The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style!

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Warrick: Wow, that is very sharp.
Grissom: When the trial is over, I might want to keep it to chop veggies for salads.
Warrick: Ewwww. Gross.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: This probably freaked out some guests when they came down for ice.
Warrick: Because it is a murder weapon?
Grissom: No, because it looks like a big doo doo.
:lol: the knife one Dynamo1


GREG:: "Dave, bring me a jar, or a container, here's a centipede, it's for Grissom's collection":eek:

DAVE:: "I don't have anything to put it in":cardie:

GREG:: "Look in the kitchen, and hurry up, before it crawls under the chair":wtf:

DAVE:: "Allright, but I'm processing this crime scene":rolleyes:
Greg: "Look what I just found!"

Sara (off camera) "What, the murder weapon?"

Greg: "No a quarter, I'm 25 cents richer!"
Everyones were funny:lol:


DAVE:: "EWWW, this is disgusting, I can't tell if it's male or female":confused:

NICK:: "Me either, and not only disgusting, disturbing, poor whoever":cardie:

DAVE:: "Lets get this back on a table, before it falls apart":shifty:

NICK:: "Where's Doc"?:censored:
Dave: I think my dinner is a bit too well done. I asked for medium rare.
Nick: Since when are you into cannibalism?

---=== OR ===---

Dave: I can't tell if this is a man or woman. I'll have to call Temperance Brennan.
Nick: Bones? Oh, good. A crossover episode.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: This one smells worse than most.
Dave: I'm glad Emeril's idea of smell-a-vision never came around.
-don't know if I'm allowed to play, haha-

Dave: Woah, Nick don't turn around...Ecklie's
Nick: -stunned-pretends to be checking out the body- Oh, yeah. That's a person...mhm.

(haha, lame. but I tried :D)
Welcome to the nut house, Jessica_Lynne. Everyone is allowed to try. Don't worry about how it sounds; it might be amusing to someone out there. It is also good practice for your fanfic stories.
Welcome Jessica_Lynne your comments were right on and like Dynamo1 stated, welcome to the the "nut house" this is strickly for :lol: and it's fun to see everyones views about the particular scene:thumbsup:


WARRICK:: ""OK, then, this guy is totally cardboard, but what the, I kinda of am now too, or something more sinister, but this was then, so "wanna come on in"?:wtf:

PHOTOGRAPHER:: "That's a wrap Brown, good job":thumbsup:

WARRCK:: "My pleasure":vulcan:
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Warrick: And this was me, before I was cool and applied for the job with CSI.

---=== OR ===---

Warrick: I just love being a ghost. I can pop into places and spook some uptight nerd like this.

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Warrick: So if this guy comes to your door and says he is selling cookies for the boy scouts, do NOT trust him. The girl scouts sell cookies, not the boy scouts.

---=== OR ===---

Gary Dourdan: This is my replacement at CSI? The ratings will go down the toilet.

---=== OR ===---

Warrick: I would like to introduce you to my twin brother Waldo. Say hi, bro. I think mom was fooling around on the side.
:lol::guffaw::lol::guffaw::lol::guffaw: OMG those are absoulutely brilliant, why can't I think of those?.. good job Dynamo1 hilarious:rommie:

DR. LANGSTON:: "So Cath how am I doing"?:confused:

CATH:: "Well, so far so good, but your no Grissom":rolleyes:

RAY:: "Well, excuse me, you're no Sara":vulcan:

CATH:: "What's that suppose to mean", you don't even know her":confused:

RAY:: " AHH, but I do, & it's my little secret, she attended one of my classes and we went for coffee, and she told me alot":)

CATH:: "About what"?:eek:

RAY:: "Like I said, it's my little secret";)
Ray and Cath (singing): Follow the yellow taped road. Follow the yellow tape road. Follow, follow follow, follow, follow the yellow taped road.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: Ray, do you think you can do the limbo under the tape?
Raymond: Let's find out.

---=== OR ===---

Raymond: So which color chalk do I use around the dead body?
Catherine: Well, it depends upon the color of the pavement so there is contrast. Also, you don't want to clash with the vic's clothes or your nail polish.

---=== OR ===---

Raymond: Maybe if I wear only one glove like Michael Jackson, I can start a fashion trend among CSIs.
:lol: funny as always the yellow brick road one:bolian:


GRISSOM:: Thinking to him self "OK, these two lottery tickets are two dollar winners each, what can I do with $4 bucks? but I'm with my bugs, and that's all that counts for now, I hope nobody walks in anytime soon, paper work, paper work, geez I hate it"
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