Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

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Up: Friday. :)

Down: My face is swollen and I'm in pain. Thanks for your wishes btw, Dolphin, I will need 'em!
Up: girl evening! :lol:
Up: i moved around today LOL! :D
Down: i was in macdonald..bad month habit :rolleyes:
down: i have dirty hair, but i am too lazy to wash them :p
Up: Weekend!
Up: Umm, I'm happy today!
Down: People know...and I don't even know how :lol: okay, what I'm saying is that people know I'm gay at school and I do not know how they know! Because I don't even know these people!
Up: I will ignore them then they will shut up!
Down: I'm really bad at ignoring things
UP: it's Friday and I still have money :D
DOWN: I have a pounding headache that won't go away and it's been several days already.. :(
meshellb2001 said:
DOWN: I have a pounding headache that won't go away and it's been several days already.

If you want to try something powerful for the headache, try what I use. I take the max that you can safely take of both ibprofin and acedameniphin. I know for me that's 800mg of ibprofin and 1000mg of acedameniphin. I'm sorry about the spelling, and check the proper amounts for yourself but that's what works for me to get rid of headaches.

Down: I started school today.

Up: It seems like it's going to be a pretty good year. The classes are sounding more interesting, and more challenging.
I hope you feel better soon, Jayne!

Up: Cannot sleep :D
Up: Am working on a long and well thought out fanfic
Down: Cannot swallow at all, that's how swollen my glands are! :eek:
Up: Saw a gorgeous picture of my fave actress earlier and it made my day
Up: Last night's Hannah Montana episode was hilarious!
Thanks Jenna :) *sneezes* here, let me wipe that off your neck :rolleyes:

Up: weather is great!
Down: I'm a tad confused sometimes :confused: but I'll be alright.
Down: Fridge is not working
*laughs* Yeah, thanks for that, Jayne. :lol: I'm just kidding with you, that was hilarious!

Down: I'm very shocked to know how many 98 Degrees and Nsync songs I still know the words too! :(
Up: Watching my favorite movie right now.
Up: Yesterday I was by my was great!! :lol:
Down: I have cought and snivel!...I can't breat!!! :mad:
Up: It's Saturday..NO School!!
Up: holidays, i can get some sleep...
Down: but NO! friend thought she could hide at my house from her parents at 9:00am! :mad: reason? she didn't wanna help in garden.. :rolleyes:
down: here is so cold...i think i have icicle under my nose.. :p
*hugs Lev*

Hope you feel better, Jayne! ;)

Up: I'm going out with my friends, some of them I haven't seen in a while... :)

Down: I've to clean the house.
needmorecsi said:
meshellb2001 said:
DOWN: I have a pounding headache that won't go away and it's been several days already.

If you want to try something powerful for the headache, try what I use. I take the max that you can safely take of both ibprofin and acedameniphin. I know for me that's 800mg of ibprofin and 1000mg of acedameniphin. I'm sorry about the spelling, and check the proper amounts for yourself but that's what works for me to get rid of headaches.

I normally take 4 or 6 ibuprofen and chug a mountain dew, but that doesn't seem to be working this time..I also have a high tolerance for pain medications, because I take it for my hands, {carpel tunnel in both hands], thinkin of calling the doc and saying I need some serious pain meds for my headache!!!!! :) but I don't want to look like a pain pill junkie... :lol:
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