Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

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Thanks, Dolphin! Happy Birthday! :D

Up: New friend on LJ who is just as Melinda Clarke/Lady H obsessed as I am
Up: She is making me laugh so hard :lol:
Down: Laughing so hard I'm having a coughing fit
Down: It's really hot in my room
Up: Can finally eat my popsicles :D :lol:
Up: our class got 2. place in sport competition! uuraay!
Up: CSI Miami/CSI tonight :p
Down:actually so much nice things happened today, but i feel sad,despair... *sigh* :(
down: my plans are failed.. :mad: *bangs head on table*
Catherinesmyidol, yes, that's Maura. :)

Up: Almost weekend
Down: My MOUTH HURTS! Stitches aren´t that tight..
Up: I'll have my fav food for dinner.
UP: It's my birthday!
UP: I'm going to buy a pair of yellow converse shoes!
DOWN: school has started up this Monday.
DOWN: I need to cover my books I just gotten.
Happy birthday, WillowsWannaBe!

Down: It was the first day of school.
Down: I have homework on the first day of school.
Up: I got to see all of my friends that I hadn't seen over the summer.
Happy Birthday Dolphin and WillowsWannaBe!

Up: Haha, school was better today.
Down: My professor's very mood swingy...haha.
Up: Didn't get called a fag as many times today!
Down: I do not understand this assignment...haha, oh well, I'll figure it out :p
Happy birthday, WillowsWannaBe!

Up: Grandma brought me a frozen coke
Down: Dad is trying to make me go to the ER
Down: Slept for an hour last night
Up: Got The Family Stone to watch!
Up: A random but sexy guy walking on the street sang, "Sexy lady, sexy lady" to me in a falsetto voice :lol:.
Up: I'm finally finished my first week of school.
Up: I found some sweet Office icons over on lj.

Down: The Office isn't on today :(.
Up: I have many plans for the weekend :)
Down: I really don't wanna go to school tomorrow...blah...
Up: I pretty much got a job today! They just have to call my previous boss and see if I did anything bad...but I didn' muwahhahaah!
Hope you feel better soon, Roos!

Thanks, Lev!

Up: feeling great!

Down: I think I used to much parfum... :rolleyes:
Up: wuuhu it is Friday! :D
Up: maybe i will be alone at home and! :lol:.. ok party with two people :lol:
Up: i feel great today, finally i am on wave..smooth LOL :lol:
down: if my parents will stay at home,that is going to be huge down :p
Up: It's Friday! Whoo! And, I think my brother's going to go and pick up my car today! SQUEE!

Down: I have to finish my report and hopefully do those stupid Octogon's today! Grr.
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