This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

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Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

I heard the Lauren Lee Smith will be playing the role of Bryce Adams. She's supposed to be a rule breaker and 'Rough around the edges'. I'm hoping that she won't be a female Warrick, having the same personality but trying to cover it up by changing the sex of the character.
She better not turn out to be a 'rouge' 'casue we all know how the
undersheriff hates that.
I got a weird feeling about this character and find myself thinking that they bought her in for a love interest and the only one left is Greg or for her to be a temptation for Grissom.
Sara is coming back for the premiere I can't wait :) I hope she dosn't break it off with Grissom though while she is there, I can't think of a reson for her to do that.
How long is Lauren Lee Smiths contract anyway and what happened to Ray Santoro?
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

I heard the Lauren Lee Smith will be playing the role of Bryce Adams. She's supposed to be a rule breaker and 'Rough around the edges'. I'm hoping that she won't be a female Warrick, having the same personality but trying to cover it up by changing the sex of the character.
She better not turn out to be a 'rouge' 'casue we all know how the
undersheriff hates that.
I got a weird feeling about this character and find myself thinking that they bought her in for a love interest and the only one left is Greg or for her to be a temptation for Grissom.
Sara is coming back for the premiere I can't wait :) I hope she dosn't break it off with Grissom though while she is there, I can't think of a reson for her to do that.
How long is Lauren Lee Smiths contract anyway and what happened to Ray Santoro?

Don't know how long her contract is, but I do know they have suspended looking for someone for the Ray Santoro character, at least for now. Maybe he'll appear later in the season.

Another going against the rules person, well ok, they all have gone against the rules. Maybe if the keep with the idea of having Nick more in a leadership role, she'll drive him nuts.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

I agree Smokey. I think it would be awesome to have 3 and 3. I think it would help the transition of the new character into the show since Wendy would be a new CSI and Bryce would be new to the department. I could see them putting Wendy and this new girl together a lot.

It's not so much her coming back, it's that she's only been gone for 10 episodes and there seems to be a lot of gushing about it in the spoiler thread. I mean, yeah, we would be gushing if it was Nick, but we'd keep it in the Ward so as not to disgust anyone else. ;) We're pretty disgusting that way, but you know that if you dare to go in there.

Some have wondered if Wendy will still get to go into the field since they've hired a new female CSI. Why not? They used to have 4 guys and 2 girls on the team, so why not 3 guys and 3 girls now?

I think it would be cool to have three women and three men on the team. Really balances it out. With Sara back maybe it will four women and three men--hehehe..I like it..GIRL POWER!!!:bolian:
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

Why do people keep saying that bring Sara back and GSR raises ratings?? I know tptb seem to think it's a good storyline, and of course there is a large groups of fan for it here, but this is a CSI message board, so that's to be expected.
It doesn' fact it has driven people away from the show. Look at the 16% ratings drop after season 8 premiere, in one week...people wanted sara off, and they stopped watching because of it. I believe that they GSR and Sara fans are over represented online and are just more vocal to tptb than any of the other fan groups for CSI. I can't find anyone in real life that actually likes Sara, besides myself.

The GSR storyline started out fine, in the first two or three seasons, i used to be a GSR shipper when i watched those seasons (gasp!), but its turned into the worst storyline i have ever seen in a tv show. Ruining two characters, and quite possibly the series, this is one they need to leave, and never return. Talk about beating a dead horse. The writing for the storyline is HORRIBLE...they just took all the common cliches from american tv and inserted them. The scenes are just awkward and creepy.

Not too mention Natalie comparing her and her father's relationship to theirs AHAHAH...yeah, that isn't creepy. The way Sara left was retarded, and just ruined her character even more. Sara might as well just wear a shirt saying 'i am pathetic!', cause thats her character in a nut shell now. Plus Grissom taking her back after just leaving a note...they are both pathetic! This storyline was done so poorly...they could have played it out, but better..they just did such a terrible job with it. I really wanted to see the series ending with Grissom being by himself...that would have been fitting, i HATE that they changed and ruined his character. That is the biggest kick in the balls right there, and the biggest reason i don't like vegas that much anymore. Probably the worst thing about GSR, is they isolated Grissom and Sara from the rest of the team, and the whole team dynamic was destroyed, they worked every frigging case together, it was frustrating and stupid.

