THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI

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hey you all. another newbie joined here. i am 19 years old crazy CSI fan from Riga, Latvia. Sworn GSR shipper. I'll try to have a good time.
This merger TBonz keeps talking about is taking forever, and so I've signed up here instead of being patient. I watched CSI for a few seasons but have lost track of it since then. I still catch the occasional episode, usually when procrastinating.

Nice to meet all of you folks!
Haha, isn't patience a virtue, mimic? ;) Glad to see you've joined, though. The move to the new board system won't be until closer to the summer, but I'm not sure exactly when. ;)

(Procrastination is fun! :lol:)
Faylinn said:
The move to the new board system won't be until closer to the summer, but I'm not sure exactly when.
There's a joke on the Trek board that every time someone asks when the move is happening, the date gets pushed back another few months. :lol:

So yeah, I watched CSI until I went to college three years ago and did not have a television. My GPA went up, my television-watching ability went down. Such is life.

Thanks for the welcome! You guys seem like a nice bunch.
Hey, guys I'm a newbie here. I've been around this site for some weeks and I like the forum so much. I'm glad that I found this site.:)
I love all the three CSI's but especially CSI:NY. The shows rocks! :lol:
A month ago or so the show CSI make me a real fan. I read everything I could find on the internet about it and watch a lot episodes of CSI: NY. Before that time I watched it, too, but not so intensive like now. :)
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