"Time of Your Death" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

ilovegrissom1 said:
Okay......WHAT is going on between those two that they are not telling us? Dude, this caught me totally off guard, they started doing these looks out of nowhere, and now they aren't going to tell us what's going on? GAAAAAAAAAAAH

Oh, my god!!! They just left us with the looks. That is not cool.
God I'm stuck between GSR and Sandles...
Did Greg walk out with Catherine? And where was Warrick?
nibbler77 said:
well, the first half was boring...and the rest of it just made me angry...all those sappy looks sara and grissom kept giving each other

puke puke puke....those two have NO CHEMISTRY!!!!!!!

gah...what a terrible ep

Well, I always think Gris *sizzles* in his own understated way. ;)

But I agree with your irritation over the exchanged looks. Mostly because Sara was instigating several of them. That bothered me because Grissom has spent much of his six years either shooting down her advances or playing the parent/mentor to her child/student. Its like she hadn't really grown away from her crush. I call it that because her interest went unrequited and was sort of damaging to her own sense of self.

If Sara and Grissom were to actually become involved, I would've have wanted Sara to have had distanced herself from her old feelings a bit more. Make Gris actually work for it, and declare something.

A moment like what we saw in TOYD should have happened a season or two ago. Right now, I feel that Sara has been given the brush-off too many times to simply re-enter this light stage of flirting.

Hmm, I registered just to respond to this.
Grissom initiated most of those glances, With Caprice and at the end. I'm tired of everyone thinking Grissom is shooting her down. Clearly CSI is trying to send a different message.
I'm tempted to agree with the comment about "jumping the shark". The ep was great...right up to *that* ending. Grissom looked hot, the case was really interesting and involving. Plus the Gil/Greg and the Hodges scenes were fantastic! But not only did the ending pull me right out of the episode but it made me feel like throwing up. Ugh. How utterly dissapointing to have such a strong ep end on such a sour note.
Okay...PHEW! I am SO GLAD that I am not the only person who found those looks annoying. I suppose it has a little to do with not being a shipper, but--I mean those looks were stretching it. I can understand a look once every once in a while, but I mean--they were talking about fantasies--ok--writers--you can pretty much sum up what you're thinking with one shot--one of them looking at the other a bit longer than is necessary, ONLY ONCE! That way you express the point without overdoing it!

I didn't see the beginning, but yeah, I guess I would be ticked too when endings go like that...and it doesn't help me with my forensics final tomorrow, and neither does this, so I'm going to go :p
adeliades said:Clearly CSI is trying to send a different message.

Yeah - that they are now totally creatively bankrupt. Welcome to the new Days of Our CSIs.
Bye Bye CSI
It was good for a while,a few years ago, but this whole season has been a drag and now this travesty. Plus they're going to give us Warrick's marital disaster so he can hook-up with Cath after her daugther suffers a catastrophe. Who's next with a pathetic love-lorn story?
Bye Bye CSI
margburger said:
adeliades said:Clearly CSI is trying to send a different message.

Yeah - that they are now totally creatively bankrupt. Welcome to the new Days of Our CSIs.
Bye Bye CSI
It was good for a while,a few years ago, but this whole season has been a drag and now this travesty. Plus they're going to give us Warrick's marital disaster so he can hook-up with Cath after her daugther suffers a catastrophe. Who's next with a pathetic love-lorn story?
Bye Bye CSI

I know god forbid they let there characters do a little acting instead of showing science no real lab can afford.
I love CSI for all the reasons its a good show... but I don't feel sorry for the victims anymore and in order to be interesting they have to be totally bizarre so I'd rather wtahc the characters I've grown to love over The last six years.
beautiful_loser said:
Okay...PHEW! I am SO GLAD that I am not the only person who found those looks annoying. I suppose it has a little to do with not being a shipper, but--I mean those looks were stretching it. I can understand a look once every once in a while, but I mean--they were talking about fantasies--ok--writers--you can pretty much sum up what you're thinking with one shot--one of them looking at the other a bit longer than is necessary, ONLY ONCE! That way you express the point without overdoing it!

