Holy ****! Spiders! OMg how do you do that? I can't even hold the little mini ones! The pics are really life like too! Although I'm strangely addicted to clicking, I kind of like being scared. OMG it's eating? WTF is it eating? How does it eat? Does it have proper teeth and what not? What about saliva? How does it digest stuff like that, does it have like the same as us, just smaller and creepier? OMG too many legs.
27. years. old.
Woah jesus, I though they only lived like a few weeks, like butterflies and the like. What about house spiders and things, do they live that long? Or is it just the ones with the knees?
I'm all jumpy, I keep seeing spiders. Great I have to go to bed now.
How do you handle them without the flick reflex? I try it, when I'm being brave (money spiders of course), and my hand just flicks straight away. Do you have to stop yourself from doing that, or do you not have that problem?
Do spiders...excrete? They must do, every creature does, I know my Mrs Gren rule. Is it like hamster poo?
Maybe I'm just scared of them because I don't know much about them.
Why do they have so many eyes too? Can each one only look in a certain direction, so they need many so they can dodge the slipper?
I don't think I have any more questions. No wait, one more. Do they lay eggs, or do the nasty, or some other creepy spidery way of creating creepies. OMG now I have visions of 16 legs doing the nasty. Mother of...
For the record I'm fine with snakes and things, it's just spiders. Oh and you know, sharks.