The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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With all this comparison of Nick/GE to Tom Cruise, I'd like to go on the record of saying that it is unprobable that George Eads is going to go on Oprah, and jump up and down on her couch yelling, "I'm in love!!!!"

Hehehehe back on topic.
I'll be surprised if there is GD continuity...I've given up hope, sigh. I don't want this to sound horrible or anything, but I'm kinda glad that for once this kind of crap is happening to someone other than Nick. Not because he deserves a break (which he does, but I live for Nick angst, so I don't care :p), but I just cannot go through the crushing dissapointment after dissapointment waiting for some real closure again. Sometimes I really wish I wasn't so obsessed.

pabzi said:
i think that it could be that nicks hairstyle in most of s6 was part of the continuity. you guys are gonna think im nuts (cause i am :p ) but i think that it subconsciously may have been hhis way of dealing with the whole thing.
I think you're right on the money. The 'stache was one thing, but it bugs me when people criticize GE for the hairstyle, because I really believe he did it for the character's sake. He even talked about it at the beginning of the season. A little harmless snarking is fun, but in all seriousness I'm so grateful GE chose to take continuity into his own hands, because the writers sure weren't giving us anything. :rolleyes:

Sorry for the OT-ness...I would talk about his scene in "Bang Bang" (and what a cute scene it was! hee.) but haven't had the heart to re-watch the episode yet. :(
Not only was I angry when Nick flirted with the hooker AGAIN, but the actress who played Sally, Kelly Carlson, and I go to the same dentist, and when I got my "come in for a cleaning postcard" a few days ago in the mail SHE was on it. Theres also like a GIANT poster of her in the waiting room. Pretty girl, but did I really have to get her pic in the mail? Nicky, stop flirting!
So, in last nights season finale.....Did anyone else besides me think that Warrick was referring to what happened to Nick in Grave Danger when he was talking to the dead guy's sister about not giving up, etc?...Or was it just me?
wlk68 said:
So, in last nights season finale.....Did anyone else besides me think that Warrick was referring to what happened to Nick in Grave Danger when he was talking to the dead guy's sister about not giving up, etc?...Or was it just me?

It wasn't just you at all. I thought of that too, especially since the guy committed suicide and Nick was close to doing the same, but he had WAY fewer options and was put in the situation without being given a choice. And he had fought for so long until the end. I think Warrick really admires him for that even though we haven't seen much of that on the show.

Then I thought maybe he was talking about Brass not having a choice in almost dying from getting shot, but I choose to believe it was about Nick, I think that fits better anyway. :cool:
Good thoughts, you guys! I hadn't considered this.

Perhaps Warrick was thinking of Nick AND Brass (I'm sure Brass' situation reminded him of Nick's). Warrick is a little more emotional than some of the other characters and it makes sense that he'd be bothered that someone who COULD have lived chose not to. However, the sister was also right -- he shouldn't have been dumping all that on her. She was already grieving her brother's death and didn't need to hear Warrick's accusations. But I can appreciate where Warrick was coming from.

I'm still hoping that Nick and Brass have a good chat at some point but... *shrug*.... we'll see!
^^^ Actually, yeah- I thought it was a nice touch, from season finale to seaso finale. Sort of a full circle thing. I think it was nice that everything about Nick was light hearted in this episode too- sort of like, "OK, this guy has had a tough year, let's let him have it easy this time around (finale)." I liked all his scenes in what I can only say was a somewhat disappointing episode.
^It was a cute episode, but no where near as exciting as last year's finale. I don't think any episode will ever top Grave Danger.

