The Official Pets thread

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ok, as promised here are my ratty boys being introduced to my mom. archie is on the left and hodges is on the right. so far my cat seems completely confused, she came into my room sniffed the cage and left. then i found her sitting there staring at the cage so i took archie out to show her and she ran away! :eek: she is a mighty huntress so she must not understand what these rats are doing in the cage :lol:

and heres a new one of the pixter. the flash really made her eyes glow in an evil way and i love it :D
Woah, Pixiecat is evil.... Love it, I'm sure all cats are a little evil... (but I love them all). And the rats are seriously cute, what does your kittie think about them or have they not met? She will know.... :D

I was cat sitting for my Dad's two again earlier this week, his two look evil with the flash as well...and are stupidly fluffy. Freya and Raffles
oh no hearty! from the pictures you posted of the two of you the other day i thought he was still little. hope you feel better soon.
he was 2 and 2 months, yeah he looked little coz he was sick, he used to be heaps bigger, but now he is buried and my eyes are sore from crying :(
Don't have pics to show right now. I've personally got 1 cat, names Pooky. She's all black. Then there's my brothers 2 cats Tommy, who's a big fat yellow and white one, and Psycho, who's black and white and very sleek. Yes Psycho is a very proper name for him. They live with us but neither one gets along with Pooky and Pooky would prefer that they weren't here. :lol:

my rats are growing quickly, now they actually fit in their cage! :lol: when i first got them they could squeeze between the bars, so i had to cover the cage in wire mesh. i just recently took the mesh off because i noticed their heads didnt fit through the bars anymore. here they are:
hodges and archie
they look the same from the front but archie has a spot on his back that hodges doesnt

and on valentines day was pixies aniversary! weve had her for 15 years now :eek:
here she is when she first gets up
get that camera our of my face!
like, seriously :lol:

she was very happy for my brother and i to come home for reading week today. she hasnt seen us in over a month. my poor parents have to deal with the crying cat all the time!
Well wow i havent been in this thread for a while! But umm i have one pet thats actually mine, She is a cat named Hazel (originally Heather but i prefered Hazel.) and she is such a little cutie. I love her lots and lots!

And at my mom and dads house where i lived a little over a year ago there is Emily ( a dog) she is nine years old and im scared that she might be sick, she is slipping all over the place, i love my little Emmy <33
And then there is Quinn (also a dog )he is five years and he is soo anoying but i miss him.
Then there is Joey ( he is a cat) he is probaly the fattest cat you will ever see and it makes me laugh when i look at him!! and then there is also a fish...but hes my sisters, hes cute ( for a fish ) honestly with the way my sister is im surprised the little thing is still alive.

But i will stop rambling. I just looove my pats.
well my other great passion apart from CSI ;) is animals and i volunteer every sunday at a local rescue centre ( i love helping out there but the biggest reward is free riding! :D i ride Blacky normally, a 14.2hh fell cross and she's gorgeous! i'll post pics and the pic at the end is a signature i made for another forum
ok i'll stop :p but that hardly touches my photo collection!
i also have two cats, chelsea who is black and snowy who is white. they are sisters and are 7 years old :D
being ever so slightly silly in the washing up dish :roll: :D
and both of them when they were little:
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