The O.C.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!I don'T know what i'm gonna do!!!I'm practicing every thursday from 7 to 9!!!I'M GONNA MISS IT!!!and I'm not able to tape it!
Yeah, it does suck. It's been such a long time since it was last on!!! I can barely even rememer what happened on the last episode!
Sorry Cat I'm so use to seeing Destiny's name in the Hottness thread. :D

Forgive me. I haven't been in the Break Room in awhile.
I'm waiting for "24" to start. :D

Just one more week guys and then the show returns!!! Any predictions for what might happen in the remainder of the season?
yeah oc!!!!! love it too!!! i love ryan/ fav episode will umm the one that ryan went to the giant wheel to tell marissa the way he felt about her..that is just soooo cute!!! and his reaction towards the height was cute too!!!!! and then i like the one during new year i think where marissa said to him 'i love you' and all he said was 'thank you' hahahah that is soooo funny!!!!! the dislike character that would be trey,ryan's brother!! i hate him cause ever since he came along troubles always come!!
I love all of the ryan/marissa story lines! I can't stand it when they're not together, it just doesn't seem right. I don't like trey either he just brings trouble. I also love seth I think he is so funny! I loved the episode where seth and ryan went to a party and it was the first time seth had gotten drunk!
right!! i forgot to mention seth!! he's cute too..ryan and marissa are meant to be together if i'm not mistaken marissa has broke up with umm what was that girl name again? alex?yeah i think..and marissa wants to be with ryan which she just confess to summer
yeah I didn't really like that Alex chick, no one can replace ryan! I like the show so much better when ryan and marissa are dating and seth and summer are together! I can not wait for next week! :D