The Wallpaper Thread #4

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t0g0SzMaNdAL0vE, thanks. and LOVE YoBling!! snagged the second wallie.... well i took both not gonnna lie. :rolleyes:

katpin31791 i'm back! lol :lol:

gret wallies everyone. xo
CalleighSaraCSI I think they are from Season three, I don't know exactly, because I am from Austria and we are still in season 2 at the moment ^^
Aww thanx everyone! I love you :D ! And great walls everyone! I'm busy (as usual :rolleyes: ), but hope to make more soon! I have a H & Marisol one in mind... And also some Greg/Eric ones (GregIsHott, especially for you honey :lol: )... Hope I'll be able to make them soon!
Till then... Love!
hey i have never posted in this thread yet.. but i finally made my first wallpaper!!! yay!!!

i think its quite a good attempt for my first.. please tell me what ya think!!!

chelliyah said:
hey i have never posted in this thread yet.. but i finally made my first wallpaper!!! yay!!!

i think its quite a good attempt for my first.. please tell me what ya think!!!


Gorgeous just gorgeous. Hope to see more.[
Dutch_csi love the Mac wallpaper. Now if we could just get the writers to put in a Mac shower scene...*THUD*

Chelliyah nice wallpaper hope its first of many..

MiaCharlize Lovely wallpaper dont the girls look great..
Hi hi!

Ended up searching around this thread and have to say - so many loveley wallpapers here! All very pretty. Lots of talented people here. ^_^

As well, I bring wallpapers of my own for the viewing pleasure! They're for the CSI: Miami fandom and this is really the first time I did any sort of wallpapers for that fandom.

I hope anyone who views them likes them. ^_^

Speed :

Calleigh :

Horatio :

Team :

Alexx :

Ryan :

Eric :

Frank :

Natalia :
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