Things I learned on CSI..........

How to commit the perfect murder

LOL .. oh man. Sadly, for around here that's actually pretty true. The law enforcement here .. sucks. I think CSI is giving these people ideas.

Oh snap! If you get attacked, remember to fight back and get enough of the suspect on you for evidence! :)
That Porn actor and actress have a record on the Internet to say if they got AIDS, oh, and wear googles while slaying a man or woman with AIDS.

...Haha, that made me laugh so hard! I think my coworkers think I'm a little crazy, now. :)
Almost every place on your body can be bitten except for the inside of your mouth, your eyes, and your upper lip.

TECHNICALLY, the woman was HIV+, it didn't say she had AIDS. Sure, if you're HIV+ then you'll get AIDS. The 3 stages:

1. Exposure: Through Blood, semen, vaginal fluids, or breast milk
2. Infection: (HIV Positive): Produces antibodies; contagious

Sure, I learned that in health the other day. But it helps. And the woman was only in the second stage. Plus, it would have taken longer than the time they took to see if he had HIV. 6 weeks to 2 months to check!

EDIT: Couldn't spell week right
a good murderer wont try to cover his steps by washin the blood with water :lol:

Oh i didnt know this before CSI - you can find out if someone forged a suicide note ( if someone kills someone else and writes a suicide note for him ) by comparing it by computer ( though i dont believe it always works, i can change my handwriting to 4 different ways and youd NEVER gues it was the same person... )
I go from cursive to print to capital letters to careful lettering all the time... No one would be able to guess

Gracias & Mucho gracias (I hope I spelled them right) I could never remember before seeing Grissom say it in 4X4
Yep. I'll second that one ^^^ :)

Also that you can do DNA tests, get results back within a few hours - yeah, right! :p
-Name your kid something cool like Gil Grissom so he can have multiple nicknames.

-Plants do not make good sorry gifts. Even if you are Grissom.

-Racing cockroaches can be more rewarding than just killing them...if you are a weirdo...
squeaking out from a DUI will come back to haunt you sometime

you can make up some lame story of why you spelled a word the way you did because that's how 'your prople' spell it and people will drop the subject