Loved it too

It's up there with AKBF, Sqweegel, HOH and such :thumbsup:
Great scene at the end, wonder if we'll see him at the end of the season or maybe the season premiere in season 12
"Your mother is asking about our sex life" :lol: and I think I have an idea why
For awhile I couldn't decide who Sara would kill first Grissom, Nick, Hodges, Betty, or Julia
Hodges oh good grief shut up!!
Loved the mention to LH, is that a sign that she might return

she can meet his mother :lol:
Also the mentions of The Grave Shift and was there a mention to Shock Waves or was I just thinking that cause they said "shock waves" a few times
I don't know I was kinda hoping this ep would tie into the JB episodes since they all deal with bombs, but Zuiker said it would be an "Explosive season", beats a season full of serial killers, we already have plenty of those
My parents suspected the guy that was translating was involved, I couldn't decide which is a good thing I think
Glad to see the writers didn't forget Grissom was in Paris for a little while
Not a lot of Greg but I kind of expected that, he had a lot going on in AKBF,I did love that red shirt he was wearing for some reason, maybe it's just cause I like red and I thought it went with his lab coat really well :drool:, and of course he's in the lab, why am I not surprised, that's the price of not having many lab techs however it does gives him more screentime
Next week looks like a lot of Ray and Nick stuff