The Retreat


Disclaimer: I do not own any part of CSI or its characters. That honor goes to the good folks over at CBS. All references to Sara’s past in foster care belong to QTR. Interested in knowing more? Go to my favorite authors, click on her name, and check out her The Life & Times of Sara Sidle.

Title: Value


Around the campfire

“…What do you mean, Sara…?” Catherine quietly asked, glancing over at the other woman.

“I mean…” Sara frowned, swallowing. “What if I don’t like anything about myself…?” she repeated her question, staring down at the fire. Because in all honesty, there really isn’t all that much to like about myself.

Nick furrowed his eyebrows, wanting to say something to make Sara feel better, but… not quite sure what to actually say. “Sara…” he hesitated. “There are a lot of good things about you…” he calmly told her, trying to smile.

Sara raised an eyebrow, looking over at Nick. “Not really…” she shrugged. “I’m…average…”

You’re above-average, Grissom wanted to point out. You’re above-average, and you have so much to offer those around you… you just don’t know it…

“You have a lot to offer everyone, Sara…” Warrick kindly spoke up. “You’re… good at your job…” he trailed off.

“Great,” Sara mumbled. “So… I’m just good at my job…whoopee…”

“And you’re a great friend,” Nick added, throwing Warrick a look.

“You have a pretty good sense of humor, too…” Greg smiled, staring across the fire at her. “Not as good as mine, but… close!”

“Those things all might be true,” Sara mumbled, kicking the dirt with the toe of her shoe. “But… I just don’t see them in myself…” she whispered, biting her lip, and closing her eyes.

Catherine sighed, taking a deep breath. “Why not, Sara…?” she asked, her friend. “Why can’t you see the value in yourself…?” she cautiously asked, making eye contact with her, before once again returning her gaze to the fire.

Sara swallowed, trying to collect her thoughts. “I… can’t…explain it…” she murmured, as she stared at the cooking shish-ka-bobs.

Grissom cleared his throat. “Can you… try, Sara…?” he quietly asked her. “We’re not going to judge you, are we, everyone?”

“No, definitely not…” Catherine immediately replied.

“Never…” Warrick trailed off, staring across the dancing flames at Sara.

“Who, me? Judge? Nah…” Greg smiled, running a hand through his spiky hair.

“You know us, Sara…” Nick jumped in. “We won’t say anything bad at all…”

Sara blinked, not sure what to say to her friends… or even how to say it. Sara was well aware of the fact that she had a lot of issues, and… she didn’t want to burden everyone else with her problems.

While Sara was thinking, Warrick threw Nick a concerned expression, raising an eyebrow. They all remembered last year… and what Sara had confided in them. They knew that for her, talking about her childhood was difficult, to say the very least.

Nick caught Warrick’s gaze, nodding back, before glancing over at Greg. We have to be careful… he mouthed to the younger man. She’s scared… and we don’t want to make it any worse for her.

Greg simply nodded, rolling his eyes. Duh… he wanted to tell his colleagues. I do have a brain…

Catherine, meanwhile, continued to watch the flames, lost in her own little world.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Grissom cleared his throat. “Sara…?” he hesitantly asked. “You… don’t have to share with us if you don’t want to, but remember what happened when we went rappelling last year…?”

Sara slowly nodded her head, frowning. She had gotten stuck, and Grissom had rescued her.

“Well… I didn’t let you fall then, and… I’m not going to let you fall now…I give you my word…” he whispered, trying to reassure her.

Sara swallowed, once again blinking. She desperately wanted Grissom to give her a hug, and to tell her that everything would be okay, but… she recognized the fact that they had made an agreement to not flaunt their relationship in front of the other team members. And although everyone already knew that they had been seeing each other for almost a year now, both Sara and Grissom had enough respect for one another, and their colleagues, to remain professional at all times. At least in public. “It’s not… it’s not that I don’t want to share with you all,” Sara finally mumbled. “It’s just that… I don’t know how to share…”

“Let’s start at the very beginning,” Greg started to sing the song from The Sound of Music. “A very good place to start…”

“Greg, knock it off!” Catherine immediately snapped at him.

Greg raised an eyebrow, but stopped singing. I was just trying to lighten the mood… he thought to himself.

“Okay, well… Greg is right, I guess…” she trailed off.

Greg flashed Catherine a look, as if to say: See? I told you so!

“So… I guess in order to like yourself,” Sara mused, “You have to believe that you have value…” she trailed off.

“And you don’t…?” Catherine kindly asked her. “You don’t believe that you have value…?”

“I… don’t know…” Sara sighed. “And I don’t want this to turn into the ‘Sara pity-party, either, but…” she whispered, staring at her hands. “But…I told you all about my childhood at last year’s retreat, right…?” Her friends all nodded. “Well… I never… had what a lot of other kids had. I never had a father who wanted to go to any of my extracurricular activities, or… a mother who baked me cookies for an after school snack…” she mumbled.

“I don’t… I don’t get it…” Greg hesitantly spoke up. “Why would that matter…?”

“Because, Greg,” Sara bit her lip. “I never had a parent who cared about me. No one ever checked my homework, or grounded me for breaking the rules—“

You broke rules…?” Greg incredulously asked, his eyes going wide.

“Greggo, let her speak!” Nick warned.

“Sorry…” Greg muttered.

