The Warm Welcome Thread

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Hello! I'm also a lurker on these boards. I'm usually here for spoiler info for CSI and CSI:NY. I figured I'd jump in and start discussing. Have always loved LV but am finding myself more into NY.

That is one of the reasons I got to be here too. That and to find people to talk about CSI:NY with.

Welcome to the board. And to all the other new people who've joined recently also. *waves at the new peeps* :)
Hello!! I'm new! Though I hope without the annoying newbie-ish tendancies!

NY kicks ass, though I no longer watch Vegas and never watched Miami in the first place! I have a rather large, teen fangirl crush on Eddie Cahill and am currently watching promos when I should be doing work. ;)
Hello!! I'm new! Though I hope without the annoying newbie-ish tendancies!

NY kicks ass, though I no longer watch Vegas and never watched Miami in the first place! I have a rather large, teen fangirl crush on Eddie Cahill and am currently watching promos when I should be doing work. ;)


Flack - mineminemineminemine!!! hahahahaha:devil:
Hello! Another newbie here. After lurking for a couple weeks I decided to try and join in the fun. I've watched CSI since the beginning and CSINY off and on since it started, but got sucked into it during the break during the strike when I watched the entire season 2 on dvd. I'm now trying to get caught up on s1 and s3 for the ones I missed.

You Flack/Danny shippers are a bad influence. I think they're my fave couple now. :devil:
I hope I have everyone here...welcome carminelm, JoJo222, RearWindow, Shytownmofo, Cat123 and snickerdoodle! :D It's great to have you all here!!! :D

Shytownmofo, I'm a fellow (former) Chicago girl! Great to see another Windy City person here. :D

You Flack/Danny shippers are a bad influence. I think they're my fave couple now. :devil:

Oh, we're definitely naughty! :D :devil: I hope you'll join us in the Danny/Flack thread in Shipper Central!
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