Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

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Up: Went shopping with some friends today, it was really fun.

Up: I'm happy for Jayne

Up: SCHOOL TOMORROW! *everyone looks at me like I'm crazy*

Down; I'm really tired.
Thanks, Catherinesmyidol, I feel better now. :)

Tinkerbell said:
Dolphin said:
Up: CSI LA, CSI Miami and CSI NY, today! :D
Whoa CSI LA! Is there a new CSI that I don't know about?! :eek: :lol:
I meant CSI LV... :p :lol:

Down: too hot and the air conditioned wasn't working... :(
Down: my dog scratched me...

Up: the weekend was great. :)
Down: misunderstanding between me and the gf (geez, I freaked out when I thought she was mad at me)

Up: Talked things through :)

Down: home alone.. again.. housemate is sleeping over at her parents' for the night.

Down: I forgot the above and cooked for two people.. and she just didn't show up :rolleyes: now I remember why.

Down: my neighbours have closed the curtains (they never do that :eek:), so now I can't look into their house :(
Up: i am so happy to be here! :D
Up: i have internet again, yeeey!
Down: i was at school today... iuu :p
Up: but i am happy because i am here, back! :lol:
Up: Saw my dad and my little sister today :)

Up: I'm not gonna starve to death! (my dad bought grocerys for me...although I told him not too...)

Down: Didn't catch girlfriend today, I was out all day :(

MAJOR UP: Haha, awe, okay so last night my auntie called me to tell me that she was engaged to her boyfriend! (who is basically my uncle) and the story behind it was hilarous...he picked the wrong hand cause he was so nervous :p. Awe, I think it's so cute and awesome :)
Up: I cannot stop smiling.
Down: I cannot stop coughing. :lol:
Down: Have bronchitis :(
Up: I feel so acomplished
Up: It's almost 3 AM here and my mom isn't telling me to go to bed
Up: woke up at 10 AM!
Down: I wanna sleep late :p
Up: Going to the bakery to get some fresh bread in a minute
Down: I'll have to leave the house and get dressed :p
huge down: i have muscular pain in my legs.. i can't even walk.. :(
Down: i feel so tired..
Up: something what cheers up..CSI tonight..
Up: oh and another thing.. no math lessons tomorrow :p
Up: no 3rd class today :lol:
Down: I'm really tired
Down: I still don't have my teaching books :mad: and it pisses me off
Up: my pupils are willing to lend me their books.. awww, cute!
Up: housemate and her boyfriend will be home tonight.. yay, finally some people around me
Up: 20 hours of teaching each week makes me less tired than I thought :D
Up: I'm awake before noon!
Down: Makes day longer...
Up: Umm...I dunno why, but I just feel happy today!
Down: I should go to student orientation day today...but I don't wanna, it's so much effort and I have better things to do :p
up:im happy for a very strange reason!!!!1
down:im tired becuase i got up at eight :(
up: im not moving for quite a while now
down: ergh i have to find a nerw place to live the other plans kinda fell through.
Down: Can't find the picture of Adam Brody I want and it's making me sad
Up: My mom is bringing me a milkshake on her way home
Down: um... kinda can't swallow, so trying to drink the milkshake should be amusing :lol:
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