The RANT And I Can't Say This Aloud #4

To CSI: Miami.
You kill off Jesse Cardoza. Sent Stetler to prison.
Now you bring back Scott O'Shay?!?! UGH!!! :klingon: KILL! KILL! :klingon: Outside of the Scott O'Shay mess, you're kicking CSI: NY's butt this season. Better than last season. Last season, you barely slapped CSI: NY around much less kicked its butt.

You can talk about how good or bad those CSI: NY or CSI: Miami episodes are, but PLEASE don't post any spoilers in this thread--I haven't seen them yet! (only the season premieres of all 3 plus the 2nd ep of CSI--I'm slow, what can I say, I watch them On Demand!) That is all...carry on, RANTERS!!!

Unfortunately once a show airs in North America all spoiler tags can be removed from any discussion thread. I know that doesn't help with fans who live in another country or haven't got caught up in North America but them are the rules.

I know that; I just don't want any spoilers revealed in THIS particular thread. Is that too much to ask? Pretty please, with pumpkins on top?

Unfortunately it's a board wide rule. Some members have enough trouble remembering what thread they're in let alone Forums.

:guffaw:That's me. I keep forgetting which section this thread is in. Members' Lounge or Miscellaneous. (scrolls up a second) Oh yeah. Miscellaneous.

I get Mulder's point on Jesse and Stetler. Some countries are probably just getting around to season 8 or season 9. I fixed it in this post and I'll go fix it in the original post after I finish this one. But how is anything I said about Scott O'Shay spoiling? I didn't think I said enough about O'Shay to use spoiler codes. :confused:
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To Mother Nature,

What the :censored: is up with the weather? We survived Irene without a problem. We made it through the remnants of Lee with water in the basement. Now we got a nor-easter in October? We got large branches down from our front yard across the street to the front yard over there! :scream: And I can just tell that with all the creeking and cracking I'm going to have a sleepless night wondering if we're going to keep power and wonder if tree is going to come in the roof at me. :censored:
I meant to post this a couple of days ago but time got away from me...again.

Rant 1:
My dear friends, stop setting me up with people. I don't want to date your ex's best friend's cousin's ex's niece twice removed. I know it's crazy, but I actually like being single. No, it doesn't mean I'm "sitting in a cloud of depression" nor does it mean that I'm being "a cold heartless bitch." Some people need to be in a relationship to feel secure, but I'm not one of those people. If anything, being in a relationship makes me even more insecure and emotionally needy than I normally would ever be...and I don't need that in my life. At least...not now.

Rant 2:
Yesterday, I had an experience that reaffirmed my disgust with organized religion. A church rep. was sitting near the front steps of my school passing out "the good word" to anyone who passed by. What kind of church needs to advertise their beliefs? It makes me sick seeing a person walking around with a cross encrusted in diamonds around their neck or a tattoo of Jesus/Moses/Muhammad/Nosferatu/The Holy Lord of Tree Sap because the world doesn’t need to know that you have faith in something. God shouldn’t be a trendy t-shirt that all the hip kids with skinny jeans are wearing for six seconds before finding something else to make cool, like going to Starbucks but not buying anything:p. As much as religion annoys me, it pains me even more to see something as unique as faith turn into a cheap whore passed to anyone who wants her on a street corner.

Rant 3:
CSIFiles, you better not shut down on me because of the advertising situation. I know I'm just a semi-lonely CSI fan with an unhealthy obsession with Jorja Fox, but this forum links me with other fellow semi-lonely people who have an unhealthy obsession with Jorja Fox. I enjoy debating with people on this forum about stupid things like "Who's The Hotter Fictional Character???" or "Which CSI Character Would You Give A Bucket Of Candy To Do Inappropriate Things With On Halloween???"...well, maybe not specifically those topics but, you know what I mean. The point is that I enjoy chatting and reading what my fellow CSI fans are thinking about and I'd be really really sad to have to find another website. I don't do well with change. I'm barely handling the new Hallow names...if I have to deal with no more CSIFiles:(...I can't even imagine the pain.

I hear your worry! I feel exactly the same. I love this place since day I accidentally hit the button (filled with curiousness) and started to read my way around.
In little time, or bit longer (I keep getting blurry images about that), I'm a member of the community I adored ever since the first time.
Needles to say my addiction finally got proper therapy. And these few (three) years here has been greatest time ever wasted (my mom'd say it's a waste of time).
I've learned English (far better than three yrs ago), shared hundreds of thoughts, drooled over my fav threads, got fun playing games, got communication with fellow CSI addicts etc...