Sara ignored Greg’s comment, frowning. “Basically, I just never had anyone to really care about me… and that, I think, makes all of the difference in the world… I mean…” she glanced down at the cooking shish-ka-bobs again, lost in thought. “Our parents are supposed to tell us that they love us, right…? And to congratulate us when we do well on something…? Well… I never had that… I had an alcoholic and abusive father, a mother who ignored me, and a brother who abandoned me. And then…” she continued, “I had a foster brother who…”…Raped… “me…” she added, trying to bite back the tears that were threatening to spill over.

Warrick swallowed, rubbing the back of his neck. So… basically, he thought, no one ever told you that you were special…?

Nick frowned, staring up at the sky. You didn’t have anyone to hug or kiss you… he sighed. Although… I guess you did... just not the right kind of hugs or kisses, he bitterly thought.

Sara again swallowed, as a single tear slid down her cheek. “I mean… I know that I am a good person, and that… I am doing good work, but… my parents always pointed out my flaws…” she whispered, sniffling, as a second tear quickly slid down her cheek. Angrily wiping it away, she frowned. “I was my daddy’s princess, but… he was no knight in shining armor. And as for my mother, well… she repeatedly told me that she wished that I had never been born. So…” she tried to continue, as the tears just started to flow. “I just… grew up hating myself!” she whispered, burying her head in her hands. “Because everyone else around me hated me, so… I figured that there had to be something wrong with me!” she shakily mumbled, as her body was wracked with sobs.

Nick glanced up at Grissom. “Do something…” he mouthed to him, nodding, when he saw Catherine trying to tell him the exact same thing. “We all know about you two, so just do something…” he mouthed.

“Sara…” Grissom coughed, clearing his throat. Slowly standing up, he carefully walked around the fire, sitting down beside her. “Hey… don’t cry…” he whispered, brushing her tears away with his thumbs.

“But I hate myself!” she quietly told him, looking up at him, sobbing even harder. “I hate myself!” she repeated. “And so does everyone else!” she added, before crawling into his arms. Sara knew that very few people actually hated her, but at that moment in time, her mind was so clouded with sadness, that she just… couldn’t see the sunshine through the clouds.

“But we don’t hate you…” Grissom quietly pointed out, as he gently held her in his arms. “None of us do…”

“You know what, Sara…?” Greg hesitated, glancing over at her and Grissom.

“What…?” Sara whispered, as she swallowed, trying to calm herself down.

Greg frowned. He knew that he and his colleagues had already tried to point out some of the great things about Sara and her personality, but he also recognized the fact she needed to hear more positives about herself. “You are one of the people that I most respect around here…” he admitted, flashing her a small smile. “When I first switched over to being a criminalist, you just… helped me. You encouraged me, you helped foster my growth as a CSI, and you patiently showed me the ropes… if I had to pick one thing that I like the most about you,” he mused, biting his lip, “I’d have to say that it is your ability to teach…and to teach, without making anyone feel stupid…”

Nick nodded, focusing his attention on the crackle of the fire for a moment, in order to better collect his thoughts. “And when I came back from being… buried alive…” he sighed, “You, uh… you helped me through the rough spots. I can’t thank you enough for your friendship…”

Grissom remained quiet, as he gently rubbed Sara’s back. You taught me how to open up my heart… he wanted to tell her. Not many people have been able to show me how to feel…

“See?” Catherine smiled over at Sara. “You have so many good qualities… we just have to try to find a way to make you see them all, and to show you that you have some very likeable qualities…”

“And we have all weekend, and the rest of our lives, to do that…” Warrick added. “Okay…? We’re not going to quit on your, Sara… you’re too special to us…” he smiled, glancing over at her for a moment.

Sara slowly nodded, wiping the remainder of her tears away. “I’ll try to see the good in myself, I promise… but…” she trailed off.

“But… what…?” Warrick quietly asked.

“Greg…?” Sara mumbled.

“What…?” Greg frowned, looking over at her. What did I do now…?

“Your shish-ka-bob is on fire…” she pointed out, flashing him a weak smile.


:lol: This wasn't a funny chapter, but I laughed because I thought it said 'shish-ka-boobs' :lol: :lol:

Very nice chapter, and aww! Poor Sara :( But the ending was funny ;)
Shish-k-boobs, eh? Well that would be a new one! Uh... yeah!

And melbel, thank you so much :). Greg will get his dinner... I think! Maybe. Hmm....
Awww, I love the way it's so heartbreaking throughout and then at the end the shish-ka-bob is on fire. lmao.

Kudos for another great chapter, and for the fab chapters to come :D

Cordelia and hollie, as always, thanks!

Poor Greg... I'm so mean... I can't wait until they go to sleep, and Grissom snores!

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of CSI or its characters. That honor goes to the good folks over at CBS. The song is Lean on Me, by Bill Withers.

Title: Catherine’s Story: Lean on Me


Around the campfire

“It’s just not fair!” Greg again grumbled, as he rescued his smoldering shish-kabob from the flames. “I have the best of luck, don’t I…?” he asked his colleagues, studying the skewer in front of him.

“Sorry, Greggo!” Nick grinned, trying to stifle a laugh.

“Yeah, sure you are…” he muttered, as he plucked a charcoal-black piece of meat off of the skewer, and plopped it into his mouth. “Hmm… surprisingly not so bad, though!” he smiled, cautiously chewing the burned meat.

Warrick raised an eyebrow, watching Greg eat the food. “That, uh… looks very tasty, Greg…” he trailed off.

“Vegetarian… thank goodness, I’m a vegetarian…” Sara whispered to Grissom, trying her best not to gag.

