The Official Pets thread

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Black 'n white. I can take pic in a few weeks, if she stays alive and has opened her eyes.
Awww I hope she stays alive! Aww! As much I dont like Cats..i hope your cat stays alive.
:( Aw...I hope your cats ok! :(

Im not a big fan of cats either, but I have a reason! Once, I was just sitting on the couch playing video games, and my aunts cat just comes right up to me and bites me! I was like " !@#$%^& you, cat! What the !@#$%^ was that for???" and I was mad at it for the rest of the hurt...

a lot.

:lol: :lol:But I have survived! Now Im pretty tolerant of cats. I even pet one once and a while at my friends house, though I am a little scared I'll get bitten again :p
About a week ago, we lost our guinea pig, Squiglet. She was 5, which is old for a guinea pig.

My brother stopped by one day, he had brought home a new baby guinea pig. It's a little boy, black and white. VERY active and VERY loud! :D

I'm calling him "Peppy".
Posted by TBonz:
About a week ago, we lost our guinea pig, Squiglet. She was 5, which is old for a guinea pig.

My brother stopped by one day, he had brought home a new baby guinea pig. It's a little boy, black and white. VERY active and VERY loud! :D

I'm calling him "Peppy".

I love Guinea pigs! I had one when I was 8. It lived till I was 13...we just called her Ginny :lol: You got a baby guinea pig? Awwww...they're just so cute when they're babies :D :D Is it really tiny?
Posted by kazzy:
Awww I hope she stays alive! Aww! As much I dont like Cats..i hope your cat stays alive.
you don't like me? :eek:

Anyways, i was thinking of asking my mum for a kitten. :p Typical thing for me to say, but i'm feeling lonely. :rolleyes:
Uh, we always have only "useful" animals, pets. If we had a guinea pig (those are cute) my old cat would have probably eaten it.That cat even ate the squirrel that lived nearby :(

But our Pepsi is so adroable cat. At the moment she's staring at me with her big yellow eyes. I have two friends who always first ask "how's Pepsi doing" and then ask how I am doing. Other one would take her right away if I could give her away but I don't want to.

Seriously. This is so sweet cat. My other cat tried to catch a slice of cheese, what was on my sandwich this morning when I looked away. :|

Just too cute.
Posted by GilGrissomCSI:

I love Guinea pigs! I had one when I was 8. It lived till I was 13...we just called her Ginny :lol: You got a baby guinea pig? Awwww...they're just so cute when they're babies :D :D Is it really tiny?

Yeah, he is. He's so little and energetic that when he gets excited he hops. I should have named him hoppy. :D

And he now recognizes the sound of rustling paper and when he hears it, thinks that he should be fed.
Posted by GilGrissomCSI:
:lol: :lol: This is where you talk about your pets, animals in general, etc. :D :D

My Pets:
3 dogs
4 rats
1 spider living in the corner of my room :rolleyes: (I just dont have the heart to squish him) :lol:

So howza 'bout you guys?? :D :lol:
I have a lot of pets Here goes: :)
3 horses
1 dog
2 fish (if you count fish as pets) :D
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