The Retreat

Thanks, I'm so glad that you like it! As I said, I already know what the third retreat will entail, and I have some things planned for some characters... I can't say who, though, because then you'll know what. It should hopefully be good!

Thanks again for your support and encouragement during the second retreat!
I really loved reading this story. It was a refreshing and new way for an opportunity to get to know the characters better.

I'm really not a huge fan of GSR...but I really did enjoy the interaction that all the characters had with one another. That is what I always looked forward to reading.

I just hope that Sara gets stronger because she seems so weak. Which is hard for me to see, because I've never thought of her like that.

Its a great story though...really an enjoyable read. Keep the chapters coming. :)
OMG what a great update the last time i was trying to read it my puter froze and then i forgot to come back that was just so sweet i can't wait for more
Waiting, I'm glad that you enjoyed the story! I, too, think that Sara can be a very strong character; I just think that her vulnerability stems from trusting others. Regardless, Sara is my absolute favorite character, and I see [only?] happiness in her future. And again, thanks for reading :). There will be more coming... just not within the next week! (I wanted to give people closure, so that I can take my time with the next installment of the Retreat).

And CSI Trainee, I'm so glad that you enjoyed the ending! Computer problems... man, those are bad!
Keep it up Zan...your story is great. I understand about Sara being I really do like your story. Very good. I look forward to reading more. ;)
Well thank you very much!, I appreciate you saying that! It'll be awhile before I start posting the next retreat, but... it'll come!
Sorry you couldnt hear me scream sooner. Yay!!!!! Awesome work Zan. You rock like gumby :)
I'll be waiting for the next retreat!!!Wait...did you say angst...major angst...? GSR is always the victim. Like Warrick once said, "Where is the love?"
I did indeed say major angst, but I don't think that it's going to be GSR! I'm spreading the love, so to speak, which is funny, because I forgot about the last line of your post ;). Mwahah. I'm actually very excited about the next retreat. I just need things to calm down with school, so that I can have time to write!
I'm glad ya liked it, CSIWillows!

And Waiting, expect the next chapter around the end of November, mid-December. Classes end December 7. YEA!
You... really want a spoiler on my story? Okay, sure, why not! I'm not giving it all away, but I'll say this:

It will take place near Syracuse, NY, and will involve more than one CSI. Why Syracuse? I mentioned it in a previous chapter. Actually, probably two chapters! :).
Hahaha...awesome. Thanks for the spoiler!!! gave me an idea for my book that I'm writing!!! Next on Breakdown...then use a spoiler!!! Hahaha..