Catherine just chuckled. “Do you want us to make you another one, Greg…?” she kindly asked the younger CSI.

“Nah, this one is just fine!” Greg laughed, as he popped a piece of fruit into his mouth.

Grissom bit his lip, glancing at the rest of the shish-kabobs. “Well, folks, the rest of ours aren’t quite done yet, so… shall we continue…?”

Nick rubbed the back of his neck, staring into the fire, while Warrick gazed into the trees, lost in thought.

If I can’t see him, he can’t see me… Catherine thought to herself, before bursting out into a fit of laughter.

Grissom raised an eyebrow, looking over at Catherine. “Do you… have something to share with the rest of the class…?” he teased her, flashing her a slight smile.

This only made Catherine laugh harder.

“What? What is it?” Greg asked, glancing up from his shish-kabob in order to grin at Catherine.

“Do you all remember being in school, when the teacher asked you a particularly difficult question that you didn’t want to answer?”

No…not really… Sara thought to herself. I actually liked the attention…

“Well…” Catherine trailed off. “I remember thinking that if I didn’t make eye contact with the teacher, then he or she couldn’t see me… and if he or she couldn’t see me, then I couldn’t be called on to answer…”

Nick chuckled. “Actually, yeah… I do remember thinking like that,” he smiled.

“Yup!” Warrick simply replied.

Grissom chuckled, nodding at her. “So… now that I can see you, do you care to share with us…?” he gently prodded her.

Catherine’s smile slowly faded away, to reveal an uncharacteristically nervous expression on her face. “I…guess so…” she sighed. “Okay. So…what do I like the most about myself…? I love my ability to triage…”

Warrick furrowed his eyebrows, once again studying the ground. Triage…? That… doesn’t sound so good…

“I watch ER just like the next guy…” Nick trailed off. “But… I don’t really know what you mean…”

“Like… triage parts of your life…?” Greg asked.

Catherine simply nodded. “I’m good at self-management…” she quietly said, glancing around the fire at her friends. “And… I guess… to some extent, I pride myself on having the ability to prioritize…”

“I’m not sure that I like the word ‘triage,’ though,” Sara spoke up, frowning. “That implies… crisis in your life…” she added, as she rested her head on Grissom’s shoulder.

“I know…” Catherine replied, biting her lip.

Warrick cleared his throat, glancing up at Catherine. “Are you… are you saying that you have crises going on…? Right now, as we speak…?”

Catherine sighed, gazing into the fire. “No, not in the ER sense of the word ‘crisis,’ but… there’s a lot going on in my life… Lindsey… work… Lindsey…”

“Is…Lindsey okay, Catherine…? Are…you okay…?” Grissom asked, his arm still wrapped around Sara’s shoulders.

“Yes… and no…” Catherine mumbled.

“I don’t…understand…” Greg frowned. “What does that mean…?”

“It means, Greg…” Catherine snapped at him. “That yes, she is okay… and that no, she isn’t.” Sighing, Catherine then added, “I’m… I’m sorry, Greg. I didn’t mean to snap at you. It’s just that…Lindsey is really giving me a run for my money, and… I’m completely exhausted…”

“Oh…?” Warrick asked, raising an eyebrow. “What’s she doing, Cath…?” he hesitantly asked. He knew that his question was highly personal in nature, but… Catherine was his friend, and he was concerned about her.

“For the past couple of years,” Catherine frowned, “she has been… difficult, to say the very least. You all know that. But over the past six months,” she continued, “she has gotten… very out of control… she’s… hanging around with the wrong group of kids, she’s…doing things that she really shouldn’t be doing, and she’s just… getting into a lot of trouble…”

“Define…‘trouble,’” Grissom asked, looking across the fire at her.

“She’s smoking, she’s out all hours of the night… she’s skipping school…” Catherine quietly replied. “But… I’m managing to balance her, with work… this whole conversation was what I liked about myself, right…? Well, I like my ability to focus on Lindsey when I need to, and on work, when I need to do that, as well…”

Nick cleared his throat, as he stared at the fire. You might be surviving, and you might be ‘triaging,’ Cath… he thought to himself. But… it sounds as if you are having a heck of a hard time staying afloat…

Warrick rubbed the back of his neck, glancing over at Catherine. “It’s… good that you can prioritize, Catherine…” he cautiously told her. “But… we have to do something to help both you and Lindsey do okay…”

“…What…?” Catherine asked, staring at Warrick. “We’re both doing just fine…” she stubbornly told him.

“Take it from someone who is not doing just fine, Catherine…” Sara whispered. “You need some help… from your friends…”

Catherine frowned, once again staring at the orange and red flames emanating from the fire. “I don’t… I don’t know what you can all do to help me, though…” she finally mumbled.

“Well, for starters,” Nick spoke up, raising his gaze to meet hers. “We can be there to listen to you. I would imagine that you feel a little bit stressed out right now, and… we’re your friends… we care… you can depend on us…”

‘Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrow,’ Greg thought to himself, singing the lyrics of Lean on Me. ‘But if we are wise, we know that there's always tomorrow.’ “Yeah… lean on us, Catherine…” he finally said aloud. “That’s what friends are for…” he added, flashing her a small smile.

“And as for Lindsey…” Grissom cleared his throat. “We can work with her… she still… respects me a little bit, I believe…” he trailed off. “Or at the very least, she still calls me ‘Uncle Gil,’ whenever I see her. Can I talk to her…? When we get home…?” he asked.

