Through The Looking Glass

Alright I usually don't get on the computer on a Sunday, but things happened to work out... Anyway, I just came on to tell you I should be updating early tommorow morning...

Did everybody enjoy the new CSI episode?... crazy, can't wait to see what happens. Hopefully Nick will remember that Catherine was with him, and that now she's MIA.
Did I tell how much I like this one too
nice to include Lindsey :)
Lady Heather's Box is a GREAT episode
keep it up :)

"She loves you, you know"

Catherine exhaled with a sigh, then pressed her lips tightly together, before releasing. "Yeah, I know" She swallowed hard, and stared at anything at the moment that would help her just focus. "Only it feels like we're always a mile apart" She had that longing, sad voice, with a catch that made their eyes connect. Yes, she understood.

"We have a hard job Cat" Sara exhaled, and folded her arms, before leaning up against the side of the doorframe. She couldn't imagine how much it killed Catherine to watch somebody else raise her child, while she sat on the sideline.

"Right" Catherine said palely. The words of the last time they had together as family swarmed throughout her head, as she brushed past her co-worker and into the room. Her heart was racing, and every step she took she felt something wasn't right, but she refused to hinder to it, until the blackness engulfed her.


Quite focused on the crime scene in front of him, Greg snapped one last picture with his camera, and stood up. Soon afterward he shoveled into his shirt pocket, and took out a pen, scribbled something in his notes, looked over the individual that lay in front of him, and tucked the notes underneath his arm before re-pocketing the pen.

"Greg" Warrick greeted as he and Nick walked into the room. What do we have? Silently he pointed to the body. Nick stopped to the side of Warrick, lifted his hand in greeting, searched over the sprawled body with questioning eyes, and then looked back up at Greg.

"Male, I'm guessing he's in his late twenties" Greg started to inform them. "One blank shot to the chest-- Livor temp show's that he's been here for at least a half an hour"

"Who called it in?" Warrick asked, tilting his head to the side in interest. Lack of blood for a gunshot wound. He noted in his head, and his eyes trailed around the room to the blood splattered front door, and floor.
“Anonymous 911 caller” Greg answered quickly, as he looked over the body again.

“Do we have any idea who that anonymous caller is?” Nick chimed in, while pulling out some gloves out of his pocket.

“Already tried that. The 911 operator told us that from the beginning, the person who called wanted to remain anonymous.” Greg stated, as he loosely crossed his arms, in part displeasure.

Warrick took in a deep breath and stepped forward. “Greg, no one happened to move the body before we got here—”

“No. That’s how it was when I got here— although you might want to ask him that—” Greg turned and pointed to an officer that was standing in the corner of the room talking to another officer “He was the first one on the scene”


“Come on Catherine open your eyes” It was Gil’s encouraging voice that she heard, as she lightly stirred. Now her head was definitely protesting again the hard hit she had sustained while her sudden fall.

She felt everything… their movements, whispers, the fear in their voices as they tried to awaken her. But she could do nothing to help, even though she had tried to open her mouth to say something, tried to find some way to move, and found herself helpless as she passed into a deep sleep.

xxxx Beginning of flashback...

“Whenever are you going to realize that you have a daughter Eddie?” She heard herself ask her ex-husband as they stood at the driveway of her house. He was wearing a dark blue dress shirt, jeans, and smelled of perfume. Which was a definite clue that he had been with another one of ‘his girls’

He turned his head towards the house, and gazed up at their five year old daughter. “I had to take care of something” By his expression Catherine was quite sure that he was slightly embarrassed, so he had said it quietly enough that Lindsey could not hear his words, from where she was standing.

“You’re three hours late. You never called. We didn’t think you would even show up.” She added in a warming tone. In no way was she going to let him off the hook, after he took advantage of some woman, just so he could be late to his own daughter’s birthday party.

He exhaled in sharply, glaring at her. “I had something to take care of” He repeated coolly, still not answering the real reason he was late, or why he never called. Although, she had her suspicions.

“Look, I was having a hard time choosing” He said holding up the two presents he held in his hand. “I picked this one up earlier in the week” He added, holding up the bigger present of the two, “But I needed to get one more thing” His words lingered with her, his eyes pleaded with her just to listen, to give him a chance to explain himself.

But she didn’t know if she was ready to.

End of flashback...


Dr. Robbins solemnly assessed the body of their recent victim. He noted where the man had been shot; that it had been a close range. He turned the body to the side and found that there was no exit wound, so the bullet should still definitely be inside.

Hands were clean of any gunpowder residue, most likely ruling out suicide. Defensive wounds were found on fingers of both hands, and a bruise on the left wrist. Fingernails were mostly clean, except for a couple of his fingers on his right hand, which Dr. Robbins had collected some evidence that could be useful.

