Trivia game

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you pointing at me? i know about alona tal cause im israeli. my friend grew up watching her show called the pajamas. :p
if shiriyu or laetri dont ask a Q by tomorrow, ill offer a turn to whoever :)
Re: Trivia game

I can't think of anything clever at the moment. If someone wants my turn go for it. And if nothing's posted by tomorrow I"ll post something. :)
Re: Trivia game

boy it doesnt take threads long to fall off the first page anymore! anyhoo, if no one minds i have an easy question to help get everyone back on track.

how do you get from the morgue to the bathroom?
Re: Trivia game

Your avatar is cute - jusw saw PoTC 2 last night.

OK so them is it down the hall and to the right?
Re: Trivia game

right is correct
saw pirates 2 on friday, then watched the first one for fun last night so i couldnt resist johnny :D
your turn!
Re: Trivia game

Yeah Johnny is hot, had a crush on him back in his '21Jumpstreet' days.

3 part question: According to Greg what are the symptoms of Ricin poisoning,how long does it take for the symptoms to show, and how much longer to kill you?
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