Catherine swallowed, slowly shaking her head yes.

“I can’t promise that I will change anything, especially because it sounds as if this has been going on for quite some time, but… I can talk to her.”

“We all can, Cath…” Nick told her. “We’ve known Lindsey ever since she was a little girl. Maybe we can take her out or something… do something fun… try to get her away from the bad influences…”

“You can… try,” Catherine mumbled, once again biting her lip. “But… it won’t be easy for any of you, I can promise you that… she’s not the same little girl that you all once knew…”

“We know that it won’t be easy,” Greg assured her. “But…like Warrick said before, we don’t quit on our friends... and like it or not, Catherine, you’re a friend…”

“You bet you are…” Nick confirmed.

“We’ll do what we can, Cath… promise…” Warrick assured her.

“But at the very least, Catherine,” Grissom spoke up. “We need to look out for you, as well… make sure you talk to us…keep us informed… let us help…”

“I will…” Catherine finally smiled at her friends, making eye contact with each individual criminalist. “And thank you, guys…really…”

“You’re welcome…” Sara smiled, glancing at the fire. And then laughing, she added, “Uh… Nick…?”

“What, Sara…?” Nick frowned.

“Your shish-kabob is on fire…”

“What…?” Nick asked, jumping up.

“It’s been on fire for the past five minutes…” Greg grinned.


:lol: Poor Nicky is the next burning-shish-ka-boob:)p) victim! :lol:

Nice chapter! I want to see what Gris and the rest are going to say to Lindsey! :D
Lol! Love the recurring "burning shish-ka-bob" lmao! And yes, I'm very intrigued as to what is said to Lindsey. Well *claps hands* Who's up next? :D

(Raven, Cordelia, and hollie, thank you all so much for your recent comments! They make me very happy… I appreciate them, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!)


Disclaimer: I do not own any part of CSI or its characters. That honor goes to the good folks over at CBS. Abbott and Costello also deserve some credit for this chapter!

Title: Greg’s Story: A part of the team!


Around the campfire

“Why didn’t you say anything to me sooner, Greg…?” Nick mumbled, as he reached toward the fire, carefully grabbing the end of his skewer, and quickly yanking the whole thing out of the flames.

“I was paying attention to Catherine!” Greg replied, trying to stifle a laugh.

“Oh, don’t you even think about blaming this on me!” Catherine grinned.

“Would you like me to make you a new one, Nick?” Greg teasingly asked his friend.

“No, I’m good, man, thanks…” Nick sighed, staring down at his completely burnt shish-kabob.

Warrick just chuckled, carefully studying his own skewer. “Well… if this thing catches on fire, will someone let me know…?” he asked everyone.

“Uh-huh…” Sara smiled. “No problem…”

“If we see it on fire, we’ll be sure let you know…and the moment that we first see it!” Grissom assured him. “But while we’re waiting for the rest of the shish-kabobs to either burn or cook, let’s get back to our discussion, shall we… so…who’s up?”

“Now…?” Greg asked.

“Yes…” Grissom replied, looking over at him. “You’re up…?”

“No, now…”

“What, man…?” Warrick asked, rubbing the back of his head. “Who…? You?”

Greg shook his head, frowning. “Who would be first…” he told Warrick, grabbing another piece of burnt pork off of his skewer.

“…That’s right, so who’s up?” Nick mumbled, biting his lip.

“No, as I said, who would be first… now would be up…” Greg repeated, smiling.

“Now…?” Sara questioningly whispered to Grissom.

“Yes, but who?” Grissom shrugged, raising an eyebrow.

“Yup, Sara!” Greg grinned.

“What…?” Sara frowned.

“No, what would be second!”

“Who?” Catherine asked.


“Now, what?” Warrick asked, trying to hide his growing smile.

“Who would be first, what would be second! Now!” Greg announced.

“Who, what? Who’s up?”

“No,” Greg sighed. “Now is…”

“Now is…what…?” Catherine frowned, getting completely confused.

“Now is not what… Now is up, and what is not…”

Warrick squinted, “Huh…? I don’t understand! Certainly you know…”

“Right, but not certainly…” Greg shrugged. “Now…”

“Uh…What?” Warrick gave Greg a confused smile, staring across the fire at him.

“Nope, now!” Greg repeated, starting to laugh hysterically.

“What the heck is wrong with him…?” Catherine started to laugh, as if becoming infected with Greg’s good mood.

“I don’t know!” Warrick grinned, he himself starting to laugh.

“NO, IT’S NOW!” Greg yelled, as he couldn’t stop laughing.

Sara started to chuckle, raising her gaze to meet Greg’s. “Nice job…really…” she told him.

“Thanks, Sara!” Greg replied, smiling.

“Huh?” Warrick asked, once again squinting in confusion over at his younger colleague.

“What… is going on…?” Nick raised an eyebrow, eating another piece of burnt meat.

Sara glanced at Nick, the smile on her lips growing even larger. “He adapted Abbott and Costello’s ‘Who’s on First’ bit, I believe… if you recall, the first thing that Grissom asked us was ‘Who’s up…?’ Well… Who was never up… he was on first…” she informed everyone.

“And in the skit,” Greg pointed out, “It says something about ‘the heavy hitter now…’ So… I decided that Now was up… and just so you guys know,” he added, raising an eyebrow, “What was on second, and I Don’t Know was on third… Certainly? He was an outfielder…” he laughed.

