The Random Facts Thread

starfish have babies by dropping off their legs, which in turn grow into new starfish, and they grow their own legs back!!! WEIRD
It's called framentation and is a form of asexual reproduction. (I did good in science :p :rolleyes: )

Brings back some of my worst memories. . . Science. Ugh *shivers*
hahahhaa!! That is soo funny!! Yet sad all at the same time..

50% of the Americans living in the Southern State are Convinced that Canadians live in igloos.
111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
Now THAT is uber cool.

I'm insulted that people think we live in igloos. I do.

:lol: JK. But, no, we do live in a regular house or apartment, and so forth.
Some more random facts for you all :)

Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.

A ducks quack doesn’t echo and no one knows why.

The milk of a hippo is bright pink.

In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the equator.

The most money ever paid for a cow in an auction was $1.3 million.

The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone squishing her hands in jelly.

You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching TV.

On average, there are 178 sesame seeds on each McDonalds BigMac bun.
The milk of a hippo is bright pink.

weird! do you know why?

In high school, Robin Williams was voted 'Least Likely to Succeed.

By 3,000 B.C. there were at least six different types of beer in Egypt.

Tomatoes were originally thought to be poisonous

A rat can fall from a five story building without injury.

New York's Central Park is nearly twice the size of the entire country of Monaco.
The milk of a hippo is bright pink.

weird! do you know why?

Unfortunately no, I can't seem to find the reason why :(

You would have to run in order to keep up with a giraffe walking because every step a giraffe takes is 15 feet long.

The giraffe's heart weighs 24 pounds.

A giraffe usually sleeps for only 1 - 12 minutes.
I don't remember, but I recall hearing that if sharks stop moving, they die. I could be wrong on that.
Mosquitos have 47 teeth and are attracted to people who eat bananas

Tiger shark embryos fight each other in the mother's womb and whichever one wins is the one that's born
Mosquitos have 47 teeth and are attracted to people who eat bananas

Have you noticed that few people are allergic to bananas? Guess some parts of evolution didn't work its way around. :lol:
im never eating a banana agen now!!! i hate mozzies and they luv me, i had over 100 on one leg once, i was in so much pain/itchiness lol, i scratched myself so hard i bled...

OMG i just realised im wearing boxer shorts that have pics of mozzie and say BITE ME! lol
Mosquitos have 47 teeth and are attracted to people who eat bananas

Have you noticed that few people are allergic to bananas? Guess some parts of evolution didn't work its way around. :lol:

And this would explain why I rarely get bitten by mosquitos... because I am allergic to bananas!! :D