The Random Facts Thread

Mosquitos have 47 teeth and are attracted to people who eat bananas

Holy crap are you serious? I guess that's true because when I was in Europe this past summer I ate no bananas and I rarely got bitten. At home I eat bananas like crazy during summer time and I get tons of bites everywhere. The part that those damn bugs have 47 disturbs me...eww.

Did you guys know that it's only the females that bite and not the males.
The order of operations in math is known as PEMDAS:please Excuse my Dear Aunt Sally, or:parantheses, exponents, multplication, division, addition, and subtraction. :D

i bet everyone already knew that!
^^ I learnt BEDMAS. Brackets Exponents Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction. Nearly the same.

The length of your foot is exactly the same length as the distance between your wrist and elbow

Thats a little creepy.

Random fact- Greg Sanders is hot. :lol:

Biting your fingernail is the worst- it's equivalent to licking the toilet bowl lid 10 times.
Biting your fingernail is the worst- it's equivalent to licking the toilet bowl lid 10 times.

Oh God. That's truly disgusting. *pukes*

V Oh, no. I don't bite my nails. But I do know plenty of people who do. My sister for one. I carry nail clippers around everywhere. You never know when you might catch a nail. *twitch*
In 1991, during an attempted political coup on Russian President Boris Yelstin, food supplies had dwindled down at the parliament buildings so they ordered Pizza Hut to deliver pizzas.

27% of female lottery winners hid their winning ticket in their bras.
In 1991, during an attempted political coup on Russian President Boris Yelstin, food supplies had dwindled down at the parliament buildings so they ordered Pizza Hut to deliver pizzas.

Not really a random fact, but my teacher once got caught on a field trip with 100 students in a storm and they couldn't catch the ferry back to Vancouver. So he order 25 pizzas from Pizza Hut and the guy laughed. He thought it was a practical joke.
This is also slightly off-topic but we had a leadership day at school in Grade 9 and part of it was that in groups we got to order pizzas cause Pizza Hut was right next to the school. There were over 300 people in the Grade so they ended up ordering about 70 pizzas. They had to call in advance to give them some warning.

And an interesting thing learned from Biology. You can get high from licking a cane toad.
^^I think something similar happened on Family Guy. Licking the toad. :lol:

A kangaroo's foot is the biggest in the animal kingdom. And I heard they can jump over a bus- but I'm not quite sure if that's true. I love patting kangaroos- they're so cute.
There were over 300 people in the Grade so they ended up ordering about 70 pizzas.

And an interesting thing learned from Biology. You can get high from licking a cane toad.
All that pizza to eat and you go around licking toads? That's one for the "I can't believe..." thread.