Grissom chuckled, staring down at the fire. “So… you’re up, then, Greg?” he finally asked.

“I actually already went!” Greg replied, smiling. “I like my humor… it helps me get through some very difficult and uncomfortable situations…”

Warrick ran a hand through his hair, grinning. “I like your humor, too, man…” he admitted. “Because although I tease you quite a bit, I… enjoy the fact that you can make me smile, whenever I need something to cheer me up…”

“I agree…” Catherine mused, staring at the fire for a moment. “Our jobs certainly aren’t easy… we see people on the worst day of their lives, and…you help make things quite a bit more bearable, Greg…” she added, smiling over at him.

Sara sighed, her head still resting on Grissom’s shoulder. “Actually… yeah… you’ve helped me get through some pretty difficult cases, also…” she told him. “But now that I’m thinking about it, Greg…I’m not so sure that you get all of the credit that you so rightfully deserve…you should know that I respect you quite a bit…”

“Well…” Greg looked down at the ground, biting his lip. “Now that you mention it, Sara, sometimes… I feel like none of you really, truly respect me… at times, you all tend to… treat me like the kid brother that no one wants around…”

“But Greg, sometimes you act like a kid!” Nick pointed out, before frowning, as Grissom flashed him a warning look.

“I know that…” Greg quietly mumbled. “But… I have a serious side to me, too… I know that I… talk about video games a lot, and electronics, and just… about having fun in general, but… I also take my job very seriously, and… I’m not sure that you all realize that…”

“I know that you take your job extremely seriously, Greg…” Grissom spoke up, as he held Sara in his arms, his fingers gently brushing against her side. “And I can honestly tell you that if I didn’t believe that, you… would not have a job with the Las Vegas Crime Lab…”

Greg swallowed, before looking up at Grissom, and returning his gaze to the ground in between his feet. “That’s…good to know…” he sighed. “So… you all think that I am… a part of this team…?” he quietly asked the group.

“Greg…” Nick hesitated. “I apologize if… you’ve felt excluded at times. You are a part of this team, I promise you that…” he said. “I might tease you from time to time, but… I still have all of the respect in the world for you!”

“…Really…?” Greg asked.

Nick simply nodded.

“Yeah, man,” Warrick agreed. “I trust that you’ll have my back, if… anything ever happens to me…you might laugh and joke around quite a bit, but when it comes right down to it, you’re brilliant at what you do…and I respect you for that…”

Catherine nodded her head, before speaking up. “Greg… things would not be the same without you around… seriously…”

“In fact,” Sara hesitated, raising an eyebrow. “I consider you to be one of my best friends…” she flashed him a small smile.

“Well… thank you, Sara…” Greg replied, biting his lip. “I consider you to be a good friend, too… actually, I consider all of you to be my friends…” he admitted.

“Same here, man…” Warrick assured him.

“Definitely…” Nick added.

“Without a doubt…” Catherine confirmed.

“I do, too…” Grissom quietly said.

“Well… thank you then, guys…” Greg replied, smiling.

“But before we move on,” Grissom spoke up. “I have one more thing to say to you, Greg… You’re pretty good at finding the balance between humor and seriousness, so don’t worry about things quite as much…don’t change who you are, because you don’t believe that you fit in with us,” he added. “You are an integral part of this team… don’t ever forget that…”

“Okay…” Greg replied, finally grinning. “I won’t…”

“Hey, Sara…?” Warrick then quietly asked, trying not to laugh. “Your shish-kabob is on fire…” he pointed out.

Sara glanced down at the fire, smiling. “Actually… that’s yours, Warrick…” she trailed off. “Mine is over here…”

“Oh, hell no!” Warrick frowned.

“So… anyone up for some pizza…?” Greg interrupted, laughing.


Haha, now Warrick's shish-ka-bob must suffer. It's awesome how everyone on the team can be such good friends.
Yeah... they're pretty good friends... or that's how I've always interpreted the episodes! But I think they can all be very sensitive... even Greggo!
(Thanks to everyone who’s been readin’ this… this chapter is completely different from every other chapter in this fic, so… if you can’t stand GSR, you might not want to read it… or you can read it, and then tell me how much you like or dislike GSR!).


Disclaimer: I do not own any part of CSI or its characters. That honor goes to the good folks over at CBS. Abbott and Costello also deserve some credit for this chapter!

Title: Oops!


Around the Campfire

Nick glanced at Warrick, yawning. “I’m… tired…” he mumbled, staring into the fire.

“Well… it’s late…” Grissom informed him. “So… I can understand that. Would you guys like to put the rest of our talk on hold until breakfast…? And then do the ropes course in the afternoon…?”

“Boy, would I…” Warrick sighed. “I’m kinda beat, myself…”

Catherine just yawning, a small yawn escaping through her lips.

Grissom simply nodded. “Okay, then,” he told the group, removing his arm from around Sara’s shoulders, and standing up. “Tomorrow is going to be another… busy and draining day, so get some rest…”

“What are we going to be doing, beside talking, Grissom?” Greg asked, as he stretched. “More rappelling?”

“No…” Grissom told him with a grin. “Something better…”

Nick frowned. “Something… better than rappelling…? ‘Better’ how…?” he cautiously asked.

“Yeah…” Warrick chimed in. “Are we talking ‘better’ in the sense that it is more challenging than rappelling…? Or ‘better’ in the sense that it is more fun…?”

“Both!” Grissom simply replied.

Catherine groaned. “Are we… skydiving into the water…?” she wanted to know.

