This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

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Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

I could totally see Warrick being in the hospital with everyone around him and then the doctor coming in telling him he's dying and there's nothing they can do to save him. That would be the cue to call Greg and Sara. The episode would focus on them all saying good-bye. Sara visiting Pam Adler's husband could be due to the fact that Warrick is just living off of machines and they'll eventually have to pull the plug like Pam Adler's husband had to. I could see Nick being the one having to make the decision.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

Actually it was Grissom who put his hand on the glass, not warrick, remeber he was like PANCHO!

You're right, it was Griss. :lol: My memory is awful. Did Warrick hold Nicky's hand after they opened the glass case when they were getting ready to pour that sand/dirt in? Maybe that's what I was thinking of. :lol:

Im sorry for anyway I made you feel bad for making you think that you made anyone else feel bad, I dont like doing that either, we are all csi fans, we have different opions and we should listen to eachother. So I'm sorry! Forgive & Forget?

It's all good. :) :beer: (pretend that's rootbeer though, cause I don't drink :lol: ) :D

You're right about the smilies. They are wicked awesome! :D

I do guess there are more clues that he's dead...anyhow it's good they aren't shelving it after a single ep. I hate it when the continuity fairy gets lazy.

I agree, Mel. I'm very glad that the continuity is in place and that three eps into the premeire, they haven't forgotten about their grief. That makes it very genuine and believable.

I want to ask something though. I don't know if anyone on this board is actually a CSI or knows one, but... my brother says he knows some online and that they say that the CSIs are not allowed to speak to suspects. Is that true? Do they only do that for the shows or does it depend on the city/state, etc.?

I know this [Warrick's death] is going to hit Nicky really hard cause he and Rick were best friends. And I agree that their friendship was one of the best parts of the the show. I liked the episode where Warrick was at the casino thinking of gambling and Nick came in to support him (to keep him from falling off the wagon). I think Nick said something like he's there because he's his friend and he cares.

I don't think Sara would be able to legally investigate Warrick's death ... even though she isn't on the team anymore... it's still considered a conflict of interest and Warrick being her friend, she'd have a personal stake in it. But, I could see her maybe going rogue investigator and maybe she'll be the one to find out the truth. It would be nice if that was the case because she was the one investigating Warrick after Holly Gribbs died.

Sara visiting Pam Adler's husband could be due to the fact that Warrick is just living off of machines and they'll eventually have to pull the plug like Pam Adler's husband had to. I could see Nick being the one having to make the decision.

That's a good theory. Are Warrick and Tina still married though? Cause if they are then she'd be the one that would have to pull the plug unless Warrick gave power of attorney to Nick like Brass did to Griss.

*sings* GOLLLDDDFINGGERR ! :lol:

:lol: I don't watch James Bond movies, but I did still get that reference (I've seen advertisements) and it cracked me up. :D
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

As far as I know, CSIs don't usually question suspects, unless it's one of those cases where it's a cop who's trained as a CSI. So yes I guess it varies by city. Some places can't afford distinct CSIs so they train cops as CSIs but where there are seperate CSIs they normally don't question anyone, just collect the evidence. Heck, CSIs don't do lab work either, that's the lab techs job.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

You know I just thought of something. You know how a lot of us complain about CSI's lack of continuity? Well, I have something they should revisit.

With Sara coming back for the first two episodes, maybe we'll finally find out what was up with Greg in "You Kill Me". Remember? Griss said good night and Greg said "Whatever". I hope they revisit this, not in the season opener, but in the next episode. I think we deserve an answer, though I'm sure Greg probably blames Grissom for Sara leaving and he had a major crush on her, but still.

I'm dreaming aren't I? CSI is bad at continuity. I'm still shocked that they're going to revisit a case from an earlier season for Sara. They should do that every once in awhile.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

You're dreaming Stokesgirl. :lol: I would love to see that continuity too, but I highly doubt they will remember it. I do hope there is a scene between Greg and Sara though, because they really are good friends. Plus Eric and Jorja always talk about working with each other anyway.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

9.03 Art Imitates Life

There's Warrick continuity in this episode. The CSIs and lab techs have to go through grief counsellings, including Grissom, Greg, Hodges, Wendy, Ecklie, and Mandy (no mention of Catherine or Nick in the counseling yet in the script). The conversations aren't mandatory, but asked.

The new CSI's name is Riley Adams, and no longer Bryce Adams.

The cases involves dead bodies that were found painted. I count five dead bodies in the script.

No Sara in the script so far.

I think its good to keep the continuity, I wonder why Catherine and Nick aren't mentioned? Surely they'd be the ones the most affected as they seemed closest?

And why change the name of the new character?

Gutted that Sara isn't mentioned in the script, maybe that'll change and she'll stay more than a couple of episodes?

Dead bodies that are painted? Sounds quite an interesting case.

You know I just thought of something. You know how a lot of us complain about CSI's lack of continuity? Well, I have something they should revisit.

