The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

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Why is it that when I find a product I really like above all others it eventually stops being made? Blueberry Sodas, the foam like shoes which are the only shoes that are comfortable for me when I have a heel spur... and now my toothpaste? I don't care that the toothpaste is still being produced in the mint flavor. I didn't like that one. I liked the paradise flavor. I guess I'll just switch to another company if I can find one I like. I don't want to use toothpastes that taste nasty. And sometimes the mint flavored ones are just too much on the mint taste that it's overpowering and makes it awful tasting.
Dear my laptop : Please stop turn off by yourself. I am tired to reload all the website I opened before and re-write my fanfic and novel. Please stop that, I love you, really. You're my friend, and I really need you. I don't know what to do since I have sent you to repairman, I have deletde my trash-bin and uninstall many software, deleted files, and scaned all the memory, but no virus. Why you just do this to me? Why when my sister play you, you never turn off or error, but when I take over you just suddenly turn off? Why, Why, Why?

Dear my TV : You have played CSI NY 6 and CSI 10, but why no CSI Miami 8?
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Why is it that when I find a product I really like above all others it eventually stops being made? Blueberry Sodas, the foam like shoes which are the only shoes that are comfortable for me when I have a heel spur... and now my toothpaste? I don't care that the toothpaste is still being produced in the mint flavor. I didn't like that one. I liked the paradise flavor. I guess I'll just switch to another company if I can find one I like. I don't want to use toothpastes that taste nasty. And sometimes the mint flavored ones are just too much on the mint taste that it's overpowering and makes it awful tasting.

I hate that too!! Even more, I hate it when I buy something that LOOKS like my favorite product only they've made some sort of "improvement". :rolleyes: I liked it the way it was before!!!

Like, I bought the liquid Tide with the green cap because it's supposed to be Mountain Fresh but it turned out to be some other scent with Febreeze crap in it. And I finally used it all and bought the right one, but I bought the fabric softener in the purple bottle that's supposed to be lavender/vanilla but it turned out to be just lavender! :scream:

I like my laundry the way it smells with Mountain Fresh liquid Tide and Lavender/Vanilla Downey! Stop messing with my mind, man!
Dear woman who starved dog to death:

I hate you. I can't believe you work with seniors. If my mother was under your care, I'd be asking for a new personal support worker. Stupid moron!

Dear Judge: Thank you for giving her jail time! I hope this sense a clear message out to others not to abandon their dogs.
To the Thugs that are destroying our city. Take you act somewhere else. Do you really think you'll get any respect from anyone by torching police cars, smashing store and business windows, stealing merchandise, and causing just general mayhem. This hasn't happened in our city before and we certainly don't want it happening again. It's bad enough that people couldn't go to work these last several days, concerts had to be cancelled, baseball games had to be relocated and in general people's lives disrupted. We don't need the shit that you're doing. Take you act somewhere else. And this is all happening because you don't like the fact that politicans are meeting to discuss world issues.

To My Older Sister. I think you would have made a damn good Catholic even though you were brought up Angilican. Stop with the guilt trip about not taking Magic. There is a hell of a lot difference between adopting a 13 week old kitten with no health or litter issues and taking a 15 year old diabetic cat with litter issues. You say you can't take him because your cats have claws and you'd have to chance you litter to accommodate him. Guess what sis we have 2 cats with claws and we'd have to change our litter as well :rolleyes: Oh yea and don't forget that I'm already dealing with a cat that has diabetes. I don't need the stress of dealing with two. So get a life, buck up and do something about Magic.
To my photoshop: Please for the love of all that is artistic, stop deleting my textures. I spend a lot of time loading all the textures that I want to use and then when I close out photoshop to shut down my computer, after bringing the computer back up the next day and opening photoshop again, all those textures that I spent time loading are gone and I have to reload them all, which is difficult when I'm not sure which ones I had on there to begin with!
Why is it that when I find a product I really like above all others it eventually stops being made? Blueberry Sodas, the foam like shoes which are the only shoes that are comfortable for me when I have a heel spur... and now my toothpaste? I don't care that the toothpaste is still being produced in the mint flavor. I didn't like that one. I liked the paradise flavor. I guess I'll just switch to another company if I can find one I like. I don't want to use toothpastes that taste nasty. And sometimes the mint flavored ones are just too much on the mint taste that it's overpowering and makes it awful tasting.

That is so annoying.
I've been mad since we don't get Fanta lemon here anymore :mad: [Which lead to point that a week in Belgium and me drank it lots and lots of it]

Or the "improvements" or the way new chef in our upper secondary school (even it was several years ago) ruined many good foods!
to american airlines: could you please explain to me why a one way ticket from grenada to toronto is $1000 but a round trip is $900??? you know that flight in may is going to be full, overbooked in fact, so why are you trying to gouge me on a one way ticket because i want to take a direct flight down in the winter instead of you???

to pixie: could you please stop sleeping under beds and not coming out when i call you? you always get up when i wake up, so after 3 hours of not seeing you i looked in the garden, the garage, and even in the furnace room in case you got stuck in there like you have before. thanks at least for turning up moments before i called dad at the office to make sure he had seen you this morning. silly kitty :p
Dear Toronto Police Chief:

The next time we have a G8/G20 Summit, stop dressing your cops like Star Wars storm troopers and intimidating every single person who wears black. You, in fact, aggravated the situation by treating every protester as if they were members of the Black Bloc when in reality, most of them were just trying to make a point about the leaders of the world who are destroying the environment, giving tax breaks to big oil companies like BP. Or like what our lovely leaders have done n this country tax breaks to corporations in Canada who instead of hiring local people to work for them, send the work overseas to places like China so they can abuse the poor and needy over there with low wages and horrible working conditions- in addition to polluting the environment and causing birth defects in children because the water has been poisoned and there are little environmental regulations.