Grissom shook his head no, raising an eyebrow.

“Are we… going horseback riding…?” Sara guessed.

Grissom again shook his head no.

“Are we… playing a rousing game of beach volleyball…?” Greg questioned his supervisor.

Grissom again shook his head no, chuckling. “We’re going to do a ropes course…” he explained, as he gathered some of the garbage from around the fire.

“What… uh… what does that entail…?” Sara quietly asked, remembering her experience from last year’s rappelling activity.

Grissom smiled. “We will be doing a ropes course in the trees, where we all have to help each other get to the end of the activity…”

“You didn’t say… in the trees, right…?” Catherine frowned. “Because… I just know that you didn’t…”

“I… believe I did…” Grissom replied, once again raising his eyebrow. “It’ll be fun, I promise… and we’ll all work together as a team, too… no one gets left behind…”

“Right…” Nick mumbled, a bit uncertain. “No one gets left behind…”

“Well if I’ll be climbing trees tomorrow,” Warrick sighed, “I need to get some rest…” he added, as he walked off to his tent.

“Yeah… me, too…” Nick added. “Goodnight, everyone!” he smiled, as he followed Warrick into the tent.

“I have to admit, Grissom… I’m a little bit nervous about this…” Catherine muttered, as she picked up her garbage, and threw it out.

“It’ll be fine, Catherine, I promise…” Grissom reassured her.

“I know…” she sighed, ducking into the tent that she was going to be sharing with Sara.

“Well… I suppose I should get to sleep, too…” Greg mumbled. If I move quickly enough, maybe I can fall asleep before the snoring begins… he sighed.

Sara, still on her log, stared into the fire.

“Are you okay, Sara…?” Grissom quietly asked, sitting back down beside her again.

“I… don’t like heights very much…” she whispered, looking up at him for a minute.

“I know that you don’t…” Grissom replied, tightly wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “But… we’re all going to be there for you… for each other,” he amended.

“Okay…” Sara sighed, once again resting her head on his shoulder. Then after a moment, she bit her lip. “Do you remember our first date…?” she quietly asked him, holding back a chuckle.

“I sure do…” he smiled, gently brushing his fingers against her arm.

“I… didn’t think that you’d call me, actually…” she admitted.

“Really…?” Grissom asked, completely surprised.

“I… figured that you just got all caught up in the emotion of the retreat, and that you weren’t serious about going out to dinner with me…”

“Well… I almost didn’t call you, as a matter of fact…” Grissom frowned.

“What…? Why…?” Sara asked, trying to relax in his arms.

“I… was nervous…”

I was, too, Sara thought with a smile. “Oh… well, your nerves never really went away, I don’t think…” she grinned.

“What…? What do you mean…? I wasn’t nervous…”

“Oh, really…?” Sara laughed. “You could have fooled me…”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Sara Sidle…” Grissom laughed, as he gently held her in his arms.

“Uh-huh…” she trailed off, closing her eyes, and thinking about that life-altering first date.


The Date, one year prior

It was a Saturday afternoon, and Grissom anxiously stared at his phone. I… I said that I’d call her, he thought to himself, frowning. But… what if she says no? She wouldn’t, though, would she? After the countless times that she’s asked me out…? But, I suppose there’s always that chance that she might have something else to do… right? he asked himself, as he poised his hand over the phone. Just do it, Grissom… call. You can do it. Just pick up the phone, and dial the seven numbers that will connect you to Sara…

In her own home, Sara sighed, staring at the wall in front of her. Why… Why hasn’t he called yet…? Sara thought to herself. Did he… change his mind…? He must have… she sighed, staring at her cell phone. Well… I should have known… why would he want to go out with me…? Just because he said that he did, doesn’t necessarily mean that he actually wants to…

Grissom stood up, letting out a very nervous chuckle. Okay… I’m going to do it… really, I am… he frowned, as he picked up his cell phone, once again staring at it. Here…we… go… he swallowed, dialing her phone number, and waiting for her to answer.

Damn it, Grissom! Just call! Sara frowned, almost ready to call him herself. And then her cell phone started to ring. Cautiously picking it up, she closed her eyes, almost afraid to glance at the caller ID. What if it’s him…? she thought to herself. Wait a minute, what if it’s NOT him…? she immediately added. Taking a deep breath, Sara stared down at the display screen, her eyes widening at what she say. GRISSOM, GILBERT. It’s him! It’s really him! Breathe, Sara. You have to breathe she told herself, before lifting the phone to her ear, and shakily answering it. “Sidle…”

“Hi, Sara…” Grissom replied. “It’s… me.” Grissom sighed. Nice job…

“Hi, Grissom…” Sara let a small smile form on her lips.

“So… how are you doing…? How’s… the weather?” [/i] ‘How’s the weather?’ Are you kidding me? Way to be creative! [/i]

Sara laughed. “I’m doing well, and… the weather is a bit cloudy, actually…” she trailed off. “Can I… help you with something…?” ‘Can I help you with something?’ Excellent comeback, Sara.

“Well… I was wondering if, well, you know…” Grissom hesitated.


“If you, you know, wanted to…” he tried again.

Just say it, Grissom. You can do it… Sara thought to herself, biting her lip.

“I was wondering if you wanted to go grab some lunch…? I know a small place off of the Strip… it’s rather quiet…”

Sara swallowed, trying to take a deep breath. “Okay…” she quietly told him.


“Uh-huh… what time…? And… are you picking me up? Or…?” she trailed off.

