To employers, stop telling me that I can't have the job because I don't have "work experience". How am I supposed to get experience when I can't even get to the interview process? I know other people in worse situations need jobs but I swear if I walk into Wal-Mart and see yet another senior citizen that looks near his/her expiring date telling me, "Welcome to Wal-Mart," I'm going to just give up looking for a job. I can't even talk to my parents about it because they're still living in the 1970s-1980s. They think all you have to do is walk up to the manager, smile sweetly while appearing up-beat, and *boom* you've landed yourself a nice flexible job for the next three/four years of your college life. That's so not the case anymore, parental units.
I know how it feels. My mom's the same. I've tried to tell her otherwise but she just don't get it. And when there's job you can really just 'pop-in' with a smile she just delays everything so I can't even ask what the job is about. And then she's whining again that we don't have that much money.
To my mom,
can't you just call again and simply ask whether there's a job aviable or not? I'm kinda wanting to buy something plus I need some cash for spring plans here. I can't just be your other hand wherever you need a help in something. Besides I'm annoyed that I have to lie certain people about my true occupation. It's not that I'm not liking to imagine things so I can get rid of someone. But seriously it's your workplace. You're bosses and other staff seems nice people, so damn ask your instructor to remind that girl again to call back so we can discuss the job options. I now feel like I've sent CV and been waiting for my turn.