The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To a girl: after all you've said i don't doubt you anymore. i trust you completely. i only want what you want. if you think you could deal with the same stuff as last year, then why not? but i don't want to pressure you. i feel no strong need to tell, nor do i have one to keep it a secret. it's all up to you because you're the one thing in life that matters to me.

to t.v customer service: i hate you. your instructions suck, then when i call back there is over a 60 minute wait. thanks. now i have to miss csi: miami :(

to little sister: wow, you amaze me. you expect jail to be treating him like a prince. you think he's completely innoccent. every time you want something you pull the 'but i'm really sad cause he's in jail' rutine. i'm sick of it! you don't even understand the enormity of it all! you think it's all peachy. you really didn't even know him, so why do you act like it's affecting every part of your life? i knew him 9 years longer and your remarks hurt me more than they draw sympathy.

to mom: didn't you love him just a little bit? you had three kids with him, you had to haev. but you just throw out his letters. it's like you just want to throw him out. you don't seem to understand why it makes me so sad. you don't even notice it makes me sad. and then you go and tell me not to overdramatize it, excuse me? umm tell me if i'm mistaken, but it seems a little bit larger than a broken nail! you may have gotten over him fast enough, but i haven't. i still love him! why shouldn't i? he's my dad after all!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To AfterEllen people:

Don't make your video blogs so damn long, I'm bored sitting next to a giggling girlfriend not knowing what's so damn funny about watching 3 dykes talking about other dykes.

To TV:

Be funny, I'm bored. Don't show so many commercials, show something interesting or at least entertaining.

To coughs: GO AWAY, it's been 2 weeks now, time's up.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

to everyone that has plans to knock on my door:

You can say I am pretty much someone who doesn't believe in a creator or whatsoever other then my parents. They had sex and their DNA combined and made me. It's just a biological process. In my opinion someones path gets created by the environment that the person gets created in, survival of the fittest.

I really have nothing against people with a religion though. But it is not my view of thing in the world. Then on a saturday morning as this I'm enjoying the beautiful weather and the doorbel rings. I open the door.

The story starts with: I won't take long of your time and a story begins about all the bad things that happen in the world. Those bad things mostly caused by people using religion as an excuse. But the bible said.... Whatever... I saw CSI Miami a few days ago and Horatio Caine said that I could *insert crime here* as long as *whatever* and use that as my religion!

When I say that I am not intrested in their story since I am not religious at all they look at me weird and they try to convince me that such a thought is just not possible.. We must have been created by a greater someone... (uhuh my parents had sex...) Well but your soul must come from somewhere.. Maybe it does, maybe it is just a bunch of impulses made by my brain that makes it possible to learn and use my senses to do so. I am kinda sientific... I am just waiting for something solid and provable. If not... We're not as advanced in it to do so. Just like we don't have a rock solid cure for cancer and aids.

They kept on going and I was like. This will be a never ending story. To different point of views without a possible solution because I knew I was going to hold my end. And I really don't mind if those two ladies hold to their end but don't bother me with it. If people are intrested in your church or religion they'll come and seek you! Leave me with respect that I don't share your point of view!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To whoever chewed the top of this Sharpie: Ewww. Everyone that lives in the house told me they don't chew pens. (Well, besides Allie, but she doesn't chew other peoples pens, because she uses her own pens) So who chewed my Sharpie. didn't think that I would eventually come along and chew it too? Eww...

To this song: You know what, I like you. But I was not alive in 1973, so there isn't much relation between me and you (the song), but you know what, I still like you.

To gf: Amazzingg weekend :)

To friend: Good day today, haha, it was soo cold, but soo fun :)
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To Why the hell can't I review that story? I like it and I wanna show it! Not that it's the end of the world, but it sucks!

To girl from stable: Dammit why don't you ever show up and take care of your horse?! Having a pet, like a horse or a dog or a cat, means to take over responsibility! You live only 5 minutes from the stable, it's Sunday - it's impossible not to find the time to come round! It's a nice horse you got, don't you realize that? fyi, I rode her today, brushed her and made sure she was okay. But I'm afraid that this doesn't even interest you...

To holidays: why the hell do you have to be over so soon? This one week passed by way too fast...
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To Fanfiction: STOP BEING SLOW! I need to update these two stories before people get angry, GOSH! Can you try not being so slow for once!?!

To my girlfriend: I'm so so so sorry that I have to leave in the morning. I'm really sorry and I hope you don't get too mad. Your fabulous :D
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To myself:

Happy b-day and try to like it a bit.. I know you are alone but that doesnt have to spoil it.. Try to do something nice for yourself and enyo it..