“Or… what?” Grissom asked. Idiot! Of course you’re picking her up! “Oh!” he said, trying to calm himself down. “Right… I’ll pick you up… is an hour from now okay…?” he asked.

“Sure,” Sara shrugged. I’ll be ready…”

“Okay… bye…” Grissom told her, hanging up the phone, and letting out a loud sigh. “Well, that went… well…”

Sara hung up, softly laughing. “I think he’s more nervous than I am…” she chuckled.


Around the Campfire

In Grissom’s arms, Sara started to laugh aloud.

“What’s… so funny?” he asked her, pulling back for a moment so that he could better study her face.

“I was just thinking about how nervous you were!” she grinned, marveling in the fact that he no longer seemed all that nervous around her.

“I was not nervous!” he repeated, once again pulling her close.


The Date, one year prior

Approximately twenty-three minutes later, Sara stood at the window of her apartment, studying the parking lot below. “It’s not too early to be waiting, right…?” she mumbled to herself, smiling from ear-to-ear. “I mean… he could be here at any moment, right…?”

At his apartment, Grissom rummaged through his closet, trying to find something appropriate to wear. “Comfortable… and yet flashy…” he mused, eventually pulling out a button-down shirt, and a nice pair of pants. “Well… I’m comfortable…” he mused. “And hopefully flashy…” he added, as he grabbed his wallet and keys, and headed toward the door. Staring at the clock, he frowned, when he noticed the time. “It’s only been… twenty-two minutes…” he sighed. “It’s… too early to go…” he added, although moments later, he started to smile. Dashing to the door, he grinned, as he briskly walked out to his car, and got in. “Traffic… you never know what kind of traffic there will be on the way to her place…” he rationed. “I should just leave now… to be safe, of course!”

Two minutes later, Sara’s smile brightened even more, as she saw Grissom’s car pull into the parking lot. Walking to her door, and pushing it open, she closed and locked it behind her, before nearly flying out to the parking lot. “Hi!” she cheerfully greeted him, as she saw him get out of his car.

“Uh… hi…” Grissom shyly replied. “I’m… sorry that I’m so early, but… I thought that there might be traffic…” he explained, as he waited for her to get closer to the car. Do I… open the car door for her…? he then thought to himself. It’s a first date… and I don’t know what to do! he frowned.

Sara looked over at Grissom, confused. Why is he frowning…? Do I have a stain on my shirt…? she thought to herself, slowly looking down, and studying her clothing. No… no stain… it must be something else… she trailed off, as she neared his car, and immediately got inside. “So… are you… ready…?” she nervously asked Grissom.

“Of course… right…” he replied, getting in, and putting the car into gear. “I think you’ll like this place, Sara… it’s a small diner, out of the way…” and away from prying eyes. We can just… talk there…

“That sounds wonderful to me,” Sara flashed him a small smile. “And it will give us the chance to talk, without… fear of… well… people staring at us…” she trailed off. So in other words, you’re embarrassed to be seen with him…? Smooth…

“I was just thinking the same thing!” Grissom smiled, starting to relax. “Not that I don’t want to be seen with you,” he amended. “But… we won’t have to worry about anyone interrupting us…”

Sara just returned his smile, trying to relax. Staring out the window, she tried to come up with something to say… to end the silence… “So… work was good this week…” she trailed off.

“It was,” Grissom agreed. “But… can we… not talk about work…?”

“Uh… okay…” Sara mumbled, staring at the ground. But I don’t know what else to talk about! After a moment, though a small smile played across her lips. “Did you get a chance to see the butterfly exhibit?” she suddenly asked.

Grissom grinned. “I did… the Monarchs were beautiful… and very peaceful…”

“They sure were,” Sara replied, thankful that they had finally reached the diner. Getting out, she waited for Grissom to come around the car, before heading into the diner. “And very colorful, too…” she added, as they walked inside.

“Good afternoon!” Tammy, the hostess, greeted them, grabbing two menus from the tray, and leading them further into the diner.

“Good afternoon, Tammy,” Grissom replied, as he took a seat in the booth, glancing over at Sara. When the waitress was gone, he breathed a sigh of relief. “So…” he trailed off.

“Hmm…?” Sara asked, studying the menu.

“…What do you think you’re going to have…?”

“A tuna melt…” Sara immediately replied. Although… that might make my breath smell. But… does it even matter if my breath smells…?

“That sounds…good…” Grissom replied, looking down at his own menu. “I… think that I’ll have the same thing…”

Good… then he won’t notice the smell of my breath! Sara thought, grinning. “Okay…” she simply said, setting her menu down.


Around the Campfire

With Sara’s head resting on Grissom’s shoulder, she gave a contented sigh.

“Yes…?” he smiled, gently brushing his fingers against her arm.

“I’m happy!” Sara smiled.

“Well, I’m glad…” Grissom told her. “I am, too…”

All of a sudden, a loud noise came from Grissom’s tent.

“What… what’s going on…?” Sara asked, staring toward the middle tent.

“I don’t know,” Grissom shrugged, quizzically glancing at the same tent.

“Oh I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts. There they are all standing in a row.
Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head. Give them a twist a flick of the wrist
That’s what the showman said…” Greg’s voice suddenly filled the air.


Nick and Warrick’s Tent

“Did you say something, man?” Nick asked Warrick with a yawn, turning to look at him.

“No… I thought you did…” he trailed off, glancing at Nick.

