Through The Looking Glass

Thanks for letting me know Heather. And I would have typed up more that I had, but I have to change a few things in Gil and Sara's case ;)


The little girl gazed quizzically, and then her expression deepened, as her mouth formed an almost perfect ‘o’ shape, and her finger traced along the flowers of her comforter. “Oh” her face fell as she concentrated on the texture she was touching, then her face lit up. “Live a adventure?” She asked as Catherine helped her sit up more on the bed, and helped her put on her pants.

“Yes, an adventure” She focused back on buttoning up her pant button. ‘If you count that as going to see the grandfather you never see.’ Catherine shrugged the thought off, and ran her finger along a stray piece of her blonde hair, and brought it back behind her ear. “Now find your shoes please”

Lindsay sighed and took her mother’s answer in stride, as she got off the bed. She walked to the closed closet door and pulled the knob, opening the door quietly as she fumbled through the darkened closet, and pulled out her favorite tennis shoes.

“Here” Lindsey walked back over to her mother who was again pulling out more things out of the drawer. This time she was pulling out underwear and socks from both top drawers. She held out her shoes, turned back around and sat back down on the bed.


Both Gil and Sara were silent as they drove to the address they were given. Their eyes took turns gazing at one another, as they both drew out their feelings in silence. Each had their mind on something different which intensified both of their thoughts.

When they got to the scene, he immediately opened his door, and she opened hers. They both got out, and she opened her mouth, speaking only his name. He gazed at her, but they were only interrupted by Brass’ voice.

“Gil, Sara. Not a good day for the Fischer’s ” He explained as they both shut their doors, and exchanged looks as they followed him closer to a nice looking white brick house. “The mother’s sister who lives with them called it in” He called back to them as they walked up the stairs. “She discovered her sister strangled on the bed, her brother-in law bleeding on the floor, her niece in the bathroom tub, and her nephew is nowhere to be found that she could see.”
Hey Thanks guys :)


As they stood there for a moment, Sara gazed around the scene. There was of course the occasional yellow ‘Do Not Cross’ tap, that marked boundary for the crime scene. Police officers guarded around the tape, as concerned onlookers gazed at anything that gave them comfort.

And Brass started walking again, as Gil followed right beside him, while Sara accompanied them, walking a slower pace than both of them, as they walked from the asphalt, to the sidewalk. “The sister is still in the house” He informed them, as they walked up the five stairs that led up to the patio.

When they walked up, they saw an empty flowered covered swing that swung slightly from the gentle breeze that fell through the growing heat.

While an old worn black mat laid in front of the now open door of the house, a few pair of shoes were shoveled to the side. One pair looked like they were neatly placed down, and the other two were slightly tilted, like they had been purposely knocked over.

They walked closer, and Sara furrowed her brow as she noted a big scratch on one of the tilted pairs of shoes. She had an odd feeling that she couldn’t place since, she couldn’t yet determine when the scratch had been placed, or by who.

“No forced entry into the house” Gil commented as they stepped onto the foyer wood floor, as he gazed at the screen door that was now propped open by a rock.

No scratches.

Sara looked over at the door, and nodded in agreement; her eyes upon his, until they fell, as they scanned the bottom area, where the step between the patio and into the house. She looked along the metal, up along the frame that held the door, and found a small, but noticeable red spot.

“Can I help you?” A young lady with red hair, and no younger than twenty-two, inquired of the two detectives, as they stood at her door.

“Yeah, I’m Nick Stokes, and this is Warrick Brown. We’re from the Las Vegas Crime Lab” He introduced as he pulled out his badge, and Warrick quickly did the same. “We were hoping we could ask you a few questions”

She drew in a deep breath, and exhaled. “About the Malone’s right?” She opened her door wider as they both gave a combined ‘yes’ “Come In” Both Nick and Warrick gave an appreciative nod, and stepped in.

From what they could see the house was fairly small, but comfortable. There was white tile on the floor, leading from the front, to the kitchen area. The living room was to the left of them, and sported white carpet, one couch, two blue chairs. Vertically across from the couch, and a piano that sat in the corner wall of the room, underneath a medium sized painting.

She closed the door, and gazed up at them, giving a slight blush. “Please have a seat” She showed them into the living room. “Don’t mind the mess”

Warrick and Nick looked around, and small box full of toys of kind, stuffed in, and now they were practically overflowing. As a bunch of stuffed animals were stacked cozily behind the box, which Warrick spotted what she must have been talking about, soon after they all sat down.

Both of them exchanged looks, as she sat down, across from them in one of the chairs. Nick cleared his throat, and turned his attention back to her. “You have kids?”

She smiled gracefully, and nervously pulled back a hair behind her ear. “Yeah” She gazed up at them with her blue eyes. “God’s gift from heaven” She chuckled quietly. “Never though I would have two, let alone at the same time”

There it was that smile again.

They had all seen Catherine reveal that same graceful smile, many times. Especially when she talked about her own daughter, Lindsey.

Each were like the other.
*Bump* Thanks guys. I'm working on writing some more (Like usual ;))

So I should have some up tommorow, unless I get busy enough that I can't update. So hopefully I can :)
Haven't been on the computer much in the last few days... So I'm happy to say now that I am on here, I have an update for you guys.


‘Packing my bags this morning
Was the hardest thing to do.
But packing my bags was so easy
Compared to standing outside your
Door right now to say goodbye to you’

Her small feet dangled over, as her mother kneeled and gently helped her put them on, even though Lindsey could put them on herself. But after yawning for the third time, Catherine could tell her abrupt awakening was hard to come by.