To Mother & stephdad:

Thanks so much for everything.. You did so much for me and i am so happy with it, its finaly done here and it looks great.. Its lovely and you where the best help i had and needed.. Love you both..

To Sister:

I miss you so much wish you where here.. You are so sweet and great and i can finaly talk to you about everything.. That is what i always wanted.. Love you and miss you a lot..
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

Happy Birthday Berylla!!!

To myself: Stop thinking about him. You're going to drive yourself nuts.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To Britt:

You're hot. Damn. How do you do that, you just had a baby.

Anyway you'd be hotter if you cut your hair again. :p

Missed you nonetheless, old eps were getting boring, yay for new topics and freaks :D

To apartment:

You look untidy. Go, clean yourself up.

To Uni:

Go, blow yourself up, I don't feel like going back to you :p
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

Happy Birthday Berylla!!

To Uni:

Go, blow yourself up, I don't feel like going back to you :p

Ohh my gosh, that's so funny, I feel exactly the same way :lol:

To my roommate: I love you to pieces, now that you're not trying to kill me, at least were past that, but now you're purposly trying to make me mad? Well, umm, sorry to tell you, that's a little GRADE FOUR! I like having the house to myself, but do you think I really care if you decide to go out or not...uhh, what? It doesn't matter to me, if you're staying you have to help me watch Christine, because Vee's at work, so it just gives me extra help. See if I really care.

To the fridge, chupboards and wherever food is: When I go into one of you, please have actual food in you! I'm sick of Kraft Dinner, ugh, I feel like such a University student when I eat stupid Kraft Dinner!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my manager: You rock!

To my other manager: Sorry I scared you. I do that sometimes.

To me: I love this shirt.

To people living in canada: Please buy a smile cookie. It will make children happy in the children's hospitals.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To the mothers of those girl who were in Talent - Finland last Sunday and made the big fuss to the 'papers.

You know what? Judges were so right. 13 yr old girls shouldn't be dressed like that. And even they said they can change it - just like the one judge said - it was like MTV video - but they are 13 yrs old and they shouldn't do 'sexysexy' dance in such a clothes... or any clothes :rolleyes: Now you whine that 'girls were embarassed' :rolleyes: Geez, if you decide to be part of such a show - you should also be able to take the feedback - even negative.

They are kids. Boohoo and try when you are adults.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

to my mom: i hope you feel better. i know he was an ass to just leave you like that. i hope you get your car back. you try to just shrug it off as 'the way men are' but you know as well as i do that that is complete bs. i know you're hurt. you cried to me and said you'd never love again. i know you got hurt and that is exactly the same answer i would have given. but i want you to fall in love again. after dad i didn't think you'd ever fall in love again. then he came and you were so happy. he was so good for you. until he just left. but it's his loss. don't restrain yourself because of it. i just want you to be happy again.

to roommate: i am in love with strawberry special K and soy milk. why do you have to laugh? i just asked if you could pick me up some while you were out and you just said 'i will not be your enabler' and hung up :( now i'm sad becase there is no special K with berries left and the soy milk is Levon's and she is out and her phone is out of money (like usual) and i don't know when she'll be back and i have to leave soon, so i can't have any :(. also i am broke and you will not lend me the money so i can pick some up for my drive. geez, it's not like i'm addicted :rolleyes:
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To a friend: Definition of a lesbian: A GIRL WHO DOESN'T LIKE GUYS! Get it through youre thick head! I swear, i will write LESBIAN on my forehead with a Sharpie if I have too!

To another friend: Ohh my gosh, I totally can't believe we made you listen to all our girly conversations :lol:. Haha, you must suffer if you are freinds with us. And yes, I am addicited to shows with lesbians, get used to it buddy!

To my arm: Oh my god, stop hurting, you're all "hurt you, hurt you, hurt you!" stopp it.

To sugar high: You are making me soo annoying. I think, only I'm not talking, just typing, so I dunno, but I feel really hyper. Ohhh my god.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To self:
You need to spend less money on useless things. You need it for other things like the car and the horse. This month you will again have to draw your savings, and you know pretty well that it shouldn't work like that. This money isn't supposed to be spent now, and just because you have enough money it doesn't mean that your wages shouldn't suffice to afford everything you really need. Get up girl, you don't need the car to go to work, you could as well use the bike or simply walk! It means getting up half an hour earlier, even less if you go by bike. Or just go look for a girl to share your horse with twice a week, I know it's hard but at least you'd get money for it!
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