The Poll Thread - #3

My mother does them all the time and leaves them scattered around the house, so when I get bored I do them. I think they're dull but it's a good way to pass time. I prefer the easy ones, they fit nicely into commercial brakes ;)
God yeah, when I was at my grandmothers for the day, it was a bit boring so I started doing sukudo with my nanny and started doing some of my own...began to like solving it. But I dont like to ponder too much on it cos I do get annoyed too easily. :p
Nope, the idea of it just seems boring to me. I personally hate them, but that doesn't mean that I am dissing people who do like them - each to their own.

This may appeal to people who do love sudoku - something for whilst you're bored on the loo! :lol:
Oh man :eek: Think that you are so obsessed that you need to solve all before using :eek: :lol:
Golden_Smile said:
This may appeal to people who do love sudoku - something for whilst you're bored on the loo! :lol:

Could mean I'd be sat on the loo for a while :p

and I think I'd have angry family members banging on the bathroom door yelling at me to hurry the hell up and get out of there :lol:
Even though i said yes, i have only solved 3 or 4 puzzles and thoughs were the intermediate ones. I always try but seem to give up near the end because i notice one mistake that throws the whole thing off.
:p I like to try solving Suduko but I haven't had much sucess, but still I just like to try figuring it out.
OH MY GOSH!!!! I LOVE Sodoku!!!!! My mom bought me a HUGE book with about a couple hundred Sodoku puzzles. I do them all the time. Especially in 5th period. I already solved about half of 'em!
I've got a "normal" mouse :lol: I like the "'s!!

I would love a wireless one but my dad says they're rubbish so I'm never going to get one unless I buy it - not going to happen!