Things I learned on CSI..........

You can get away with anything, if you know what you are doing! :devil:
Luminol may show blood that may be "cleaned" and old, but ammonia will take away any traces of fingerprints.
Nick can't sing

When Grissom takes you off a case, he may have a good reason

If you get a tape and a computer thing, the tape is useless

I learned this myself: clear lipgloss helps unchap hands or a nose abused by tissues
Sometimes even your favourite CD isn't worth climbing into your trunk.

Immediately tell your boss if you've contaminated evidence by sneezing at it.

And of course.. Can't say it too often... Always clean your gun! *doh*
When Grissom drops something, it's usually on purpose

Haeckel marks- but they're still really confusing

Women's writing is overall cursive and round

Large, arched hoods in the letter "Y" and the arches in the bottom of the "L" indicates criminal tendency (I guess that's how you'd say it- from I-15 Murders transcript)
I learned how wheel traces are becoming.Theres a lot of more but I want not to caught them :)
your dna is getting on other people all the dosen't take much.
Always ask an annoying guy on the plane if he is ok BEFORE killing him lol. (on of the episodes on the first season of LV)
Dry ice can burn you! and gives off carbon dioxide gas! I never knew that until csi!! Wow..I'm watching something educational! Who'd hav guessed it!! :)