If Sara returns, they better not include GSR anywhere near Warricks funeral, or anything in that eppy, because it would just be a slap in the face to warrick fans, and his character. Not to mention a cheap ploy for "ratings" putting crappy romance, CSI is better than that. Also, they better not isolate Sara and Grissom from the rest of the team, gah. If this happens again, i really will seriously consider not watching Vegas anymore. If there is a repeat of what happened during season 7, i am not watching, because it was so unbelievably stupid.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

While this is a friendly debate (which is a nice change) I do wonder and forgive me if I missed something in these Spoilers I see Jorja returning, to mourn Warrick, but where in there did it say anything about GSR? If the references were due to "Hints" alrighty then. BUT if its all based on speculation or wishful thinking then I reference the first post/page one... "This thread is for the discussions, opinions regarding the future "episodes, story-lines and character spoilers as it relates to the current season in the US." This thread has nothing to do with the actor/actresses themselves, ship discussions in general, or past episodes each of these have their own respective threads and or forum. Some comparisons to past eps is fine, as long as it follows the line of your current discussion but don't let it dominate."

Now this thread has gotten just a littttttle bit
and now its time to go back on topic please. Thank you. ;) :p
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

While this is a friendly debate (which is a nice change) I do wonder and forgive me if I missed something in these Spoilers I see Jorja returning, to mourn Warrick, but where in there did it say anything about GSR? If the references were due to "Hints" alrighty then. BUT if its all based on speculation or wishful thinking then I reference the first post/page one... "This thread is for the discussions, opinions regarding the future "episodes, story-lines and character spoilers as it relates to the current season in the US." This thread has nothing to do with the actor/actresses themselves, ship discussions in general, or past episodes each of these have their own respective threads and or forum. Some comparisons to past eps is fine, as long as it follows the line of your current discussion but don't let it dominate."

Now this thread has gotten just a littttttle bit
and now its time to go back on topic please. Thank you. ;) :p

Sorry Destiny, I's be good..I pwomise..or I'll give you my new kitten if I'm not..

And I still want four girls on the team..instead of I hope Sara comes back because Grissom, Nick and Greg..will be no match for them!!!
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

No three women on the show is enough. I watch the show for the guys, not the girls. :lol: I think a 3 and 3 mix is good. Plus it would bloat the cast again and people that we love would lose some screentime having to share between 7 main CSI plus the lab techs.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

9.02 "The Happy Place" - new details

Wendy is out in the field with Grissom in this episode because the team is short-handed. Case A is involving the death of a guidance counselor, and Case B is a case of a hypno-therapist, which is being worked by Catherine and Nick, from what I can tell.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

There are 14 script pages on one of the sites-that-must-not-be-named (the second of those two referred to in the very first post).
If the script remains unchanged we'll get a small allusion to Warrick...
at least that's what I read into these lines (I'm putting them in a spoiler box because I'm not sure about the policy on direct quotes from scripts):

[Spoiler Quote Removed]
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Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

9.02 "The Happy Place" - new details

Wendy is out in the field with Grissom in this episode because the team is short-handed.
Thanks for that vegaslights.

That sounds a very logical way to bring the Wendy character into the field.It also sounds like that it will enable the transition for her to gradual. Like with greg. I think the Wendy characher is clearly highly intelligent, highly educated and would make a high calibre CSI.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

I don't know, I really love wendy in the lab i think she plays a big part in the interaction of the labrats....and her scenes with Hodges are great. These would become less if she was in the field! I think I'm kind of holdin out for Hodges asking wendy out, even if she turns him down!
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

I don't know, I really love wendy in the lab i think she plays a big part in the interaction of the labrats....and her scenes with Hodges are great. These would become less if she was in the field! I think I'm kind of holdin out for Hodges asking wendy out, even if she turns him down!

I agree on this analysis, she's good in the lab, but who knows maybe she'll be good out in the field, alot to live up too!
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Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

She may well be excellent in the field, but aren't tptb just reusing Greg's storyline? He first entered the field when they were short handed(ish) in Chasing the bus. I think I'm officially sitting on the fence now....damn!

Have Wendy out in the field......or keep her in the lab with Hodges......hmmmm
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Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

I actually think it would be great to see Wendy out in the field, it would bring her character into the show a bit more, which would be great. It is kind of re-using the Greg storyline, but I'm sure they'll do it in a different way, I mean in chasing the bus Greg wasn't really supposed to be there.
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