped practice.

up: good hair day.

down: it's freezing

up: new clothes

down: i see icicles outside

down: my ipod died in the car

up: I lost 3 lbs.

down: i have no matching socks.

up: school play tonight

up: party afterwards :)
Up: I got a new roommate. Her name is Adrienne.
Down: My friend Lauren moved out. I miss her!
Up: I might go rent movies.
Down: Adrienne wants a dog. That is only a bad thing because I dont know if Hazel likes dogs.
Up: Hazel moght like dogs :D
down: party cancelled.

up: the play was great.

down: my hair went flat.

down: badmitton girls questioned why i wasn't at practice.
Up: I bought new shoes yesterday
Down: Have a resit for history tomorrow, and have to study all day (probably won't happen anyway)
Down: I was a little slow at work yesterday
Down: My back still hurts
Down: I'm still waiting for someone to send me an email. Maybe when she's at work tomorrow. It will be so good to hear from her.
Up: I have two new books to read
Up: No school tomorrow
down: i'm on grounding because of my F in english and reading.
up: I'm seeing someone new.
down: My best friend and I exchanged "a few choice words"
up: i got really dressed up.
down: i'm definatly getting the flu.
Up: Found a £10 note whilst cleaning my room this afternoon :D
Up: Going to see the Swan Lake ballet tomorrow night :D
Down: Last episode of Waking The Dead starts tonight - then I'll have to wait another year until the next series :eek:
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