THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI Discussion!

Lurker is de-lurking. Hey, all--I'm a longtime LV and NY fan, though I'm not as keen on Miami. I'm still missing Grissom on LV, but this season with Ray Langston seems vastly improved over his first appearances and I was really happy to see Sara Sidle (Grissom!) step in to lend a hand.

Looking forward to some good discussion :)
Welcome, Mistlethrush! I'm always glad to see people delurking to join the fun. :D

Yay! Thank you! You're pretty much the reason I de-lurked, if you must know!:rommie:
Hehehe. :devil:

(BTW, if you click the little 'multi-quote' button at the bottom right each post you want to quote, and then click 'post reply' at the bottom left of the thread under the last post, you can quote multiple posts at once. :) And hopefully that made sense. :lol:)
hey thar! I'm hotspot a big Video game and anime fan, I also enjoy watching the three CSI's. My favorite is the original and then NY, Miami is my least favorite.