I didn't see the beginning, but yeah, I guess I would be ticked too when endings go like that...and it doesn't help me with my forensics final tomorrow, and neither does this, so I'm going to go :p

those looks were forced and over done...along with the lines that went with them...yuck, i don't think i can watch anymore of this....

they just ruined csi :mad:
i think they know a lot of people want to see grissom and sara finally get together (im not one, im just saying) so the writers are trying to do it without being over the top and have failed. either address the issue or leave it alone, thats the way i feel.
i dont mind the lack of mushyness, id probably prefer it. the episode was good in my eyes but the ending was so terribly weak it ruined it. i was pleasantly surprised because i was expecting nick to be mia after all his screentime last week. he was adorable as usual :D
Wow alot of people threatening to stop watching, All shows have their ups and downs in eps and seasons, bound to happen, regardless if your a shipper or not.

Granted I would love to see the show go back to being about the victims, and the science of solving the crime, with the occassional personal lives.

This wasn't the best of the eps, and I think some of it IMO is in part due to the season 5 finale, the show was so busy trying to top that, not to mention Williams, yet again announcement, that they lost track of the show itself.

Hopefully season 7 brings the show back around to the reason its called Crime Scene Investigation the victims, and the Lab/Science and Investigation.
This may seriously be the greatest day of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love GSR!!!!!!! Finally. We're getting somewhere. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought there were some great one liners, but the case itself fell short, it didn't hold my attention much. Certainly not worthy of the 3rd-to-last eppy of the season. Nice to see Judd Nelson again, though. I really like him.

Super Dave cracked me up with his clean underwear comment, and then, "Why am I the guy who always has to sniff the shorts?" LOL

Cath: "Party in a pill." Doc: "Where was that on my wedding night?"

"Stop trying to make that sound dirty." Cath to Hodges.

"Heidi, Heidi, Ho!" Geez, I adore Brass! Definitely my fave CSI guy!

Greg talking about his fave old movies and asking Grissom what he watched. Griss: "I'm not telling. And stay away from my tinfoil." LOL

Sara's comment about fast cars being a metaphor for penis extensions, and Greg asking, "You want me to lie?"

Poor Archie, his butt fell asleep!

Was Nicky *gasp* flirting a bit with the beautiful boutique woman? Or was it my imagination?

The much touted Caprice scene was a big nothing, to me. Looked to me like Sara was the main one reacting during that whole thing, hence the major close-up of her. It was the scene later when they all were gathered together that the squick-inducing (for me) looks were exchanged. Was that supposed to be subtle, LOL? I agree with some of the above comments, methinks the sharks are circling... However, the most telling comment of all might just be Grissom's, when he said "Don't confuse fantasy with reality." How true, and Sara definitely reacted to it. It's one thing for two co-workers to have fantasies about eachother, I'm sure both Griss and Sara have enjoyed fantasies about other co-workers, too. But that's not necessarily going to be the reality, or at least the long-term reality, and in some cases, nor should it be.

I know that fans of this pairing insist that it will work on the show if it's done with a light subtle touch, but I didn't see any of that tonight. It was the major focus from the moment Sara and Grissom entered Caprice's little shindig, and the crime definitely took a back seat, at least that's what my friends and I felt while watching it. Every time a double entendre was said, it was "close up on Sara's face to catch her reaction...close up on Grissom to catch him tilt his head knowingly..." Major Ick Factor, for my friends and I. Sorry, I honestly don't mean to offend those who enjoyed it, but I was disappointed with the rather heavy handed way the writers and actors handled it. It all seemed forced to me, and that's strange, considering the high acting caliber of both Petersen and Fox.

Overall slowish case to me, but again, some great one-liners. And it was great to see Super Dave, Archie and Sofia, too. And of course, more Brass than we've had for awhile.
If Sara and Grissom were to actually become involved, I would've have wanted Sara to have had distanced herself from her old feelings a bit more. Make Gris actually work for it, and declare something.

A moment like what we saw in TOYD should have happened a season or two ago. Right now, I feel that Sara has been given the brush-off too many times to simply re-enter this light stage of flirting.

I am glad I am not the only one that feels this way. I don't know in my opinion too much time has passed. I wouldn't of had a problem with a grissom sara thing previous seasons, but now it would just seem pathetic, sad or unhealthy on Sara's part. (sorry gsr fans, just my opinion, sorry if it offends anyone.)
I have to agree with the other who are not GSR fan, Sara and Grissom have no chemistry whatsoever. Attraction, yes. Chemisty, no. I like it but it not the best. Least I see Nick on the show but little bit of Warrick. Grissom and Sara are done and over. The writer should let GSR go. They are done. Grissom has more chemistry with Catherine then he does with Sara.