Lab Technician
To CSIFiles, I don't want to be hater on the festivities, but these name changes are throwing me for a loop. And before you say, "AFIS, just adapt," I need you to realize the difficulties of suddenly logging on and seeing names that are completely different, even if it's just for a couple of weeks. How would you like it if your child all of sudden came home from college/military/the mall and decided he/she wanted to be known as PumpkinEater212, HauntedHouse, or PrinceofDarkness? You'd be slightly concerned to say the least. Fine, I'll admit it, I don't really like change, but come on...someone has to understand where I'm coming from with this. When I log on and see that the usual suspects (BDS/Kaunis...I'm looking at you:lolhave logged on/posted I feel comforted. Is it wrong to want to feel a little comfort from a CSI forum...:shifty:yes, I think it might be kind of weird, actually.:lol:
No, you're not weird, i HATE Haloween, it's the only holiday i can't stand..but i see where you're coming from on the name changes cause i'm like :wtf: whos this..where did they come from? and then i realise that they have changed there name for the forum :lol: but CSI files are just getting into the spirt... bite you teeth i am