Ups And Downs For The Day #4

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Up: Finally cleared the air with my boss
Up: Finally moving into my new offic after 3 weeks of trying
Down: The young people I should have seen tonight just didn't turn up.
Down: Living is taking CSI Maimi off on a Wednesday night
Up: There's still 6 nights of the week to watch CSI
Up: I was worried about going to work today, because my boss is back from vacation and I was so sure he was going to tell me I screwed something up, but he said everything looked great :D *phew*
Up: Umm, I am dressed
Up: I am listening to music
Up: CSI tonight
Down: Umm, CSI's not on for another 10 hours :lol:
Down: It's only 12 and I'm already so bored
Down: I wanted to do something today, but I can't.
Up: I did some work today
Up: Date went alright yesterday
Up: Made a great pasta and chicken salad for lunch :)
Up: NCIS tomorrow
Down: My date talked about how he brought his ex to the same restuarant last light.
Down: My dad has taken sick leave due to the stress of his job and I feel it's partly my fault.
Down: One of my sisters is being a moo for no reason whatsoever
Down: I'm really behind on my work- what was the point of drawing up a schedule for revision if I'm not gonna stick to it? *slaps forehead*
Down: My stomach feels weird...I hope it wasn't cause of the chicken in the salad...
Down: Want to go to the Forensics lecture day in London but it's a school day and I'm not sure if I can get out of school...maybe if I said it was educational? As it is, and I'm interested in a career in that area...
Down: had to go to the dentist today
Up: we ate out afterwards :D
Down: they changed an actor on ER :(
Up: I finished the invitations for my grandmother's 80th b'day party, and now I can go to bed.. finally!!
Up: Fixed my computer that was never actually broken, I'm just stupid :lol:
Up: It's finally evening/night. I waited all day for that
Up: Think I might possibly do something tomorrow
Down: I was actually so bored today, I thought I was going to die.
Down: Agh, I'm being retarted and being jealous, but I don't want to be, I just am
Down: Factory Girl isn't showing at our movie theater.
Down: Fandango hates me.
Up: I got a card and some birthday money from my aunt.
Down: I have to use it to send my sister to camp in Michigan.
Up: At least a new CSI is on tonight.
Up: It's weekend.
Down: A friend of mine is moving to another city, so she won't be going to the same school anymore.
Down: We'll be on school camp next week, so I won't even be able to say goodbye to her when she leaves.
SaraStar said:
Down: A friend of mine is moving to another city, so she won't be going to the same school anymore.
Down: We'll be on school camp next week, so I won't even be able to say goodbye to her when she leaves.

:( been there, it sucks. Hope you get through it okay *hug*
Up: I am in an oddly good mood
Up: I think I'm doing something today
Up: It's so beautiful outisde. Okay, so it's like 0C, but still, it's beautiful
Down: I am cold, but that would be because I am in a tank top
Lizzy_004 said:
SaraStar said:
Down: A friend of mine is moving to another city, so she won't be going to the same school anymore.
Down: We'll be on school camp next week, so I won't even be able to say goodbye to her when she leaves.

:( been there, it sucks. Hope you get through it okay *hug*

Thank you, hun. *hugs back*

Up: I went shopping.
Down: Pretty tired.
Up: It's my brother's birthday today
Down: I miss him
Up: tomorrow is my sister's birthday
Up: It's almost warm out
Down: it would be warmer if it weren't for the darn wind
Down: getting hungry
Up: there may be some cake hidden around here somewhere
Down: I have to find it first
Down: I'm really bored right now
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