The Wallpaper Thread #4

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oh so may great Wps while I was gone

great work, just great

I wonder where do all of you get such wonderful pictures?

and mine


the link




the link

Cheer up nikfan! ;) That's sucks about your PSP - here's a Nick wall to keep you going...
Rashomama - Nick

My God. You made my day :eek: That WP is awsome. I reall wish I could have my PSP back :(. I miss it so much. But as long as I awsome people like you make such gorgeous WPs, I won't be too upset. I have decided to buy PSP by my birthday so I'll see what happens.

Again Thanks much and keep up the good work ;)
t0g0SzMaNdAL0vEr said:
Ok I promised that I wouldn't make any wp till tuesday but... I can't resist!! :p :lol:
It's from "under suspiction", Calleigh & Horatio again... What? I loved their scenes together in that epi!! I promise it's the last one I make of that epi... (do you still believe my promises? :eek: :lol: ) Coz I have caps from "felony flight" and I want to make some wps with them, and tomorrow I'll see "nailed", taht means more caps to make more wps and I don't have time with all the exams so... (shut up Bego! do they care? :rolleyes: )
Ok here is it!! Hope ya like it!!

Loved the WP. Thanks.
thanks to all

and Nathalie_Emily your with Emily is so perfect

Nim I ahven` t seem NY yet but your Wp is looking great

msgirl yoour ` s very nice
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