With Sara coming back for the first two episodes, maybe we'll finally find out what was up with Greg in "You Kill Me". Remember? Griss said good night and Greg said "Whatever". I hope they revisit this, not in the season opener, but in the next episode. I think we deserve an answer, though I'm sure Greg probably blames Grissom for Sara leaving and he had a major crush on her, but still.

I'm dreaming aren't I? CSI is bad at continuity. I'm still shocked that they're going to revisit a case from an earlier season for Sara. They should do that every once in awhile.

I'd like to see them revisit that, but I very much doubt it :( I hope there's a Sara/Greg scene too, they were good friends, and maybe it would explain Greg in 'You Kill Me'. I do like the fact they're going to revisit Sara's case from season 1, as it did shake her up at the time.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

I didn't know there was a writer named Goldfinger. :lol:

As for Greg's "Whatever" in "You Kill Me", I just figured he was just in a hurry or something. Or maybe he didn't want to coddle Grissom like the others seemed to be doing. :lol: So, I doubt we'll get any explanation of that. The writers may think we knew why he reacted that way. I don't think he blamed Grissom for Sara's leaving though.

I would like to see a Sara/Greg scene too. It'd be nice if she says that he's a great guy and would make some girl very happy someday ( :GNRF raises hand and says "Me please! I'll make you VERY happy, Greggy!": :lol: ). Maybe she'd be afraid that maybe she hurt his feelings or something when he found out the truth in "Dead Doll" and he could just alleviate her fears of that, by saying he knew they were better as friends.
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Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

As far as I know, CSIs don't usually question suspects, unless it's one of those cases where it's a cop who's trained as a CSI. So yes I guess it varies by city. Some places can't afford distinct CSIs so they train cops as CSIs but where there are seperate CSIs they normally don't question anyone, just collect the evidence. Heck, CSIs don't do lab work either, that's the lab techs job.

Your right it varies, some csi actually do interogate and question. Some actually do carry guns, like in vegas, but there are some csi's who actually do lab work, meaning they do some lab work, but as you said it depends.
I read about one csi who was teased about a csi helicopter like in season one, the police always teased him about his csi sopter, so he called on his cell and then the police were all shocked when he got in and took off in his copter.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

You know I just thought of something. You know how a lot of us complain about CSI's lack of continuity? Well, I have something they should revisit.

With Sara coming back for the first two episodes, maybe we'll finally find out what was up with Greg in "You Kill Me". Remember? Griss said good night and Greg said "Whatever". I hope they revisit this, not in the season opener, but in the next episode. I think we deserve an answer, though I'm sure Greg probably blames Grissom for Sara leaving and he had a major crush on her, but still.

I'm dreaming aren't I? CSI is bad at continuity. I'm still shocked that they're going to revisit a case from an earlier season for Sara. They should do that every once in awhile.

I had always wondered about that little scene in "You Kill Me" too. Since we'll probably never know the answer, I like to think that when Greg learned of Grissom's and Sara's relationship, he was probably disappointed that Sara never confided in him. Greg had a crush on Sara, but it was unrequited, so Greg settled for being friends with her. It's natural that he would feel a little bit of disappointment, or dare I say...jealousy towards Grissom at first. But Greg being Greg, he would have gotten over it.

As far as Warrick goes, I'm one of those who believes that he'll be on life support in new season opener, and since he has no biological family left, it will be up to Grissom to make the decision to turn off the machines that are keeping Warrick alive. Then the floodgates will open with the team at the hospital.

This will be a challenging episode for the writers. They will have to appeal to the fans who want the investigation to be top priority, versus the fans who want more emotional time for the main characters. I fall somewhere in the middle. It's going to be heart-breaking to see their reactions to this tragedy, but the sooner the Undersheriff is found out, the better for the team so they can start the healing process.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

Freedon of speech, in the first amendment.

ahhh...hate to state the obvious, i am not american. should I say this, you inspired me to post, to explain the gsr point of veiw, without bashing a ship, like you.

uh huh.

Bah...i am not arguing Destiny! just pointing out some stuff...

I don't see much for Greg/Sara, they seem to have continuity for Sara's storyline, but have shoved everyone else aside. I fear another 'Dead Doll' like premiere. Even with the Sara storyline paralleling the Warrick's situation, i don't like this happening in the opener, i think it will work against what they are trying to do. She left the show, and had a lot of drama in the beginning of season 8, they should hold this one off for a bit. It would probably work better in the second or third, after the warrick decision.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

Freedon of speech, in the first amendment.
ahhh...hate to state the obvious, i am not american.
American or not, when it comes to a private message board that amendment goes out the window sort to speak. The rules of this board come first, and again opinions and disagreeing are the only real entitlement. should I say this, you inspired me to post, to explain the gsr point of veiw, without bashing a ship, like you.
uh huh.
Bah...i am not arguing Destiny! just pointing out some stuff...
I know, I get it and much appreciated for controlling yourself, thank you.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

i know this is probably not going to happen, but the main focus of the premiere should be warrick. the team saying goodbye, investigating his death etc. it would be much better if sara were to show up in the last few minutes of the first episode and then have more time in the second. i think that would have a greater impact, and would respect the character of warrick as opposed to taking away his moment by having sara return early on in the premiere.
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