The Random Facts Thread

Wow, I'm famous on a messageboard, somebody has turned a Christmas picture of me into an Avatar.

Holy Shit, the interweb is weirdo-ville.

:lol: Yeah. I wonder who could've turned you into an avatar? ;)
there is a mole of 8 oz cups of water in the pacific ocean
(a mole is 6.02x10^23)

ok so i get a mole is 602 with 21 zero's, but whats with the 8 oz cups, that makes no sense what so ever im confuzzled lol
im sorry i thought i was being straight forward! kind of ruined the randomness of the fact eh? basically, if you took an 8 oz measuring cup and started emptying the pacific ocean, you would have to do it 602 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 times
Diamonds are so sparkly because of the way they are cut and their high index of refraction (approx. 2.42). Roughly 1/2 of the diamond (the top) is cut in many different styles, the bottom 2/3 of the diamond is cut to meet at one point. This shape allows light to enter at any side of the diamond at almost any angle but allows light to only exit via the crown.

Because of a diamond's high index of refraction, its critical angle if extremely low (24.5 degrees). This means that any light attempting to exit the diamond at any angle greater than 24.5 degrees will be totally internally reflected. Sparkle sparkle!

So, if anyone asks, you can give this basic explanation! Correct me if I'm wrong, it's 12:00 am XD
oooooooooooooooooooooh, ive got it now! thanx lol.

chimps are the only species except for humans that have face to face sex!

chimps and dolphins are the only non human animls to have sex for pleasure.
Shaking hands spreads more germs then kissing. That's it, when I meet someone new I will kiss them instead. Well, except for the females and older people hehe I'm j/k.
The length of your foot is exactly the same length as the distance between your wrist and elbow
I never knew that! I seriously thought about trying to put my foot there to measure, and then i remembered i was a work...
My random fact is that the gene for intelligence is recessive. ( i'm actually not sure if that's true, but that's what one of my friends said she heard, and I believe her.)
the skin part of your elbo when it is straight you know that flabby stuff is called a "weenis"

Weenis? Oh my god I know I sound weird but that is too funny. Uh oh my mind is wandering again heh heh.
Biting your fingernail is the worst- it's equivalent to licking the toilet bowl lid 10 times.

this is why I only lick the toilet bowl seat 9 times and don't bite my nails.

and as a random fact:
There are four places in the United State with the word "chicken" in their name. Chicken, Alaska; Chicken Bristle; in Illinois and Kentucky; and Chicken Town, Pennsylvania.
I heard 2 facts today on the radio this morning -

1 - Apparently Snails can sleep for 3 years. :eek:
2 - An Ostridge brain is smaller that it's eyeball. :eek:
I'm currently working on a translation of approximately 1503 words (according to the assignment) LOL. My teacher should get sacked for that, its 1503 words or approx. 1500 words