Things I learned on CSI..........

don't mess with a man's sunglasses
just because you say you're innocent, doesn't make it so.
never leave a body in water it decomposes faster

Unless you're the killer, then it's a good thing. However, if you're not, what the heck are you doing with a dead body anyway? :D
never let the inside of your wall go mouldy
- try telling that to Elephant man in the apartment above mine! Not only does he stomp around in concrete boots (I swear he spends all night jumping around in his lounge!) but his leaky shower is causing my skirting boards to grow fur! :mad:
That I think I'd like to die in a hospital under normal circumstances so I don't get CSI type people making weird remarks about me..because if I'm haunting the joint..I'll push em a out second story window.

That attics are scarier places than I thought.

That people die young in Vegas..
Fighting crow's feet get's you a step closer to getting on of Dr. Malaga's anti-aging procedures.

Hodges has that wierd genetic quirk that lets you smell stuff... like cyanide