The Warm Welcome Thread #2

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Originally Posted By Mac's Girl:
Oh I'm sure I will :lol: I finally found somewhere people dont think Im a freak coz I love Gary Sinise in all his hotness :)

Hi fellow fan!:thumbsup:

I'll tell you a story: I got hooked up in Gary's hotness by accident five years ago,;) I was turning tv on and csiny was doing on there. I watched the man (who I later realized was Gary!:lol:) and I wondered..."Who is this mysterious charmer???" :alienblush: I found that I couldn't take my eyes of him and here I am five years later and still completely hooked up!!! :thumbsup:

My friends said at first OMG!!!:wtf: You cannot be serious!!! He's OLD!!!:eek:etc... But I didn't listen to them and over the years they've started to like Gary as well...;) of course not the same way I am:lol:...but I've got brain washed them! :guffaw:

You don't always have to like Hollywood's sexy-boys who are so obvious that they're sex-symbol's...I've never liked them...:vulcan: Gary is such a amazing man with great careen and personality. I dunno how much do you know about him already, but I can tell ya this: I learn new things about him all the time! And visiting regularly in Mac/Gary -threads you can share your opinons and post us pics and we can drool to his hotness together.

BTW if you need icons, wlp, banners or something. Visit in fan arts or I can post you a PM some of my makings of Gary/Mac pics! ;)
Hello All... I am a new fan to CSI NY.... I have been watching the series on and off (ie when I have nothing much to do) but then one of my cousin bought the series on DVDs and "re-introduced" me to it.... I have been hooked since. I actually watch the whole 5 seasons in less than a month... Waiting patiently for Sept 23 now.....
Welcome michmac! :D I hope you enjoy your stay, there's a lot to do here!

I have a sort of similar story, I used to watch episodes every day when I came home from school, back when it was on from 12 PM - 4 PM on Spike. I was hooked, I loved the characters and everything else, which was surprising since I had never considered watching a CSI show.

Then in early May I finally decided I loved the show so much that I would research it, up to this point I thought the show had long been over because of the re-runs, and then I discovered I was very wrong and at this point Season 5 was almost over. :lol: (I managed to catch Episode 24 and the finale on TV). Then I found TalkCSI, and the rest as they say, is history! :lol:
Hi everyone!

My name is Elena, LadyTaylor was my orl nickname in a beautiful Gary Sinise fan forum called Gary Sinise Central... so i'm like an orphan! I love Gary, love CSI NY and i'm very happy to finally have the guts to write a message :p.

Now i'll go ckecking up on the Mac pics... forensic porn, hehe!!!
Originally Posted By Mac's Girl:
Oh I'm sure I will :lol: I finally found somewhere people dont think Im a freak coz I love Gary Sinise in all his hotness :)

Hi fellow fan!:thumbsup:

I'll tell you a story: I got hooked up in Gary's hotness by accident five years ago,;) I was turning tv on and csiny was doing on there. I watched the man (who I later realized was Gary!:lol:) and I wondered..."Who is this mysterious charmer???" :alienblush: I found that I couldn't take my eyes of him and here I am five years later and still completely hooked up!!! :thumbsup:

My friends said at first OMG!!!:wtf: You cannot be serious!!! He's OLD!!!:eek:etc... But I didn't listen to them and over the years they've started to like Gary as well...;) of course not the same way I am:lol:...but I've got brain washed them! :guffaw:

You don't always have to like Hollywood's sexy-boys who are so obvious that they're sex-symbol's...I've never liked them...:vulcan: Gary is such a amazing man with great careen and personality. I dunno how much do you know about him already, but I can tell ya this: I learn new things about him all the time! And visiting regularly in Mac/Gary -threads you can share your opinons and post us pics and we can drool to his hotness together.

BTW if you need icons, wlp, banners or something. Visit in fan arts or I can post you a PM some of my makings of Gary/Mac pics! ;)

Thank you so much, when I get my avitar and PM abilities I may just have to take you up on that :lol:. I get the same response from my friends "OMG!! Are you serious?? He's old enough to be your dad" My answer "Frankly my dear I don't give a damn" :lol:

I shall be making many visits to the Gary/Mac threads :drool::drool::drool:
Welcome to the forum, LadyTaylor. Definitely don't hesitate to post - we love having new members! :D
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