Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

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Up: Spain is in the world basketball championship final,yay !!! :D

Down: Our best player is injured and he can't play tomorrow. :(
up: It's my birthday..I'm finally 14 :D
up: I got very nice presents :D
down: I'm cold.. :(
down: waiting for the family and friends to arrive.. :p
Up: i was in cinema, watching movie 'Pulse'...i will never turn on my computer or phone or TV or.. NAAH! movies never get affect on me :p
Up: i have my personal credit card yeey *hi hi* :D
Up: CSI Miami soon
Down: i feel dirty...need shower soon as possible :p
I hope you feel better soon, Dolphin. :)

Up: Read an amazing fanfic last night around 4 AM! :D
Up: watched my favorite TV show (nope, not CSI) :lol:

Down: still sick
Down: My mom is driving me crazy
Dolphin said:
Up: CSI LA, CSI Miami and CSI NY, today! :D
Whoa CSI LA! Is there a new CSI that I don't know about?! :eek: :lol:

Up - It was my last day at work today for a whole week! :D

Down - My shower gel leaked in my draw. Urgh, it took ages to clean up, it just kept foaming. :eek: :lol:
Up: Basically a four day weekend, got off for flooding on Friday and Labor Day on Monday
Down: Ergh, searching for a college since the local community college doesn't have what I need. It's just time-intensive and you have to consider cost and all that. Psh :p
Up: I love my 1D and 1E class.. okay, and my 1B and 1C and 2A and 2C class too..

Down: I so do not like my 3HL class :mad: I'm sure individually they're all nice kids, but not as a group!

Up: I got a text from my girlfriend saying she's in love with me :D
JayneEmilysRealm said:
(...) Up: I got a text from my girlfriend saying she's in love with me :D

Hey - that´s good. *I´m sure you 2 ´re a cute couple. ;)

Up: Bought a movie-ticket, "Miami Vice" for tomorrow.
Up: I´m icononing again.
-> Down: Avatars are not Aiden, afraid I could drop her.
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