“Uh… no…” Nick mumbled. “It must have been someone else…” he frowned, nearly jumping, as he heard singing coming from the tent next door.

“Oh I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts. There they are all standing in a row.
Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head. Give them a twist a flick of the wrist
That’s what the showman said…” Greg loudly sang.

“What’s, uh… what’s he doing…?” Nick whispered to Warrick.

“Uh… singing…?”

“But… about coconuts…?” he laughed, covering his head with his pillow.

“Yo, Greg!” Warrick shouted. “Go to bed, man!” he laughed.


Grissom and Greg’s Tent

Greg quietly slept, a smile on his face, as he dreamt about carnivals and festivals. “Oh I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts. There they are all standing in a row.
Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head. Give them a twist a flick of the wrist
That’s what the showman said…” he started to sing, really getting into the music.

“Yo, Greg!” he then heard. “Go to bed, man!” Warrick told him.

“Huh…?” Greg asked, sitting up, and trying to wipe the sleep out of his eyes. “What’s going on…?” he asked, frowning, before laying back down.


Around the Campfire

“Yo, Greg!” Warrick shouted. “Go to bed, man!” he added.

Sara laughed, looking up at Grissom.

“Huh…?” she then heard Greg. “What’s… going on…?”

Sara just laughed harder. “Boys will be boys…” she smiled.

Smiling, Grissom glanced down at her. “Do you remember the mess that you made at lunch that day…? One year ago…?”

“No, because I didn’t make a mess!” Sara protested. “Try again!”

“According to my memory, you sure did!” Grissom laughed.


The Date, one year prior

When their food arrived, fifteen minutes later, Grissom and Sara were still discussing the butterfly exhibit. They both agreed that the butterflies were gorgeous, and that they had to take a trip to see them... together. Just the two of them.

Picking up her tuna melt, Sara gingerly took a bite. “Not bad…” she commented, looking up, and glancing over at Grissom.

“No… it’s definitely not bad…” he agreed, taking a bite of his own tuna melt. “I’m glad that you came here with me…” he added, as a piece of tuna fish fell out of his bread, landing on his shirt collar. Sara started to smile, holding back a laugh. “What…?” he asked, frowning. “What’s wrong…?”

Sara’s eyebrow rose, as she pointed to her own neck. “You, uh… dropped a piece of tuna on yourself…” she informed him.

“Oh?” Grissom asked. “Really…?”

“Uh-huh,” Sara grinned, grabbing an extra napkin, and reaching across the table to hand it to him.

“Thank you…” Grissom bit his lip. Well this is certainly embarrassing… he thought to himself, reaching for the napkin.

“No problem,” Sara smiled back, as she leaned a little bit closer to him… accidentally knocking her water glass over in the process, which landed on Grissom’s fork, which catapulted a French fry back across the table at her. “Uh…oops…” Sara mumbled. That’s so embarrassing! she thought to herself, as the water trickled off of the table, and onto her lap.

Across the table, Grissom was grinning at her. “Are you, uh… okay…?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“It’s cold!” Sara simply laughed.


Around the Campfire

“Okay… so… maybe I did make a mess…” Sara laughed.

“Yes, you did,” Grissom agreed. “But… it was kind of cute…”

Sara smiled, looking up at him. “Which is why we went out the very next weekend…” she replied.

“Exactly… to the butterfly exhibit,” Grissom reminisced.

“Where there was no food…” Sara added with a smile, stretching, and starting to stand up. “I think I’m going to get some sleep, though…” she told Grissom.

“That’s probably a good idea…” Grissom admitted, standing up with her. “It’s going to be a long day… and hey, don’t worry about the heights, okay…?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her again.

“Okay, I’ll try not to…”

“We won’t let you fall…” he reminded her. “I promise…”

“I know that,” Sara smiled, as she leaned up, and gently kissed Grissom’s lips. “I trust you… goodnight…” she trailed off, turning around, and heading toward her tent.

“Goodnight…” Grissom replied. “See you in the morning…”

Sara nodded, as she crawled into her tent.

Moments later, Grissom walked into his own tent.


Catherine and Sara’s Tent

“Hi, Sara…” Catherine greeted her friend and co-worker.

“Uh… hi, Catherine…” Sara replied with a slight smile.

“So… did you have a good…evening…?” she grinned.

“Uh… yup!” Sara smiled. “Grissom and I were talking about our first date…”

Catherine laughed. “The date when you spilled water all over yourself, and the French fry went flying?” she grinned.

“Yeah… that’s the one!” Sara laughed.

“Oh… well, that’s a great story…” she commented, as she closed her eyes, and drifted off back to sleep.

“Yeah… it’s a good one…” Sara agreed, as she made herself comfortable in her sleeping bag. “And I love him…”

Catherine, not fully asleep, just grinned. Well, good for you, Sara… for both of you, actually. I’m glad…you both deserve to be happy!


Grissom and Greg’s Tent

“Well, hello there, Grissom!” Greg chuckled, as his supervisor walked into the tent.

“Hi, Greg…” Grissom trailed off.

“So… how’s Sara doing…?” he asked, winking at Grissom, and trying to hide a smile.

“She’s fine, Greg… goodnight…” Grissom simply replied, crawling into his sleeping bag, and closing his eyes.

“Did you, uh… have a good talk…?” Greg pressed on.

“Goodnight, Greg!” Grissom repeated.

“Uh… goodnight…” Greg sighed. Damn! I wanted the details, he thought to himself.

