The Official Pets thread

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The funniest thing tho is that when we say "Mat" (norwegian word for food) he comes running and thinks he's gonna get something to eat! :lol:
Oh with our cats, when we go to feed them we take the 2 plates out of the cabinet. We clink them together and wait. Within 5 seconds BOTH cats are in the room and meowing. They could be asleep and they still come running. It's so funny :lol:
:lol: :lol: Yeah. One of my dogs (Freckles) Actually responds to the name Pickles and Spackle. We're still working on Crinkles though :lol:
I once had a cat called Dinky and I DIDNT LIKE HIM AT ALL!

He was always meowing all the time when he wanted his dinner. When we give him dinner early in the day perhaps, he would be moaning in the evening. GRRRR Im so glad we gave him away for free to the person down the road. :p
Do you have a papillon too? I have met barely any people that even know what they are!! I have 2 papillons and one shetland sheepdog. We have nicknames for all my dogs too...

I'm a dog groomer. lol. i know they aren't very popular around here eaither. THEY SHOULD BE! they're adorable!
Posted by CSIri:
:lol: Our cat goes by the name Fatso too! We usually call him all sorts of things just to see if he reacts to it.. sometimes it's "carpet", "light bulb" or "lamp".. we pretty much call him anything we see around the house. But we usually go with just calling him "Katt" which is the norwegian word for "cat" :p

My other cat is standing on thölöäääääääääääädmmmmmmmmm keyboard at vdssssssssssssssffffffffg the moment.
now she's gone. Anyways, what reminds me is that we can also call, when angry our cats as Kissa [insert Finnish swearword here]. (kissa is cat in Finnish)
Ooooh you got those pretty letters of "a" and an "o" with two dots over it. How pretty is that? :D
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