"The Unusual Suspect" Discussion *Beware SPOILERS*

yeah, but without sufficient evidence, hunches mean nothing in science or the court of law, so really this case was pretty pointless to be in a forensic science show

besides, in real life, csi's, and even detectives don't really interact with the suspects that much, they are not supposed to get 'personal' with them
That ep was fabulous, I really was never sure who did it, I would shift between Hannah and Marlin, and in the end I couldn't choose.
xfcanadian said:
yeah, but without sufficient evidence, hunches mean nothing in science or the court of law, so really this case was pretty pointless to be in a forensic science show

besides, in real life, csi's, and even detectives don't really interact with the suspects that much, they are not supposed to get 'personal' with them

Um, wasn't it actually William Peterson who said something like, "If all people wanted to see was forensics, they'd watch the Discovery Channel"? :lol:

Have you watched the last 5 years of the show, because they've ALL gotten personal at one time or another. :lol:
The episode was ok. I thought it was written well. BUT, the two guys that make CSI (in my opinion of course) were not in it at all!! Gris and Greg are CSI for me. Without them, it definately cannot be considered great for me. To get great, the writing has to be well done and I need Gris and Greg.
So, my favorite part was after the show. When they showed the promo for the next episode. Cuz I think they only showed Gris and Greg out of all of the CSI's. Haha, they probably did show someone else, but I only remember them two. So, I'm happy.
Now, if it's writing quality and cleverness, this epidoe was pretty darn good. I really liked Hannah. It was a different twist on things. I personally could not choose who did it really. I know now, but before that.... Well, that's that. So, I'm happy about next epi, and this one got half credit...
A little late on the uptake, but I really liked this episode. I think it was partially due to not seeing Grissom and Greg. I don't like them any less than the others, but I think there are too many characters on the show. When they are all included it seems to detract from the episode.

I think the reason that this episode seemed less scientific wasn't because Grissom wasn't there. It was because they couldn't find enough evidence to prove conclusively that either of the siblings did it.

If a defendent is found guilty, the defense may appeal, or they can ask for a retrial if new evidence is found. If the defendent is found not guilty, the prosecution can't appeal it, and they can't retry, even with new evidence. This would be double jeopardy. There are only a few exceptions like if the trial was found to be a fraud (for example if someone paid off the judge) or if there was a mistrial (in which case there wouldn't have been a verdict). The double jeopardy law is in place to prevent harassment of the defendent by forcing them to endure an indefinate number of trials.

Also, I was wondering if there is a new episode next week? They said there was, but tv guide has it listed as a repeat.
Sorry to keep posting here... :lol:

I was just thinking- maybe there was less processing this time because the majority of it had already been completed the first time around? Just a thought. :)
nick sure was looking good, even if the hair is reaching dead cat status

LOLROTF!!!! :::::wipes tears from eyes::::: Okay..let's get those sissors and give Nick a trim!

I liked this episode. I'm not sure why really. I think it was because there were two different beliefs-Nick's and Sara's. They worked together, seeing the same evidence and testimony and it was done without it being a forced 'I'm right and you're wrong' scene.

When Ecklie backed Nick, I was falling off the bed. Yep..surprised me to.

Oh love the "I know the feeling" comment. Hmmm....hint?

The girl was....strange, odd and just plain creeped me out. For a brief moment I had a thought of what a female Grissom might be like. ::::makes note to increase meds:::::

The end was shocker and the look on Sara's face was priceless. Made me wonder how Sara delt with that.

Now. No Grissom, Greg or Brass. Hmmm....they were off at a convention, got snowed in Denver, had to kick back and relax with smores and traded stories about how bad they felt (right) about not being there to lend their insights into this interesting, evidence twisting case. I missed them!
I can't believe I didn't notice there was no Grissom and no Greg in this show.. *sweat drop, nervous laugh* I'm horrible ain't I? Mom had to point it out to me.
Hi everyone. I don't post too often in here but did have a ? though. Where was my leading man last night? I missed him terribly. Not use to not seeing Grissom. Thanks.

Yeah makes me wonder if the little girl was telling the truth at the end. Hmmmmmm...
Please feel free to keep discussing this episode I am just untacking it. :)
Basically, I thought the episode was interesting. Some may have hated it (whether the lack of Grissom and Greg or the "boring storyline"), while others thought it was the best (notice some of the people who liked it are Sara and Nick fans.
^_~ Not to say I don't have my own bias... I liked the episode because Sara was in it it for more than five minutes and she got to interact with a kid! When was the last time she did that? The case was good in my opinion, because I wasn't sure whether the brother killed Stacy, or the genius girl killed her. Then they threw in the boyfriend for extra confusion! At least they let us know in the end that the brother really did kill the girl.
BTW: The lawyer defending the brother... was that Barbra Streisand? I need to pay more attention to the credits! :eek:
Speaking of credits, the little girl got the opening line(the last line before the opening credits) didn't she? :lol: