The Wallpaper Thread #4

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Nice "smacked" walls again msgirl. :)
togoszmandalover - I've snagged the first of your adorable H & Marisol walls, although they are both gorgeous! :D
Like the Nick & Calleigh wall, Joycie84 - they really should do another Vegas/Miami crossover ep! :cool:
Mara21 - your Marg wall is fantastic - a really beautiful composition! :D
Here's something I just threw together. I know Thanksgiving is in less than a week but, am trying to stay busy. This will be my 1st holiday without my papa since his death in May & I'm really having a rough time of it as I know others are also. So please forgive me if it's not that good. I didn't want to ruin the background. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving

Before dummy me forgets. Great walls everyone. Gorgeous.
Great walls everyone. Snagged as many as I could.

Just a question: What is the best image altering soft ware? eg. Photoshop, PSP...etc.

Trying to decide which one to buy.
Mara21 I love the colors of your Marg wp.

Here´s my newest wallpaper with the NY guys - well, some of them.
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