While a white powdery substance was found on the lower bottom, on the inside of his blue dress shirt, pants, and remained everywhere from his stomach to his upper thighs. Dr. Robbins scraped off some of the powder for a sample before continuing.

He then went back, and detailed the facts of the bullet wound on paper, then dug deep into the wound, until he got a hold of the bullet, and pulled it out.


“Catherine?” Gil said gently, both in relief and in kindness, as she opened her eyes, and scrolled across the features of his face. Come on Catherine, open your eyes. His words safely washed over her, as she glimpsed over the initial shock. She uncurled her body slightly, noting at the same time, the position that she had been in. “Do you know where you are?” Her blue eyes gazed up at him, then looked down at the floor, as she carefully levered herself up into a sitting position, and scrubbed her face tiredly with her hands. “In Las Vegas” She answered dryly, but with a touch of amusement on her face, that made him smile softly.

Catherine shifted her body. Gil watched her, and knew her intentions, so a moment later he extended his hand out to her as she then took it, and he watched cautiously as she stood up, wavering here and there, in chance to steady herself.

He pressed his lips together, and tightly, as he titled his head. “Going on a hunch here, but when’s the last time you ate something?”

She directed her eyes towards him, knowing when, and how sparsely she had eaten during the last few days. Lindsey could attest to that—well since the days that she had been home with her.
Okay don't have a lot of time, so this one of course is going to be short.

“The pattern of blood spatter shows that our victim was facing the door when he was shot” Warrick observed, as he went on snapping some pictures of the door.

“Foot traffic on this floor gives a regular pattern of life” Nick added, tape lifting a few of them for evidence. “I’ve noticed the same prints show up all around the house, and by the door, which is also where we’re introduced to a new set of prints”

Warrick gazed around at the illuminated footprints on the wood floor. “One that doesn’t fit in” He nodded, and got out a swab and took a sample of the blood on the door, then on the floor.

“Right. That and the trace of dirt left behind” Nick arched his brow, and held up a small sample of brown dirt.


Chapter Two: Walk The Line

Catherine remembered as she gazed at nothing particular, and as his words took her back to a particular moment, after a long case. He almost said the same thing.

Beginning of flashback…

“When’s the last time you ate anything?” Gil asked, as he walked towards her. She was leaning against the Tahoe, tired but happy that the case was now over. It seemed like the days had lasted longer than usual.

She took off her sunglasses and gazed up at him. The hot sun beating upon their already worn bodies. “If you count the measly catch and run bagel I had this morning” She suggested, arching her brow and cleaned off both lenses of her sunglasses with her shirt, then replaced them back over her eyes.

Point taken. As much as he could say, he deserved that, and had indeed woken her up at four this morning, after learning of a break in the case. Her sleepy voice that had answered the phone early in the morning, suggested of the pending fatigue of being woken.

He later learned that with the long hours of working, Lindsey had gotten sick and had kept her up until one thirty that morning, which left her with about three hours of sleep to go on for the day. The least he could do now was treat her to a warm meal, and then she could do whatever she wanted. Sleep, perhaps.

“Noted” He put in simply. “Any way you’re going to take me up on the offer, or am I going to have to eat alone?”

She looked through her sunglasses and smiled, while adjusting her standing position. “What were you thinking of?”

End of flashback…

Catherine shook her head of the thought. He was watching her, quite carefully, still waiting for an answer. She took in a deep breath, and exhaled. “Don’t count the measly bagel” She offered, and walked out of the room.

“I found this in the upstairs bedroom drawer, looks like whoever was here, trashed the bedroom really well.” Warrick spoke as he came down the stairs bearing an envelope addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Malone. “It’s a congratulation card, stashed away in what is suppose to be the safety of a drawer” He identified the small card, with a couple ribbons by the words, ‘To share in your joy’

Nick took the card slowly from his hand, and opened it. His was mind reading the words before he read them out loud. “We hope your dreams come true. Mac and Eliza.” He looked up at Warrick with puzzlement. “So Mr. Malone and his wife we’re or are expecting a baby” He asked in a tone that wanted him to confirm which one of the choices it was.

Warrick squinted one eye, to block out the sun that was shooting through the window as he nodded. “Yeah. Looks like they still are”

“Oh?” Nick questioned, looking over the card once more.

“Nothing in the nursery has been touched, or opened.” Warrick pointed out. “There are still clothes in bags from the stores with tags on them, and baby clothes that are hanging neatly up in the closet, also with tags on them.” He readjusted himself, and prepared himself to continue, until Greg stepped in from the other room.

