The Poll Thread - #3

Still water every time, other than tea, really cold still water is my favourite drink!

Sparkling just tastes really weird to me and a bit metallic. :p
Still, still, still!

I absolutely hate sparkling water (unless it's flavored). I can't drink it at all. :eek:
I actually don't drink much water, but when I do it's almost always still but I will drink sparkling on occasion. I'm actually trying to change this and start drinking more water.
I voted for Still. :)

Nothing beats the taste of ordinary water. :lol:

I don't think I've ever had sparkling water. I'll have to try it someday. 'Sparkling' anything sounds better than ordinary. :p
Hmm, only one sparkling fan here so far, lol.

I admit, I don't like sparkling water either - I don't like the taste and the bubbles don't agree with me :lol:
I prefer sparkling water. I need the prickling in my throat. :lol:
But I also drink still water if there's no sparkling water around.
I would say still water every time. I noticed though, when i was in Germany they seem to drink alot of sparkling water. Everything seemed to be diluted with sparkling water. I don't like the taste of it myself, but each to their own.
Go sparkling water! Still is hmm, boring? :lol: Oh well... sparkling water has a disadvantage: it makes me burp :lol: But in the other hand, its "taste" (if you can call it taste) isn't as bitter as still's.