Trivia game

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Grissom: You know where I'm from. And I know who you are.

BTW, it was Big Bodacious Babes, not Bid (...)! lol!!!:)
I still haven't looked through the thread so this could also be a repeat. If so, be the one to show me to the original post and it'll be your turn. lol

Doc Robbins sometimes rocks out in the morgue. Who does he rock out to. You need to state the name of the person, not just their day job. You didn't think I'd make it that insanely easy did you? :lol:
Oops, I probably could have explained the question better. *blush* He listens to music and dances around. That's kinda what rocks out means. lol

Sorry GGgirl1, but I need the name, I gotta make this somewhat difficult. lol
brownie!!!! erm, sorry, got a little excited there. your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to tell me the lot number of the poisoned innoko water. this trivia question will self destruct in 10 seconds.
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