THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI

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(runs in) HELLLOOO

Okay so I was making big debates on whether or not to join another fandom. Well, looks like I can't help myself can I?

Some stuff about me. Mom got me hooked on the show because she had been watching it on Spike. Slowly but surely I was sucked into the world and have been renting the seasons. Been doing it for the last few weeks actually, and got to Season 5 but had to skip Season 4 :( which was fine with me, because I knew about Grave Danger. (Throws innocent halo)

Anyhow, right now I've been reading a TON of fanfic that’s always the second step I take when getting obsessed about something and well this will be my third I guess.

So hello, my name is Cody and I am a CSI addict ;)
Heh, welcome to TalkCSI, CCA. It's hard not to get addicted to CSI, I think. :lol:

(However, just to don the mod hat for a minute ;): the maximum size for a signature on Talk is 220 pixels x 75 pixels. *points to Tinkerbell several posts up for an example* You can also have text or a banner, but not both. Sorry to be a kill-joy, but those are the rules. ;))

Anyway, enjoy the board! :D
Hey, welcome here on the board, CCA. Have fun here but I'm sure you will have it. :D
And yeah, I'm CSI addicted, too. ;)
Faylinn said:
Heh, welcome to TalkCSI, CCA. It's hard not to get addicted to CSI, I think. :lol:

(However, just to don the mod hat for a minute ;): the maximum size for a signature on Talk is 220 pixels x 75 pixels. *points to Tinkerbell several posts up for an example* You can also have text or a banner, but not both. Sorry to be a kill-joy, but those are the rules. ;))

Anyway, enjoy the board! :D

Thanks for the welcome!

About my banner, you know its kind of funny because as my computer decided to insite me to riot because it overheated and turned off I thought...hmm I forgot to see what their banner rules are. Sorry about that ;) Thanks again for the welcome ;)

Stella said:
Hey, welcome here on the board, CCA. Have fun here but I'm sure you will have it. :D
And yeah, I'm CSI addicted, too. ;)

Thanks!! Can't wait to get my feet into the ground and start talking to all of yeah, so thanks for the nice welcome :D
CCA said:
About my banner, you know its kind of funny because as my computer decided to insite me to riot because it overheated and turned off I thought...hmm I forgot to see what their banner rules are. Sorry about that
:lol: No harm done. ;)
Hey, I'm not sure who this site is aimed at real CSI'S or people loving the programmes and books etc. so I'm not sure if I'm stepping out of line or being presumptious here by sayign that im writing a murder and would be very grateful if there is anyone who can help me with medical information and the like. Im sorry if thats not what this site is for don't mean to intrude or offend but if anyone is willing to help this is my email address thanks if its published you can go on my special thanks page lol ^_^ thankyou for listening

love and Light xXneenXx :)
Welcome, neen. Though most of this site is for fans of the three television series, there are some members who are professional people in various areas of the forensics field. And there is at least one professional writer as a member. If you go back to the Main Index of this board or click on the Main Index link at the top of this page, you will see the breakdown of the various sections. One of them is Forensics, where the real aspects of the job are discussed. You might ask your questions there. If you don't think the medical questions are not forensic related, there is a Miscellaneous section of the board where topics are discussed that do not fit into the other Forums. Hope this helps.

Now, grab some virtual snacks from the virtual table by the virtual door, pull up a keyboard, and have fun.
Welcome here, neen. Great to have newbies around here. :D

CCA Oh yes, I remember the first post I wrote and how excited I was(of course I am actually). So, have fun to post! ;)
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