I don't want this end!

Gee it freaks me out every time I can't connect to server:eek:

To mom,
Hey STOP it once! It won't get my mercy if you're sighing every ten seconds. I hate that! I know myself I'm a big chicken etc. but that's the way I am and for now I can't make myself to fix that.
So bear with me the way I am and stop acting like you're different.
I need people around to make myself comfy and secure enough to do certain things my shy personality need courage to do.
I need "my person" beside to get my courage flying colors.
I get Mulder's point on Jesse and Stetler. Some countries are probably just getting around to season 8 or season 9. I fixed it in this post and I'll go fix it in the original post after I finish this one. But how is anything I said about Scott O'Shay spoiling? I didn't think I said enough about O'Shay to use spoiler codes. :confused:

It's all good, Spooky--I'm only worried about spoilers regarding the current seasons. Already knew about the you-know-whos...
To the VA hospital:

You forgot to take my granddad off the blood thinner medicine and now you have to post-pone his surgery for a few days. My grandma even asked if you'd taken him off them and you said yes even though you hadn't! The same thing happened to one of my uncles at a diifferent VA hospital. It's just strange to me that the same thing happened to two people in my family (on different sides of the family, btw) at two different VA hospitals in two different states which are at least ten hours away from each other! I would like to know how this happens. Is it a common mistake that is also made in non-VA hospitals or is it only common in VA hospitals?
To Ms. AFIS aka myself, stop overthinking and analyzing every little thing. If you get the internship then woo-hoo, if you don't then try again next year. Stop being a worrysaurus and focus on what's happening now. You certainly won't get the internship if you can't make it through this annoying, mind-numbing, back-breaking, soul-wrenching bag of frustration that is this darn German class. Never have I wanted to punch an elderly man in the face with a sharp shank until now...but I'll stop, because this rant is quickly segwaying into another less productive rant that'll just make me annoyed. I sorry.:)
Argh! Mom!
I'm really needing a strong person beside not one that hides away and whines about stuff.
I know we're two different ends of same stick and I truly need someone strong and overall positive personality guiding me through my life.

I wish I knew my dad. I've never seen him or heard. But I miss him. I don't know what kind of person he was but, even after all I've heard, I can't make myself hate him like you, mom, wanted. But after what your cousin told me I just couldn't. I've been thinking of him ever since first you told me about him.


To myself,
Stop being such a chicken-soul!
It's freaking annoying and embarrassing to feel this chicken to do a f*** phonecall and simply ask for an aviable job option.
It's not just that I don't like calling someone over the phone b/c of my frickin hearing but also my own internal fears of something I have no idea.
Doh! :scream:
Soooo damn stupid! :mad:
Rant for today.

Stupid Facebook. I hate you now.
I used to be very happy Snaptu app user. There were Twitter, AccuWeather, FB etc apps all in one. Nearly all my phones went lucky-go-happy with it for like two years of use w/o any major mishapps.
Now about month ago you announce new, independant FB app. I got it thinking of my other acc.
But that obviously wasn't enough. Last night I find out most of those apps won't be around, twitter including, anymore b/c damn FB has TAKEN OVER them!:scream:

Only ten more days and then it's gonna be over:eek:
I'm truly :mad: about that.
Why to take over the world? I don't use stupid facebook so much and I don't have much contacts to communicate. I was completely fine having all twitter acc's at same place two buttons away. Now I'm really NOT LIKING this:mad:

Why in the hell talkCSI had to kick out one of my fav members?
I sincerely didn't know that actively posting is a crime here.
Now I've lost my regular "partner-in-crime" and feel too lonely here.
I thought more members, more fun would be working though.

And it makes me feel lonely (who's gonna read my drabbles on ff thread?) and bored like never before (feels like I'm only regular poster in certain areas)... :(

TV3 and Lattelecom, what's wrong with you ppl?!
Taking off my fav channel was totally enough and having endless fights over licences and other stuff is just BAH!!!

