THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI Discussion!

Hi, I'm Bekah. :)

I've been a lurker for a long time and finally decided to join today. I've been watching CSI: LV for 10 years now, and it's the only CSI I've actually liked. <3 Sorry Miami/NY fans. :p
I am new to this site as of today and am slowly learning my way around. I am partial to the original CSI, but like parts of the other two. I have a question. Why do we get reviews of Miami and New York within 24 hours of broadcast but have to wait days to get one on CSI:LV if we get one at all? I wouldn't ask but it seems to happen frequently.
Welcome to the board, Lady Jessica. :)

The review thing just depends on when Kristine has the time to watch the episodes and write the reviews. It might take a bit longer to get some reviews (usually for the original CSI, that's true), but she'll definitely post them. She did a review for every episode of all three series last season. :D
Thank you so much for the quick reply. I was just curious. Although I don't always agree with her critique Kristine does a great job identifying the "prime mover" in each story - the one event that causes everything else to happen. I thought the CSI:LV opener was the best episode they've had in quite some time and could't wait to read what she had to say about it.
Thank you so much for the quick reply. I was just curious. Although I don't always agree with her critique Kristine does a great job identifying the "prime mover" in each story - the one event that causes everything else to happen. I thought the CSI:LV opener was the best episode they've had in quite some time and could't wait to read what she had to say about it.
The review for the CSI premiere is up now. :D

I am writing in from India- saw the CSI- New York 'Communication Breakdown' episode a couple of days back and came across a blooper, which moved me enough to write this post.
The episode focused on a Native Amercian community member who was killed using whale baleen, the import license for which leads the CSI team to an import house. Now,here's the blooper - the lady shown in charge of the import house is of Asian Indian origin - she also exclaims in Hindi when told about the murder of Delaware and voices her innocence.To make it worse, the CSI team with Don Flack is shown wading through a group of Indian girls dressed in saris etc celebrating Holi- a festival of colors during which colored water is sprayed on the participants - before entering the premises of the Indian import house.Did the director lose his bearings enough to confuse Native American Indians and Indians from India?
Hi everyone,

I'm a longtime lurker finally turned poster. I'm a massive CSI and CSI:NY not so much. I'm all about GSR and D/L but I'm not totally blinkered by it, I welcome other peoples views.

I'm currently feeling very jealous of everyone is the US who is able to see the new series right now, not sure when its oming over to the UK but will probably be in the new year, so this site will be great for getting all the gossip and spoilers.

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself :)
Did the director lose his bearings enough to confuse Native American Indians and Indians from India?
Welcome to the forum, maskumar! :D

No, they didn't confuse the two - they just included several different groups in that episode to show the diversity in NYC. (I wish they'd show more diversity in every episode, but that's a discussion for a different day. ;)) In the episode, the owner of the import store was in a land dispute with the dead guy* - but it was not implied that they were of the same ethnicity. I hope that clears up the confusion. :) It would definitely be bad if they couldn't tell the difference between Native American Indians and people from India! :eek:

* He also had a land dispute with an Irish guy over the field where they practiced hurling.

(Here's a link to the CSI Files review for the episode in case anybody is trying to remember what happened in that episode. :))

Hi everyone,

I'm a longtime lurker finally turned poster. I'm a massive CSI and CSI:NY not so much. I'm all about GSR and D/L but I'm not totally blinkered by it, I welcome other peoples views.

I'm currently feeling very jealous of everyone is the US who is able to see the new series right now, not sure when its oming over to the UK but will probably be in the new year, so this site will be great for getting all the gossip and spoilers.

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself :)
Welcome to the board, Memifer. :D You're definitely in the right place to chat about the shows, your favorite ships - and gossip and spoilers, of course!

It always sucks to be behind another country when it comes to new episodes of a series - hopefully you guys will get the new seasons in the UK soon. :D