The Official Pets thread

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Thank ya :D she's very addicted to shoes at the moment

and cat's tongue is pretty nice to compared to cow's tongue :p
Posted by DaWacko:
Thank ya :D she's very addicted to shoes at the moment

and cat's tongue is pretty nice to compared to cow's tongue :p
When I was at a farm when I was younger, I was feeding the cows and then it licked my arm! I thought the cow was trying to eat me! It was so scary :lol:
Posted by CSIri:
When I was at a farm when I was younger, I was feeding the cows and then it licked my arm! I thought the cow was trying to eat me! It was so scary :lol:
That actually made me laugh out loud for some reason :lol:
Yeah, well that has happened me many times. Like when I go to feed them and go really close to them... they either try to lick you or grab your hat or clothes. They are quite strong so it's bit annoying. Another thing is when you go to brush those, the other one wants to be brushed too and starts to poke or like one used to do... first you heard breathing and then a giganti tongue licked your was quite icky.

and what comes to tongues and eating those. Elk's tongue is sooooooo great. It's the 3rd best part in elk. (after fillet of beef and heart)...then comes liver.
and strong jaws :( I was always worried the one day our biggest bulls will grab her clothes and pull her to :(
Cows are so cool! I used to have a Holstein cow (the black and white spotted one) named Holly. She got too old so... *leaving the rest out so as not to gross anyone out*

Horses are evil. They seem to like to eat/take my various hats etc... (lesson is, dont wear anything that can come off easily!)
Dude, I was like, in the petting zoo with my little cousins and I was standing by the cow and it like pushed me over with its snout :lol: :lol: Needless to say, I stayed away from the cow the rest of the trip.
Oooh they must not have many cows up in USA, or up near Chicago! Poor them. ;)

Cows are cute but sheeps are cuter. :rolleyes:
^:lol: HA! I'm sorry, I just get excited when someone nativer speaker of English makes spelling mistake :)

And of course there's cows in US.
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