I was actually kind of glad to see as much Nick as we did. This being the big 'GSR' episode everyone was looking forward to.
I thought it was just a quintissentially Nicky episode, you know just classic sweet, light hearted good old Nick: Being protective of Brass and watching Ms. "anti-scial" Ellie like a hawk, being picked on again by Hodges about the size of his waist(you know I really think if the writers explore the friendship between those two it would be golden....I really think Hodges loves and values Nicky more than he is willing to show)...and ofcourse his line ot Grisoom about the severed heads....and yes like everyone I am dissapointed that the season is over and we are yet to have any real GD closure.George Eads tried, bless his heart, hair-styles, little looks, and if he actually had something to work with we could have had a Nicky meltdown that would make a nuclear reactor blush! But, alas it turns out that our boy is really tougher than he lets on and it really is "over". So now we can only guess what lies ahead for Nick in season seven. What would everyone like to see? What is your fantasy Nick episode(no, Rashomama two doesn't count!)?! I don't no exactly what, but I know I would like to see more Nick angst. Not that he hasn't had enough, just that GE does it oh so well.....Oh, I don't know and maybe Nick Brass and Greg actually talking about some of the things they had been through...the lab explosion,the shooting, the whole BRTI situation, GD,.....Things that were brushed off with a "it's over" or "you hands are shaking now go back to work" , or "Great, Brass, there is no diciplinary action, moving on"
In a word whatever happens to Nick I want some continuity. For TPTB that means actually folowing up ona story and having it mean something.
ariela57 said:
you know I really think if the writers explore the friendship between those two it would be golden....I really think Hodges loves and values Nicky more than he is willing to show
Word!! Just look at his reaction in Grave Danger when the courier showed up with the envelope. He practically tackled the guy. I think maybe Hodges has a little bit of a crush on Nicky.....and, honestly, who doesn't?!?!? ;)

So now we can only guess what lies ahead for Nick in season seven. What would everyone like to see? What is your fantasy Nick episode?!
Wow, good question. I have a lot of things I would like to see in Season 7 for Nick. Not sure if they would all fit in one episode though....

1) I would love to see Nick take on more of a leadership role. He did fantastic in Gum Drops and had a really good rapport with Ecklie and the DA in The Unusual Suspect.

Maybe there could be a really big case with multiple fatalities (like in Chasing The Bus) he could have shift that night (like Warrick in Ellie). To be able to see him rise to the challenge and be the mentor and leader I know he could be would absolutely rock!

2) I would also love for him to maybe get himself a girlfriend (or boyfriend)...I really don't care just give the poor boy someone to love!!!

No hookers, no murder suspects.....just a nice, warm genuine, loving person.

And I don't need to see every single minute of it played out in front of me. Think more like Super Dave with the occasional mention rather than like with Catherine where we saw her train wreck of a love life played out in nauseating detail.

3) And finally, a little bonding between Nick, Warrick and Greg. Maybe get a little scene with them doing something outside of work, just having fun. I would be curious to see what these guys do to relieve all the stress that doing their job, day in and day out, does to them.

I've pretty much given up any hope of more Grave Danger continuity than what we've already seen so there's no point in beating that particular dead horse any more. *sigh*
I think my main "fantasy" about Nick in Season 7 is also about taking on more leadership. I think he has MORE than proven himself, particulary -- though WE have been frustrated by the lack of GD continuity or meltdown -- in the way that he came back SO STRONGLY from such a traumatic experience and has become and even better CSI, if I may say so. :)

He may not be the scientist Grissom is -- though I think all the CSIs are really good at what they do -- but he certainly has better relationship skills and some of his moments of isolation in Season 6 have shown that he CAN be detached and focussed on his work.

As for Hodges... I think there IS a little bit of a crush there, but I don't think it's a physical/sexual attraction. I think Hodges sees qualities in Nick that others have not appreciated but, being Hodges, he can't come out and pay a compliment. Clearly, though, he's very aware of Nick. Maybe he compares himself to Nick. I would like to see Nick pick up on that at some point and treat Hodges with a gentler hand -- maybe being more sensitive to any insecurities Hodges may have. As sweet as Nick is, he CAN be a bit snobbish toward annoying people. So, I would like to see Nick's character grow and mature even more. He's already a great guy, but I'd love to see him become really wise and insightful.

Of course, I'm probably fantasizing about an all-Nick CSI season... :lol: Yeah, let's just focus on Nick for, oh, 24 episodes. :D

Sigh. :)
Truthfully, I think it's the nature of these "techies" to want to be cool like the guys who get to go out in the field- they live vicariously through them. Greg used to obviously look up to Nick and now so does Hodges. And it's logical that Nick would be the one they choose- he's Mr. All-American: Good looking, well-liked, cool at his job... They all want o be like him (hey, just ask Nigel Crane! :lol: )
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