Pls Lattelecom make that channel package I suggested over twitter. It'd be huge improvement instead of leaving half country w/o television at all.
Most of all citizens don't have that much money to pay for all those channels so they use only free tv. But you still couldn't stay put. No you had to develop this digital tv project that took mega short time to be up and going. In other words, you RUSHED whole thing jumping over every single mishap.
Now when we were made to get decoders and left with only four damn free channels you're about to take another two off. I truly hope you won't take the other channel off. Or I'm going to shoot the guy's (we happened to share same classroom for whole 9 yrs) father who runs the channel, so I know the family.
Tv3 I hate you for leaving everything when I have to watch CSIM & NY HALF-WAY:eek:
Of course I surely hope to get one-channel package for a small price so I don't need to be millionare to afford it. OR I'LL BE GOING ON WAR PATH:evil:
Dear random strangers on FB:

Why do you feel the need to comment on my friends' Halloween pictures and lecture them about how their kids are too old to trick or treat? I remember trick or treating all through high school and no one in the neighborhood had a problem with it.

Dear teenagerss who do trick or treat:

At least try and make it look like you have on a costume. A funny hat. Goofy clothes. Fake facial hair. Anything. It's pretty lame when you don't do anything and go trick or treating. If I wasn't afraid of retaliation I'd refuse to give out candy to anyone who doesn't have on a costume.

No love,
At least try and make it look like you have on a costume. A funny hat. Goofy clothes. Fake facial hair. Anything. It's pretty lame when you don't do anything and go trick or treating. If I wasn't afraid of retaliation I'd refuse to give out candy to anyone who doesn't have on a costume.

Yeah--what's with that? They're just running around getting free treats, with no effort. Thank goodness I live in an apartment building now, and don't have to deal with them. :devil:
To a certain department store at the Mall:

I really wanted a pair of boots you had on display. However, I got annoyed with the way the display was laid out. You had all of the different boots on the flimsiest slabs of woods that were poorly connected to the display table. So, when I'd picked one up to look at it in better detail, many of the other boots on display fell like a house of cards or dominoes. After about the second or third time of having to pick them up and trying to put them back like they were only to have them fall again, I just said the hell with it and walked away. Perhaps you should start thinking of a better, more secure way to display shoes where they won't come tumbling down when you barely touch one.
Dear computer. Please stop losing all my settings. I hate having to reconfigure things every few days or weeks. :(
Why in the hell talkCSI had to kick out one of my fav members?
I sincerely didn't know that actively posting is a crime here.
Now I've lost my regular "partner-in-crime" and feel too lonely here.
I thought more members, more fun would be working though.

please remember if you have any problems with the Board to ask a moderator or admin before ranting on publicly.

Also you know the rule about double posting. you could have added this rant to you other post from the day before. A friendly reminder :)
Well first it wasn't accusation. It was just random rant. I was just upset about person I've grown to post along is missing for such long time without an explanation.

Second. I don't know anything about double posts. I posted on two different days. I don't know if anyone has different time zones and it occured as if on same day/less than 24 hrs. I've just changed to winter time so I dunno.
Besides I couldn't add to the previous post due to prolonged java programme error that comes with browser/phone issue that happens when posts get too long, also it corrupts connection too (blame my suckish blabbering cell phone)...

Sorry for being too ranty mood to put it up so serious. It wasn't meant that.
I can remove that post part any time if it's bothering you so much.

As for the rant of this day.
To mom,
DUHH!! It's totally logic your phone's clock and date will expire when you keep battery out for half day. And when did you forgot this particular model comes with battery/back cover combo?
You should've check the clock before going to sleep so you'd be sure alarm will wake you up. It was pure luck you woke up that early and we still made it only that late. Next time you gotta check the thing
Well first it wasn't accusation. It was just random rant. I was just upset about person I've grown to post along is missing for such long time without an explanation.

Second. I don't know anything about double posts. I posted on two different days. I don't know if anyone has different time zones and it occured as if on same day/less than 24 hrs. I've just changed to winter time so I dunno.
Besides I couldn't add to the previous post due to prolonged java programme error that comes with browser/phone issue that happens when posts get too long, also it corrupts connection too (blame my suckish blabbering cell phone)...

People come and go as they please. Also and with that people's likes change. If you do have a concern about a friend ask a mod :)

Board rules state that you can 'edit' a post for up to 24 hours after you've made it. That is what the 'edit' button is for on the bottom right hand side of the post you've just done. The time changes don't effect that at all cause your account is set by you for what time zone you're in. If the 24 hours are up and no one has made a post since your last post then you can double post. Also we can't help it if your phone doesn't allow for all features of the board to be activated. When the board was set up it was set up for computers which is why Antony had the survey up.

We don't mind you being in a ranty mood. Just remember to follow board rules :)