I probably already mentioned having two dogs, but now I have a cat too. Max and Molly are the dogs, lab/shepherd mixes, as a refresher.
The kitty is a 9mo old tortishell Persian or Persian mix...not with totally long hair thank goodness lol. She's black, brown and orange mottled for those who might not knwo what tortie is. I think it's a type of calico.
She's still in that active kitten stage and likes to bite me lol. I wanted to call her Stella but I got outnumbered by Chloe lol. She stays out of the dogs' area except when they're outside, but she does sit in the kitchen chair and stare at Max when he comes up to the gate.
Sometimes she watches TV, especially animal programs, and she loves to watch the fish in the upstairs tank (she doesn't see my downstairs tank much...she'd have to go by the gate the dogs are behind lol)
I'd post pics but I need to either get a disposable camera or learn the digital one.