I know it makes no sense seen as they've just moved to beeb one but it just seemed they were possibly sorting loose ends-they've killed off 3/4 of the original cast :wtf:, Gwen's got a happy ending and Jack's back to running away and roaming the galaxy. I seriously don't know how they can bring it back for a new series they've pretty much killed Jack's character now. I mean his own grandson?!?i applaud the daring writing but it was just a step too far imo.
I'm in the camp of people who probably won't watch the show without Ianto
Same here he was/is my fave character and there was so much that could've been done with him alone and with his relationship with Jack. I loved meeting his family and esp the part when he told his sister he was dating Jack. I was interested by the glimpses about his father too. I could handle Owen and Tosh dying even though i loved them too but don't think i can forgive killing Ianto, he was for me the heart of the show

R.I.P i've never been this upset by a fictional charcters death before lol
Jack/Ianto was one of the best parts of the show. I'm not usually a slasher mainly because it's either not going to happen in the show ever or is done poorly but they were different. It wasn't about whether they were gay or not or that they were two hot guys they just had a beautiful relationship and great chemistry that went beyond orientation. They loved and accepted each other for who they were *sniff*
I do not want Ianto to be resurected either. That would cheapen his death and send the series into fanfiction territory. I like reading fluffy fics where Jack and Ianto are forever together, but for it to happen on the show would really make no sense, and would make for very bad TV, IMO. Jack would lose his tragic hero status and Ianto would lose his naivete and humanity
I'd hoped tonight they would explain it away somehow or it could be reversed but the window of opportunity for that is gone now imo and it would be just bad writing, fanfic like you say and the whole storyline would've been for nothing. Same with his grandson.
To me Gwen and Jack have always been the two least interesting characters on the show
Love Jack/JB and the darkness of his character. I'm always a sucker for a tortured hero lol, especially one that outlives everyone he loves and has to carry on travelling alone ala Doc and Jack. I find Jack's character fascinating but i don't know if he can be salvaged now. He's always made the tough decisions but allowing them to kill his grandson was just shocking for me. Some would say heroic and that it needed to be done but....just no. Would be interesting to see how they try and bring him back from despair i guess. It annoyed me that he ran off again at the end though. I'm with you on Gwen, boring character imo. These five eps were the first time i think i've ever liked her. She was good with the kids and Clem and i love her relationship with Rhys. If they try going down the Gwack route again though i would defnately not watch. I think they were hinting it throughout the whole arc even though she was pregnant and it was just meh.