Ok, I hate GSR, everyone knows that
However, I really enjoyed this episode.
It has so many great moments and it did feel like old CSI.
I'm with everyone, I really miss Grissom.
Though I have been missing him. It's been hard to see the old epis on USA and Spike
Nick was great, as usual
"She really seems to like me, though" :lol: Loved the look Sara gave him. If looks could kill, Nicky my boy, you'd be a goner. :lol:
Brass :lol: "Well, this is awkward" :guffaw: and the guy signs it. :guffaw:
Ok, I'll admit it, Jorja was good in this episode.
Loved Grissom's mother. :lol:
Catherine was great. "Like mother, like son" :lol: I love Catherine's laugh, it is so infectious. And her hiding behind her coffee mug when Hodges mentioned Lady Heather. :guffaw:
I could have done with knowing about Grissom and Sara's sex life. There's just no romantic chemistry there. However, Sara reacting to her mother-in-law talking about their sex life was funny. How mortifying. :guffaw:
Loved Nick's reaction when he was worried about Sara and Langston. After his experience you can see why. But yeah, let's not give Emmy's to actors from procedural dramas. :wtf:
Overall a real good episode and I wasn't expecting that.