“I don’t get it then.” Obviously he had been listening in to the conversation. “No toys were found anywhere else in the house. An empty bassinet, with a folded blanket is in the living room” Greg confirmed Warrick’s suspicions. “Yeah but it get’s a lot stranger” He answered to their confused looks. “I found a message on the Malone’s answering machine, as I was passing by to process the kitchen and the living room” Nick arched a brow, in response to have him continue. Greg exhaled, then opened up his notepad. “A lady at a number 355-6821 wants a Jenna, who I’m supposing is the wife, to call her in setting up a time for Rhett and her to come over.”

“Wait a minute, I thought we decided the guy’s name is Jack” Nick folded his arms over one another, “So who is Rhett?”

“That’s what it said on the envelope” Warrick answered, and looked back at Greg, who shrugged.

Nick sighed, then turned around and looked around the house. “So the guy is supposedly married, expecting a child” Both Greg and Warrick nodded at his insight. “There was no wedding band on his finger, no pictures around the house of either one of them”

“I found a baby name book on the floor by the dresser, but no woman’s clothing, shoes, or even a jewelry case like many woman have, in the room, or the bathroom” Warrick added, finding it all too funny that things weren’t adding up here.

“So are they even married?” Nick was starting to add up what clues they did have. “Does she even live here?”

Warrick took in a deep breath. “That’s what we need to figure out”
Thanks. Just as long as everything makes sense when it all comes together ;)

Letting Catherine get ahead, he then started to make his way down the stairs, before his phone started to ring, “Grissom” He answered swiftly.

“Gil its Brass. I need you and Sara to head over to this address” He greeted, then gave Gil the address that they should go to, said a few more words, then they both hung up, before Grissom made his way in no rush, back down the stairs and into the kitchen.

He held his closed phone at Sara. “That was Brass. He needs us to head over” He informed her as she stood up.

“Right” She nodded, but he knew she was reluctant to leave. Her hands wrung around the chair, as she turned and left. He watched her leave and turned to Catherine, as he played with his keys that were in his pocket. “Catherine” He exhaled. “I don’t think the measly bagel did it for you” He quoted back, pulling the keys out into his hand. And she knew by the way that he had said it, that he remembered that one day, the offer, and concern that he voiced to her after a long case.

With that he trailed down the hall, and went out the door. She exhaled and pulled out a seat next to her daughter at the table and sat down. She gazed at nothing in particular, but sat herself in the seat, facing towards her daughter, and watched as Lindsey started to draw an outline of her next drawing, on another piece of paper.

Her other drawing, which Catherine could only see half of, was tucked behind the other paper that she was drawing on now. So much detail went into both pictures, as did her heart and soul. And behind that talent, and those blue eyes, was a girl with a broken past.

"Mommy" Lindsey cried as she held her daughter's hand tightly. Her voice was full of fear and confusion as they walked to the front door in part darkness. The little girl was messily dressed in a beautiful light green shirt, jeans and tennis shoes. Her newly brushed hair was pulled back into a quick ponytail, and her shoelaces were still untied and dragged against the tile as she walked.

And she was fearful because she had been woken up, when she was sure that it wasn't time to get up. But as her pink plaid lamp had been turned on, she saw her mother dressed, and Lindsey was quickly instructed for her little four year old body to get up. While she did, her mother turned quickly and opened her drawer up; pulling out what was probably the first thing she had spotted.

Lindsey stood up, and propped herself up enough so that she could see in the drawer, as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, she called out, "No, that one" She pointed to the green shirt, and without thinking Catherine grabbed it, and threw it on to the bed. If anything, Lindsey would choose what she wanted to wear for this 'midnight ride' "Shirt off" She advised her daughter, then turned back to the drawer, where all of her shirts were still neatly folded. Until now.

Catherine grabbed shirt after shirt, unconcerned with if they had unfolded a bit, as she cast one after the other right by her pillow.

Lindsey's reaction to this as it was still moments later was puzzlement and confusion. It only continued as her mother helped her silently with her shirt, and then opened the next drawer.

“Mommy what are we doing?” She had asked and rubbed into her eye with her fist. Catherine stopped what she was doing and eyed Lindsey, who was dressed in the green shirt, and now pink flowered pants. She couldn’t help smile inside, as she arched her brow, and exhaled as her mind came back to her daughter’s question.

Really she didn’t know what they were doing. There was no real plan, besides the fact that she was angry, and figured that enough was enough. She knew Gil knew, and she would take of that later. For now she would focus on the fact that she had given Eddie one last chance. One. Last. Chance. And he blew it.

She leaned towards her daughter, and lovingly stroked her cheek, and gave her a gentle smile. “We’re going for a midnight ride” She answered, hoping desperately in her mind that Lindsey wouldn’t ask what that was, because Catherine had just made that name up for the sake that it was almost midnight already, and they needed to get out of the house before Eddie woke up.


A/N: This flashback that Catherine has is a long one, so it will be continued in the next post.