“Catherine what are you doing?” Eddie’s voice rang out from the frame of the door. His voice was groggy, and confused. She could even perceive the anger rising through his tone, as she stepped in front of Lindsey, and their daughter innocently watched as if this whole thing was a game.

‘Falling Eddie. I’m—‘

“Mom” Catherine lingered in the dream as she felt her shoulder being shaken, and her thoughts were slowly being brought back around to the present time.

She blinked and exhaled, and his face was gone in a flash. His deep blue eyes that she had fallen in love with the day she had met him, faded. The smell of his cologne that wafted through her senses left her as she blinked again and pulled herself even closer to reality.

Because all she had left now were words.


Gil watched intently as Sara poured a drop onto the swab, and instantly it turned a purplish color; a sign that showed them was positive for blood.

“Positive” She confirmed, then snapped the lid shut so the swab was secure, before standing up. She bent her head slightly, as she pulled out a pen, and marked the location on the tube, while he stayed in the same place in the house and looked around, while stealing glances of her, until she met his gaze.

Sara arched her brow and smiled softly, as she twisted the pen with her fingers, then placed it back into her pocket.

It was that same passionate look that left her heart stirring for more.


“My kids always felt safe over there” She pointed dolefully in the direction of The Malone’s house. “Now, well I don’t know” She placed her hands tightly together, and kept them in her lap.

“So your kids did play over there?” Warrick chimed in, still in a daze as he still found himself wondering about the phone call Lindsey had made earlier. The tone in her voice made him wonder if Gil had been able to get through to them. That’s why he had called him to go over there in the first place, when neither Nick or himself were able to make it over there.

Warrick knew in a way Gil was more like a father to her. Like the father she never knew, nor ever had growing up.

“Yeah all the time” The lady broke through his thoughts, as she looked from one to the other, still with great confusion in her face.

And he was wondering the same thing, except this time it was for Catherine.


Just to let you know that the next chapter, 'Beautiful Disaster' is kind of a view of what happens later in the story before it actually happens. :cool:

And hopefully I won't confuse you as I go from the present to the future, and back :lol:

So the first part starts off with the flashback between Sara and Gil, and then it goes over to Catherine when she... well you'll have to read to find out that part... Anyway, when you see this >>> xxxx <<< The flashback stuff is over and it flips back to the future.

Basically why I did the flashback stuff here was because I wanted to show you partly what happened later on, and at the same time, keep you in suspense as I stop at a point (and begin later when when we get there),as we jump back into the present time.
Chapter Three: Beautiful Disaster

The day seemed to come and go without warning, and the sun had long hid itself behind the graying clouds in the Nevada sky. And as they got out of their cars, quite exhausted from a full day; collecting and observing evidence, interviewing possible suspects, while ruling out some of them in order to narrow their search down to an art, this rainy day September day had not gone to waste.

“It’s really pouring now” Sara commented, as Gil walked into the break room, and went straight over the full coffeepot, before opening the cupboard above and grabbed himself a nice mug.

Gil arched his brow and chuckled softly, as he gazed over at her, while her brown eyes stared at the rain drizzling down upon the building’s windows. His eyes went from the curvy patterns as the rain fell briskly out of view, back on to her as he nodded. “We know one thing it’s good for though--” He added, looking from the corner of his eye, and gripped his hand tightly around the handle of the pot, while holding the cup with his other hand.

She took her gaze off of the window and smirked, before she had even established her attention upon him. Her brow arched in interest as her smirk turned into a soft smile, as she now saw one steaming mug of coffee in a navy blue mug sitting directly on top of the white countertop, while he retrieved another mug from the cupboard.

Her gaze seemed to hold him fixated as he carefully pulled out an Indian red, colored mug; in fact such a beautiful color for such a gloomy and well started day. Only to say it really hadn’t started that well, and now well—it was raining, and it had been a long day—a very long day.

So even after uncomprehendingly gazing in her direction, his eyes swimming deep in her chocolate brown eyes, he could see her focus drowning out the rain that drummed rhythmically against the window, as they stared at him, then broke to look at her empty hands that sat in her lap.

He used that brief moment to pour the other cup of coffee, then walked over and handed it to her as she broke away from her sudden gaze upon the wall. She looked up at him with a sudden smile and a thank you, as she took the cup graciously into hand.

“I needed this” She gestured to the cup, then took a sip, and the room became silent again; beside the pitter-patter sound of the rain, and the few people that were still here in the lab, relaying important information to one another.

“Knew you would” He smirked, then went back over the counter and took a sip of his own coffee, casting glances here and there towards her tired frame, and knew very well behind the comfort of the couch; legs drawn in towards her body, hands wrapped around the steaming cup, her eyes again gazing out the rain casted window, definitely told him something was on her mind.


Take me to where you are,
Where the sun and the moon collide
And keep your face in memories,
As the rain pours down my face.

And the cold wind blows,
In an icy stare, as your love
Comes rushing back.
While sorrow draws more
Near to me, in time
I can’t go back.

Without notice to the rain that was now falling long and hard, Catherine stood in a deep stare. Her hand that griped the wood handle of the umbrella was cold, and her legs were unmovable to the wet green grass that she now stood on.

The sky was a dark blue, as thunder rumbled along the atmosphere and a few bursts of lightning flashed after. And just at that moment a bitter wind breezed through her hair as she gazed at the grave place that she had placed herself in an hour ago.

So she stepped up to his grave, as she held a rose in her hand, and took in a deep breath as she scanned the words upon his grave;

Eddie Willows
We Only Part, To Meet Again