And these leaders wonder why there are groups like the Black Block exist to begin with. As bad as their tactics are, I see the anarchist's point. However, I don't thinking breaking the windows of a franchise does any good since it's not the franchise owner's fault, it's the CEOs who wine and dine the big time politicians.

Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper-the next time you want to hold a G8/G20 Summit, please pick a spot as far away from Toronto as possible. In fact why don't you hold up in the most norther part of Quebec or Nunuvut so the only creatures you and your fellow *cough*dictators*cough* are polar bears.

Dear Ontario Student Assistance Program-your stupid program has me listed as a male and now I have to prove to you I'm a female?
To my ex boss- You don't own me, I can leave if I want to, I had an agreement to leave on the 12th July to start the new job, not my problem that you thicko office staff have misunderstood me and decide that just a few days before I'm due to going you ring me and try and make me stay.
Also what gives you the right to ring my new place and say you won't 'release' me to them before the 26th, who exactly do you think you are. Also all the clients loved me, none of them wanted me to go, so put that in your pipe and smoke it. I've left on my own terms now, I don't care you aren't struggling, that text message last night was just one huge joke in itself.
Also none of the other staff wanted me to go either, you'll miss me before I miss you, you should learn to look after your staff then maybe they'd stay a bit longer.
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Dear Health Insurance,

You suck. It's only July, and I've already maxed out on my prescription benefits. It's not MY fault my thyroid conked out on me this year. It's not MY fault I have Major Depression. It's not MY fault I have ADHD. It's not MY fault that I have allergies. And it's not MY fault that without birth control pills, my uterus is a homicidal maniac.

Would you rather I go off my antidepressants so that you might get the opportunity to pay MUCH MORE for inpatient hospitalization? Or pay MUCH MORE if I have to go to the ER because my cramps are that bad?

I hate healthcare in the U.S. Is it possible to get Canadian healthcare from here? Yeah, I know, I'd have to wait longer to see doctors and all that, but I don't mind. I just want to not have to pay $80 per refill instead of $10 for the rest of the year.

No Love,
I'm tired of people who have to turn everything into an argument and feel the need to take lame ass pot shots instead of discussing the real issue. Just STFU and leave me alone.
Stupid managers and HR people...why do you keep hiring stupid people?! I am a good trainer...I really am. But I'm supposed to be training people on how to run a teller window. Is it too much to ask that you hire someone who ALREADY knows what a deposit ticket looks like? How many pennies come in a roll? How to use a mouse? How to fold up a bag without asking how to fold it? It's just a bag! It's not some sort of origami project!!

Honestly...I'll be surprised if tomorrow she doesn't ask me which pen to use. "Is it okay to use this one? Should I use a blue one? Is black okay? Do I need to put the cap on the end? Where should I put it when I'm not using it? Should I lay it by the keyboard or the mouse pad? Is it okay if it touches the mouse pad? Should I take it with me when I go or leave it here? Should I put it away or leave it on the counter? Can I use the same one tomorrow?"
to the person in my neighbourhood that has a bengal cat: judging from the spots on your cat you probably paid close to a grand for her, why the hell are you letting her roam around outside?? without a collar?? that poor things is terrified outside and should not be there, even if she is an escape artist you should be outside trying to find her immediately! i wouldnt think you would be happy to find your thousand dollar cat run over one day...

to my sweet pixie cat: please stop having strokes, you are scaring me :(
Dear Makers of the Dulco Ease (constipation reliever) adverts: Normal people DO NOT go around telling their friends about their constipation. Especially not when they're meeting for lunch.

Dear Builders Next Door: Stop laughing at everything and yelling all the time.

Dear Mr 'H' and Miss 'Y' from work: Mr H, just because you were raised with servants, and Miss Y just because you're in a wheelchair, does not give you the right to manipulate our time, interrupt us when we are dealing with other customers and expecting to be served immeadiately (that's primarily you, Mr H.)Y, I don't care if you're in a wheelchair, if you want extra time on the computers after you've used up your allotted 2 hours a day free of charge, you have to pay the £1-per-2-hours charge the same as everyone else. Also, we are happy to help you as far as we can, but it is NOT our job to do every little tiny thing on the computers for you. We are not carers, or I.T. course tutors. Mr H, the same goes for you. Please stop asking us the SAME questions day after day. Both of you please note, there are other customers in the library and it's not fair to us or them for you to deliberately manipulate and 'hog' staff members' time just because you think you're more entitled than the other customers.
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